An aunts nephew

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With UnknownRC oc's: the fox sisters (Hope and Joy)

Calvin was hanging out with Jace and Wendy as he thought, things went from sudden to everything..Rachel went on to be an assassin, Hallow is finally following in her parents footsteps, Lera, Jet, Olivia, Annabelle, And a couple of friends of Annabelle's brother have joined their new groups whatever it is, and hell pretty much every kid we knew came and go..accept for me and my brothers...but the only brother that was corrupted was C.J...but I may need to go..I promise mom and dad to meet up at the cafe...I wonder if they knew today is my birthday. Calvin stretches and walks out.


Oblivion was waiting for their birthday boy to come with Silver and Kylie when a familiar voice said behind them, hey Oblivion. They turn to see Joys older sister Hope. Joy said as she waved to her sister, hey sis. Hope waves to her sister before turning to her brother in law and said, can we talk?... Oblivion nodded but didn't know what it's about. About a minute later Oblivion and Hope we're standing next to the entrance of the cafe as Hope said, there's been something I wanted to ask you...why is Silver wanting to be like me when he grew up? Oblivion sighed and said in honesty, to be honest've been like a role model to him...he told me he wanted to be like you when he grew up..he's been looking up to you since birth...remember when Silver was born? Hope thought back to when Silver was born.


Hope hurried to meet her new nephew at the hospital. She entered the room and said as she sweated from running, s..sis..are you okay?..I..I heard the baby was born and I... Joy said holding baby Silver, I'm okay sis... the two sisters see Oblivion, Bullet, Stealth, and Calvin enter. Little Calvin said as he revealed chocolate cookies, mama..I got chocolate cookies for you. Joy giggles and said, heheh that's real nice of you Calvin.. Hope said, hehe he's real adorable...Bullet you've really growing into a big boy with Stealth. Bullet said, I'm big now Aunt Hope. Hope giggles as Oblivion said, heheh yeah they sure have... Then Joy reveals baby Silver asleep. Hopes heart melted and said as she and Oblivion got closer to him, awww he's so beautiful.. Baby Silver yawned and opened his eyes seeing Hope and Oblivion. Hope said softly, hi there baby are you? Silver smiles a little at her.

<Flashback ends>

Oblivion said as his ponytail blew in the wind, Silver always looked forward to your visits when he was a baby...but when he turned two and Joy was pregnant with C.J. she always tells stories about your adventures and how brave and a good fighter you are along really inspired him that you've been an amazing person and a real good fighter..he also said that you've been the most coolest aunt he and his brothers ever had. Hope said flattered but slight surprised, wow..I don't know what to say. Silver then tapped his fathers shoulder and said, hey dad Calvin's here. Oblivion said, oh thanks for telling me. Hope said to Silver, Silver?..can I speak to you? Silver nodded as Hope said, I..I never knew how much you look up to me Silver..I not even sure what to say...but...I can say I'm flattered you wanted to be like me when your old enough know...but I'm happy to say that your really think of me as the coolest aunt you and your brothers ever had. Silver smiled and said as he hugged Hope, I love you Aunt Hope. Hope replied, I love you too Silver. The Joy asked, say sis do you wanna join us for Calvin's birthday? Hope nodded as Oblivion pets his head and said, happy birthday Calvin Oliver Wars. Calvin giggles as Hope, Joy, Kylie, And Silver said, happy birthday. Calvin smiles and thought, thanks you guys.

A/N: UnknownRC i wanted to make you this chapter as a late birthday gift. I'm sorry I didn't make you this chapter earlier on and I'm sorry I missed your birthday. But I hope you like this chapter.

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