Family picnic (cop vs crook 2)

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A/N: this is gonna be funny than the last one. This time the whole family of the crook and the cop are there. Also featuring: @baki10addz oc (the t-rex criminal and Shreds father) Slash.

Matt, Sue, and Macy were happy to have a simple family picnic. Sue said, I'm so happy we're finally having a family picnic. Matt then said as he prepares everything, me too hun. Macy was okaying around not too far from her parents before all of a sudden something flew towards Macy. Sue gasped and got her out of the way. Matt said as he rushed to his wife and daughter, are you two okay? Sue said as she and Macy got up, we are dear...someone tried to kill us. They see Lumpy from behind stabbed by a butter knife and died as he collapsed. The cop family gasped before hearing a voice they didn't wanna hear said, hehehehe...well well well...this is just like last time but now it's the whole family! Sue said as she glared at the criminal lioness, ugh we were hoping you wouldn't show up...wheres that crooked son of yours Deb-Bitch!?..and why the hell are you here? Deb replied, I'm having a criminal family picnic while we kill and torture the hell out of other people in the park...but my son and I couldn't start...cause to Shred it wouldn't be a criminal family picnic without his father. Sue said, what? Macy said, his father? Matt's eyes widened at the mention of his father and said, oh no...not him anyone but him. Then a voice Macy never wanna hear said, oh yeah! They see Shred behind his mother said, my father returned from Japan so he can have a crime spree picnic and criminal family time....I haven't seen him since I was only a child. Matt muttered, I haven't seen that son of a bitch since he appeared when I was gonna sent Deb to hell. Sue then said, is this suppose to be a joke ya damn whore?! Then a voice that shook the cops to their cores said, you three should know not to start a family feud without me. Then they see Slash beside Deb as Matt growled and said, so...we meet again Slash.. Sue, Matt, and Macy crossed their arms as Deb, Slash, and Shred smirked at them with sickening grins on their faces. Later when both picnics began. Things were bad like how they were in Shred and Macy's swimming lessons. Matt and Macy were gonna play hide and seek as a father and daughter time but Shred and Slash had other plans for them. Slash and Shred were on top of a tree where Matt is hiding behind. Shred quietly chuckles Slash whispered, sssssshhhh...your gonna give us away. Slash then poor a box of itching powder and ants all over Matt before Matt himself started itching and moving funny while screaming. Slash and Shred laughed evilly as they looked at Matt humiliate himself. Like father like son they are. Macy glared at the two up on the tree before she gotta goat provoked and head-butted the tree causing both to fall off a tree. Macy said, that's for what you did to my father. Shred said, oh yeah?..well remember what happened when you looked at my dads face? Slash glared at her with his scar before Macy screamed and ran away. Shred and Slash laughed more hard. Deb said watching, hehehe like father like son. Sue growled and said, hey Deb-Bitch tell your family to keep his hands off my family. Deb said as she stood up, make me! Sue then grabbed her by the black shirt and said, glad too...bitch! She then punched the criminal lioness before the two started fighting. While fighting that keep pulling their hair, ripping their clothes, punching and kicking, and bruising each other. Slash's and Matt's jaws dropped at the sight. Sue ripped Debs shirt revealing her bra while Deb ripped part of her shirt revealing hers. Slash said while watching and feeling sweating, sheesh this is hot. Shred asked, ya think I find a hottie like you did with mom? Slash replied, maybe someday son. Matt said while watching them fight, geez...this is bad. Macy mumbled, I gave up my date with my precious Pascy for this? When they stopped fighting Sue walks to Matt and said, that bitch and her family are real bad-apples. Matt replied, yeah I'll say. They walked off with Macy hearing the mocking laughter of the criminal family of three. Matt and Sue said, those two are gonna regret that.

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