April fools special (a grave scare)

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A/N: (the sneaky) Stealthy belongs to (best friend and creator of the rare prehistoric htf oc's) @Baki10addz, (the beautiful warrior) Hope, (the lovely) Joy, (the ultimate survivor and older sister) Remnant, and (deceased and halfway mentioned) Gun belong to the one and only (the amazing writer and Htf fan) TheUnknownRC6 , and (the amazing father and notorious) Cinnamon belongs to (the creative and awesome) KZCool14

The Whisper fanclub decided to dress as cute jesters knowing how funny April Fools is while others plan to play a prank on the number one fool Shifty. But for Oblivion April Fools day is not so fun. He was walking to the cemetery with Remnant, Joy, and his big sister Hope. Hope asked Oblivion, how could you not like April Fools day? Oblivion said, I don't just don't like it I hate it. Joy asked, why do you hate it hun? Oblivion said, cause every year Xander thinks of multiple ways to scare me as a prank on April fools day...first he tells a made up scary story then dresses up as the monster in his stories to scare me which works every time...I keep getting scared just before he laughs at me about how scared I am and actually believe his stupid scary stories...I HATE IT!! Remnant said as she sighs, Oblivion it's okay calm down your acting like my brother after he hears a scary story....Xander just doesn't have time to know who takes jokes and who doesn't. Oblivion said as he sighs, yeah but you all didn't haft to come to the grave with me ya know. Hope said, yeah but he was my defender after all. Oblivion said as he looked down, can't argue with that. Oblivion asked, so where's Stealthy Remnant wasn't he coming? The ultimate survivor said, he says something about teaching Stealth his sneaky pranks but I'm sure he will catch up. That's when Oblivion shook up as he had a flashback about earlier.


Xander said appalled, your going back to that hypocrites grave?!...forget it!...I wouldn't be over there if I were you. Oblivion asked, why the hell not? Xander smirked and said, cause his ghost will take shoot you in the head! Oblivion said, please Xander not this again! Xander said, oh Oblivion...
Oblivion..Oblivion..true Run died forever. Oblivion said, his names Gun. Xander said, whatever...but you better watch out for his ghost..they say a few days after his death the old priest hears three gunshots in the middle of the night when he was looking up after the last church service...before he hears faint whispering from behind and no one is there...then he sees a dark cat like figure in the cemetery before his untimely demise...they found his body the next morning with a gunshot on his head and all over his body like Swiss cheese...hehehe so ya still wanna go to that bastards grave? Oblivion glared at him and said, Xander this whole thing is getting old!..so stop with these dumb monster stories! He walks off.

