Bloody tears/sacrifise-fail.

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I don't cry like my six siblings...I never least...not until that...incident...I thought I saw someone dead...I fell on my knees as tears stream down my face...but my tears...are blood...I cried was the first time crying at such a time like this...I couldn't let my brothers or my sister see me...not even once should I let them see me...but...only almost all my brothers and my sister saw me...the only one who doesn't my youngest brother Rage...he must never know...that kids been through hell than any of us had...I maybe seven years older than him...we all maybe older than him...but...he been through hell more terrifying than ever...Xander was the only one who was been there for him besides Damnation...Rages deceased case your wondering why my hair is short as Xander's...I was walking deep into the woods when some cult member attempted to make me a sacrifice...I attacked him...I took most of the damage...I kneeled down as he pulled my bloody red hair an attempt to kill me...but I took out a knife as he said, you think your gonna stab me fucker? I snickered and snarled with a toothy grin and said, this ain't for you asshole... I cut my hair as short as Xander's hair before grabbing the cult member by the collar and said, you are so dead... I stabbed the cult member before eating his eternal organs... after I was finished some gunk got into my hair turning it black...though I kept it for a week or two...I didn't care...Morgan liked the haircut but not the black hair....can't say I blame her she liked my natural colors...hehehehe...I washed the gunk off about a day later before Morgan smiled.

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