Another fight of the Wars Brothers/Eris and Maxwell moment

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With baki10addz oc's: GeneralRex, Worldwar and (2/4 of his family), Maxwell, And Cassandra.

Also features two alternative songs from (powerman 5000 and disturbed)

General Rex was in Vega-City once again for a private meeting with General Calibur with him was Worldwar, Cassandra, And Maxwell. General Rex said as they arrived at their destination, Worldwar I'm going to have a private meeting with General Calibur alone so I recommend that you wait for me and if something happens let me and him know immediately. Worldwar nodded before General Rex walked into the base as the guards let him in as they said, good day General Rex of the carnivores our General awaits you. General Rex said as he walks past them with his usual tone, good to know. Maxwell looks around as he said, hmm where is she? Cassandra said, where's who? Maxwell said as he blushed, no one! Worldwar said as he sighs, you came cause you wanna see Eris didn't you? Maxwell said, Dad I love her a course I wanted to see her.. Worldwar shrugged and said, it's okay with me son I'm not judging. Maxwell said, well Dad I can say this she's one hell of a woman. Worldwar smiles before Cassandra said, ya know...It's been a while since I seen Kyle and his brothers.. Worldwar said as he scratched his head, didn't I tell you dear? Cassandra asked, tell me what? Worldwar said, recently comrades Kyle and Xander have been fighting more than usual...I seen them once fighting in front of a bar yelling at each other when me and a few others came here to talk to our allies about something important and..hell I even seen them fight brutally like a couple of wild dogs. Cassandra said in surprise and shock, what?..what happened between them? Worldwar shrugged and said, that's the problem nobody knows why they started acting poorly towards each other. That's when Zane and Randal and Eris walked out of the base fro their lunch break before Eris sees Maxwell and smiles and walks to them. Randal and Zane followed. Maxwell sees her as Eris said, hey there handsome. Maxwell said as he smiled, hey there yourself Hot-stuff. Maxwell took Eris' Hand as she smiled making Zane gag at the sight of Eris and Maxwell. Worldwar then asked Randal, hey Randal where's your father at? Randal said, he's on his vodka break right now..hopefully he wouldn't run into Uncle Xander. Cassandra asked suddenly, uhh Randal do you know the reason why they've been treating each other poorly? Randal said in honestly, beats and Zane try to ask him but our father doesn't wanna talk about it and hell we even try to talk to him about it but he told us to never talk about it no... before Randal can talk much further two familiar voices shouted and cursed. One familiar voice said, STOP FUCKING FOLLOWING ME AND QUIT FUCKING BOTHERING ME YOU BEDWETTING BITCH?! The second voice said, I AM NOT A BEDWETTING BITCH YOU CANNIBAL BASTARD!! The kids, Worldwar, Maxwell, And Cassandra turn to see Kyle and Xander fighting once again. Cassandra asked, is that Kyle and Xander?..I nearly didn't recognize them they look...different. Zane said, yeah recently my dad and my uncles and aunt took a brand new look. Randal said, yeah. Kyle then shouted, IS IT TOO MUCH TO ASK IF YOU LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE FOR ONE FUCKING DAY?!..YES IT IS YOU STUPID EMO-WHORE! Xander shouted, QUIT CALLING ME AN EMO YOU DEMONIC SON OF A BITCH!! Kyle mocked Xander, quit calling me a emo you demonic son of a bitch. Xander yelled, QUIT MOCKING ME!! Kyle said, THEN LEAVE ME ALONE!! Xander said, IN YOUR FUCKING DREAMS BASTARD!! Kyle said clenching his teeth, ya wanna fight?..then you got one emo! Xander growled as he started to fight his older brother, YOU ASK FOR IT CANNIBAL!! Colonel R.B. (Who walked to them with Dimitri and Andy before seeing the two wars brothers fighting) said, ugh not again! Worldwar said, you can say that again. Cassandra said, weren't kidding Worldwar they do fight like rabbis dogs. Then both the Wars brothers started singing one half of a song song each.

<Xander: bombshell (by Powerman 5000)>

Xander: get up get up get up..

*attempts to punch Kyle but fails*

get up get up get up

*tries to kick him but fails*

get up get up get uuuuupppp...

*tries to hit him again but fails as he dodges*

get up get up get up drop the bombshell.

*hits him in the stomach and face*

get up get up this is out of control!

*kicks Kyle on the crotch which Kyle dodges*


*Kyle dodges his kick*

Now look who's coming yeah look who's back!

*tries to use his X-move but only caught Kyle on the shoulder*

Quick drop the bombshell straight to the track.

*Xander throws a knife at him but only cut Kyles left cheek*

The twenty first century killing machine.