<flashback ends>

When they were walking they hear something in the bushes before someone jumped out in front of them as Oblivion screamed. It was Stealthy as he said, sorry Oblivion...April fools...but seriously sorry... Oblivion sighs and said, no it's fine Stealthy...I thought you were teaching Stealth your sneaky tricks. Stealthy said walking to them, oh I was but I left once he shown me he was ready to do the sneaky tricks I taught him he's a natural born...well..me...in fact he kinda reminds me of a younger yet
raccoon/fox version of me. They raised a brow before the five proceeded to walk to the cemetery. While walking Oblivion tells that story Xander told him which appalled Hope. Though Joy said, most of the town heard about it dear... Oblivion said, *sighs* Xander must've told that story to everyone for fun...but as I was saying they and mostly Xander says Gun haunts his grave along with the cemetery at night or on rainy or cloudy days like this and attacks them. Stealthy asked as he raised a brow and a stern tone, did you actually believe it was real? Oblivion said as he scoffs, no!..it's just a rip off story of that graveyard witch Xander made up to scare people usually me that was blown out of proportion if you ask me. Hope said, I'll say I was quiet mad when I first heard it and I'm more appalled about it now...but whoever killed Gun I swear on my parents ashes...one of these days I will find the person who did it...he or she will pay for what he or she did to my friend and defender. Oblivion raises a brow and said, they never caught him still? Hope sighs and said, afraid so.. Joy said, never mind that big sis were already here. Remnant then said, say Oblivion..can I ask you a question? Before Oblivion can say a word they hear one gunshot or two in the distance. The five jumped at the sound before Oblivion yelled out, XANDER CUT IT OUT I KNOW ITS YOU!! Stealthy said, sheesh does he scare you every year on April Fools day? Oblivion said as they entered the cemetery, yeah that's his only time of year to scare me. Remnant asked, what about Kyle, Axel, and Brandon?...or that lost brother of yours...what's his name Nisp? Oblivion said, Whisp actually...and no he's having father son time with his foster or rather...his father Cinnamon and little brother Reese Theodore Mitchell Willowquim...  Stealthy said, uhhh never heard of him...hey that Reese has the same first middle name as one of my cousins. Remnant asked, why does this Reese kid have two middle names? Oblivion said, Whisp said it was his mom Carolynn's idea...though to the people his parents are freaks. Hope asked, why? Oblivion said, well let's just say his parents have a condition where their expressions do the opposite. Remnant then said, oh..I never heard of that kind of condition before. Oblivion said, well it's pretty much rare. Halfway to the grave Oblivion slipped and scream as he fell on his stomach. Joy said as she gasped helping her husband up, oh!..Oblivion are you okay? Oblivion said as he stands up covered in red stains, I'm okay sweetheart I just slipped in something. Then Oblivion's eyes widened as he sees the red stains as the five gasped. Remnant said shakily, Th-that looks like...b-blood...*gasped and screams before jumping in Stealthys arms* OH MY GOD ITS THE GHOST OF GUN!! Oblivion said, relax Remnant...this is just Xander trying to scare us. Stealthy said calmly, yeah Remmy Oblivion's right there's no need to be scared...*yells* XANDER COME ON OUT I KNOW ITS APRIL FOOLS MAN BUT WHAT YOUR DOING IS NOT FUNNY!! Oblivion said while holding Joy who was starting to get frightened, if there's one thing he does is that he never gives up until I get scared..he's only doing this to scare us. Hope then said while shaking as he hears two more gunshots, well it's working..he must be determine to scare you. Oblivion replied as they started walking again, you can say that again... When they arrived at the grave about eight steps away from it they hear faint whispering. Oblivion said shakily starting to get scared as Joy, o-o-okay Xan-Xander y-ya got us...n-now pl-please stop.. they hear a whisper said in a hateful, ghostly, and scary tone, ggggeeeettttt...ooouuuttttt... they were shaking as Oblivion said starting to tear up with Joy, X-Xander pl-please stop.. then two more gunshots were heard as Hope said while shaking, I-I don't think it-it's Xander's doing... Remnant asked as she and Stealthy were shaking, b-b-but who is...? They gasped as they see a certain bloody decomposing blue cat behind the grave stone as the voice said angrily, YOU HAVE DISOBEYED MY WARNING!!...NOW YOU WILL ALL DIE!!! All five of them screamed, AAAHHHHH ITS HIM!!! They ran to the entrance before they slipped on the blood and before they know it water balloons appeared and when they splashed on the five they were covered in multi colored paint. Xander appeared with Evangeline as they laughed. Xander said as he laughed, AAHAHHAAHAAHHHAA!!..APRIL FOOLS SUCKERS!!..you were right my raven it is funnier pranking more than one person...