Eris, Randal, and Zane Wars big day

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With baki10addz oc (the clever fighter) Chompy.

Zane's pov

I can't believe it's actually, my sister Eris, and my twin brother Randal are finally going to the V.C. Military. We have been working our muscles and our fighting skills so hard that I wouldn't break a sweat. Micheal in the other hand is too young for that. Eris said, I can't wait to tell my boyfriend. Randal said, like that will happen. Eris said, what was that? Randal said, you heard me ya stupid slut. Zane said, oh man I can't believe we're actually going...if only mom and dad can see us now...we're now soldiers going to the V.C. Military together. A familiar voice said from behind, well I'm actually happy for you three. We see Chompy who was a little troubled but very happy. I jumped to hug him and said, hey Chompster...good to see ya bud. Chompy chuckles and said, good to see you too Zane, Randal, And Eris. Our oldest sister huffed in disappointment. Chompy chuckled said, were you expecting my brother?... Eris said puffing her cheeks to pout, yes?..I was. I laughed as I said, she's just misses your brother very much. Chompy said, hehe..yeah I can see why. Zane said, so how's it goin bud. Chompy said,'s been good I guess so you guys finally going to the V.C. Military? Randal said, yeah we're waiting for dad to pick us up...but not all of us are going. He pointed at Micheal who was disappointed for not going. Chompy said to Micheal, hey there Micheal. Our little brother replied, hello. Chompy asked, what's wrong? Micheal said, my brothers and sister are going to the V.C. military but I'm not cause I'm too tiny. Chompy sighed and said, well that's too's probably cause your too young to join and you have a long way to go. Micheal nodded before Chompy continued with a solution, then I'll tell you what if you wanna learn fight more then I may teach ya some moves that will help ya when your ready. Micheals face brightened before a car horn was heard. It was our father in his black car waiting for us. I hugged Chompy and said, don't worry Chompy we'll come and visit you and your family as much as we want. Chompy said, thanks and good luck Zane. We fist bumped before me and Randal went to the car. Eris then said, tell your brother I love him. She walks to the car greeted her father and then goes into the car and we drove off.

Micheals pov

I'm gonna miss my siblings though I have my mom and Chompy... though when I looked at him he seemed down. I asked, is something wrong? Chompy said as he smiled, everything's fine...I'm just thinking... I said, okay. Even though it seems fine but something tells me it isn't.

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