*Kyle dodges his attack again.*

Burnt on the inside, a five-headed team

*tries to punch him again but failed*

Now I'm not the same because you're not the same

*punches Kyles face but only left two brusies*

And you're not the same because I'm not the same

*Xander hits him bit Kyle dodges again*

And we're not the same this could never be the same

*Xander gets irritated as Kyle rolls his eyes*

And we just want to survive

*Xander kicks Kyle again but failed*

Get up, get up, get up, drop the bombshell

*Xander then punches his face again*

Get up, get up, this is out of control

*Xander kicks Kyle but Kyle dodges*

Get up, get up, get up, drop the bombshell

*Xander growls and screams to hit Kyle*

Get up, get up!!

*but Xander failed as he hit a brick wall instead*

<Xander finishes singing as Kyle rolls his eyes>

Kyle said as he huffs, are you done yet? Xander glares at him as he smirks and said, well looks like it's my turn to kick your fucking cocky ass!

<Kyle: Inside the fire (by disturbed)>

Kyle: *demonic laughs as he takes his eyepatch off revealing his demon eye*

Oh Devon

*Kyle kicks Xander*

Won't go to Heaven

*Xander fights back as he tries dodging his attacks*

She's just another lost soul, about to be mine again

*Kyle kicks Xander's face*

Leave her We will receive her

*Kyle punches his stomach harder than Xander*

It is beyond your control

*Xander growls as he tries hitting Kyle but failed*

Will you ever meet again.

*Kyle kicks his knee hard*

Devon One of eleven

*Kyle slams Xander on the wall*

Who had been rendered unwhole As a little child,

*Xander gets up and fights back despite taking most damage*

She was taken And then forsaken

*Kyle punches Xander square on the nose*

You will remember it all Let it blow your mind again.

*Xander punches him back*

Devon lies beyond this portal Take the word of one immortal

*Kyle punches his stomach again*

Give your soul to me
For eternity

*Xander throws him on the ground*

Release your life

*Kyle gets up and kicks his knee again*

To begin another time with her

*Kyle snarls angrily at Xander*

End your grief with me

*Xander growls as he spits out blood*

There's another way

*Xander punches Kyle but failed*

Release your life

*Kyle scratches Xander's face*

Take your place inside the fire with her!!!

*Kyle kicks Xander crotch hard*

<Kyle finished singing as both boys glared at each other with hate and anger*

Xander and Kyle started fighting again before Dimitri stopped it as he, Worldwar, Cassandra, Colonel R.B., And Andy ran to them and Dimitri said, OKAY THATS ENOUGH YOU TWO!! SHIT WILL IT KILL YOU TO STOP!? Xander said, STAY OUT OF THIS YA BASTARD!! Andy said, partner calm down that ain't like ya. Xander said, HOW WOULD YOU LIKE A PUNCH IN THE FACE WISE GUY! Kyle said, HEY LAY OFF MY TEAMMATES EMO BOY!! Cassandra said, boys can't you both get along? Xander said, I don't think so! Kyle said to him, I was trying to have a peaceful day and yet you came and ruined it..honestly why can't you just leave me alone?! Xander said as he huffed, well I'm gonna walk away and next time I'm following you whether you like it or not cannibal boy! Kyle then said as Xander ran off and Worldwar and Colonel R.B. Grabbed him and keep him from doing anything else violent, WHY YOU BEDWETTING EMO SLUTTY BASTARD!! Worldwar said, Hey..hey..don't make a big deal out of nothing my boy. Colonel R.B. said, yeah at least calm down Wars. Kyle sighed and calm down as both colonels let go of him. Worldwar looked at Kyles demon eye and said as Kyle put the eyepatch back on, huh I was wondering why you have an eyepatch I know long did you have that eye? Kyle replies, since after Brandon's stupid troubled friend decided to hire some help. Cassandra said as she crosses her arms, you two seem different than before did you both get new looks? Kyle said, yes man and it's a long story. Colonel R.B. said, let's just head inside and wait for the two generals to be done... Worldwar said, okay but first...*to Kyle* do you have any vodka? Kyle said giving him a bottle of vodka, I bought five just in case someone else needed some. Randal said as he sighed, well at least things calm down... Zane said, yeah but I gotta question where's Eris and Maxwell? The twins looked around for their sister and Maxwell.

<okay here is a Maxwell and Eris moment>

Eris who walked to the base just to take a quick smoke with Maxwell. Eris said as she sat next to Maxwell, so you started smoking? Maxwell said as he nodded, hehe yeah it's a long story though. Eris said as she laughed, ehh I don't blame ya I started smoking myself and I never got caught by my brothers, my mother, or my father hehehe. Maxwell said as he wraps an arm around her, clever girl. Eris said as she blushed, aww thanks. Maxwell said as he winked at her, your welcome Eris. Then Both took one smoke at a time as they laughed and talked for a while. Eris said, so anyway...did you remember the promise between us? Maxwell nodded and said, yeah..I remember...I know one way or another that we will be together my Eris. Eris smiles and blushed as she said, oh Maxwell I love you so much. Maxwell said as he took his hand, me as well Eris. Then as both got lost into each other's eyes they kissed.

A/N: hey guys sorry this is too long but if you guys wanna hear the rest of the said music feel free to listen to it but I hope you guys enjoyed the story.

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