*to the ghost who was actually Kaito Hellfire in disguise* nice acting Kaito you really scared them. Kaito took off his hat that was camouflage revealing his long hair and said, heheh just don't tell Whisp he be furious. Xander sniffed and said angrily as his and Joy were in tears ready to cry, TH-THAT *sniffs* WAS NOT FUNNY XANDER!! Remnant said, YEAH YOU LITERALLY SCARED US!! Stealthy said, IT WAS NOT FUNNY!!..*thinks a bit* okay maybe a little funny BUT IT WAS STILL SCARY! Hope enraged was gonna strangle them but Joy and Oblivion stopped her as she said, WHY YOU NO GOOD LOUSY SUCK UPS!!..IM GONNA STRANGLE YOU TWO UNTIL YOU PASS OUT!! Joy said keeping her grip, please calm down big sister! Oblivion said, yeah Hope settle down I know what they did was wrong but violence isn't gonna solve anything. Hope calmed down as she sighed and said, your lucky I'm letting this slide you two but if you do something like this again I won't hesitate to slice you in halves. Stealthy asked pointing at Evangeline, who's she? Oblivion replied, that's Xander's girlfriend Evangeline. Remnant said as she looks at her, huh...she looks as dark as a raven. Oblivion said, yeah she does...*to Xander* I knew it was you Xander but why the hell did you come up with this stupid prank?! Xander said, heheh..I knew you would go to that dumbasses grave and when I heard you were bringing your wife, sister-in-law, and your two friends..my Evangeline and I thought it be interesting...we had Kaito dress up as the ghost cause he's a perfect fit...we were gonna have his older cousin do it but he has other plans...we used fake blood that we used last Halloween for the trail...again April fools suckers. Oblivion glares at Kaito who took off the wig and revealed his long blue hair said, please don't tell Whisp he be furious at me if he found out... Oblivion asked as he rolled his eyes ready to punch the Living crap out of his twin brother, oh and I guess your responsible for the gunshots too...what'd you use a shotgun? Evangeline and Xander looked at each other as Xander said in confusion, gunshots?..I didn't do any gun shots?... Evangeline said, neither can I...I don't handle an instant weapon like a gun. Kaito said, yeah I only did the part of the ghost. Then the five friends spines shivered up as Oblivion said shakily, i-if t-that wasn't you... Joy said shakily, ...t-t-then w-w-who was...? They hear two gunshots again as the eight of them screamed in fear and Oblivion and Joy said, ITS GUNS GHOST!!! They screamed and ran away as the gunshots turned out to be firecrackers for the church annual belated spring is here celebration. Whisp who was preparing for the event with his family looked around as Cinnamon said walking to him, what's the matter son? Whisp said in confusion, it's nothing dad..but I coulda sworn that I heard Oblivions voice and I coulda sworn I heard screaming. Carolynn then said walking to him carrying a box of decorations looking around, it must've been someone playing an April Fools day prank...*looks at the mess Xander left* my goodness gracious what happened here? Cinnamon said, whatever happened here must've been one of those April fools day pranks. Whisp said, yeah your right mom and dad... Reese who was carrying the box of firecrackers said, Whisp?...I haft to wonder why these are so loud? Whisp said as he sighed, Reese don't use those firecrackers yet...if someone hears them they may get the wrong idea that they hear a gunshot or something. Reese said as Whisp picks him up, okay. They then walked to the back of the church revealing the annual belated spring is here celebration. The priest said as he sighed, Whatever was going on there must've had  too much fun. Mairvianosa said as she tugged on Whisp's jeans, big brother?..I heard someone say there's a mean ghost that haunts here. Whisp chuckled and said putting down Reese, *to Reese* bro I may need you to help mom out with the firecrackers over there. Reese said carrying the firecrackers and walked to his mother, okay Whisp. Then Whisp said petting his sisters head chuckled, hehehehe...oh Mairvianosa don't be silly it must've been a story to scare you on April fools day...there's no mean ghosts. Cassidy said next to her, well okay but why do people prank each other for fun on April fools day. Whisp shrugs and said, I dunno but that's probably the joke. Cinnamon picked up Autumn and asked, Whisp?..can you help Reese, me, and your mom with the concession stands? Whisp nodded and said, okay dad. Cinnamon said, Mairvianosa and Cassidy I need you to help out the other kids with the stands. Cassidy and Mairvianosa nodded and said, yes daddy. Cinnamon walked to one of the concession stands with Whisp and Reese. Cassidy walks to one of the booths as Mairvianosa hears whispers and coulda sworn she sees a shadowy cat figure at the cemetery but she shook it off and said, there's no such thing as mean ghosts..besides...*walks to the booth* whoever made up that dumb story must've been stupid enough to think it scares me. Whisp looks around while helping his parents and said, huh...where's Kaito?..it isn't like him to run off like that..oh well...if I know my boy Kaito he just has other plans with his cousin...this is a weird April fools day...goodthing me and my family were busy to actually prank someone...*to Cinnamon* isn't that right father? Cinnamon replied, yeah it sure is son.

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