Fixing friends

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A/N: with TheUnknownRC6 (the shy and creative and son of Shifty) Crafty Racoon and Baki10addz oc (the badass female, the queen of fights, and daughter of the carnivore colonel herself) Sandra

Jace's pov

I've been in this cult since the day I started and we're also a band but I actually just don't care. I was hanging out with some of my punk friends, my brother Jet, and his girl and (Crafts cousin who he doesn't know yet) Satsuki talking. I was listening to music which was heavy metal when my stupid dumbass friend Avery tapped me on the shoulder. I removed my earphones and said, ugh!..whaddya want Avery? He looked at me and said, some gigantanosaurus chick wanted me to give you this. I took it and it was a letter that said, "meet me at the happytreeicecream parlor tomorrow at 10:00AM." It didn't say who it was from but I know this I haven't been at the ice cream parlor since I was only a small child. I was with two friends that I never wanna remember..we used to be close but now we're like strangers...but mostly me...cause I rarely see fact I don't see them at all...I swear I would turn it down though I would have if Jet woulda shut up about it...he freaking pestered me to go. When the time came I walked around in my usual outfit a dark jacket, a black skull shirt, baggy-jeans, a ponytail like my dad, dark goth-boots, dark eyeliner as kinda like face paint, nosering, and two earrings on the left side of my ear. Halfway there I almost got ran over by five strange kids that brow little resemblance to Flippy, that little girl who is Fliqpys daughter, and that 16 year old boy that dummy Disco bears been jealous of. Two of the girls giggled as that 16 year old boy said, careful you five don't run.. Fliqpys daughter said as she almost ran me over, WAIT UP!! I yelled at them, WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING YA BRATS!!...Ugh amateur kids.. I continue walking to the icecream parlor. When I arrived I looked at it and said, ugh...this is lame...I'm supposed to be writing songs not be at some place for babies!..waste of time.. I was gonna leave when a familiar female voice said from behind, not so fast Jace.. I turn to see Sandra who was on her own. I said, I'm I know you? Sandra glared at me and said, Jace Devon's don't pretend ya don't know me... I took my hood off and said, ugh..fine it's me ya happy stupid? In shock Sandra said, Jace! that anyway to speak to your friend? I looked at her and said, so?..I talk to my friends like this all the damn time! Sandra's shocked face turn into worry and sadness while she looked at my "I don't care" face as she said, you changed Jace.. I said, have we all?..whaddya want Sandra?..I got better things to do than to hang out at a place for babies. Sandra then said with a concern look, what happened to you Jace?..what happened to the fun loving Jace Crafty and I used to know? I rolled my eyes and said, he grew up and stopped acting like a suck-up!..that's all ya need to know tell me whatcha want? Sandra said, *sighs* listen someone wanted me to come as well...a letter told me to come here as well and give the other one to you. I said, now who in the hell would bother us for this? A familiar male voice said, well if you certainly didn't have a bad attitude about it you woulda guess who it is Jace. We both turn to see someone I never wanna see along with Sandra. It was Crafty who was almost as tall as his father. I looked away as Crafty said, hey Jace...nice piercings. I said sarcastically, oh thanks Crafty. I see Crafty looking at me and said, what?...what happened to calling me Craft? I said as I cross my arms, I outgrown that...but I'm guessing your the one who wrote those letters. Crafty said, one and only...guys I know it's been so long since we hung out but...I wanna hang out with you two for old times sake. Sandra said, I love too but I promise my sister-in-law and Sally I go out tonight. Crafty said, oh yeah I heard your brother got married...lucky him. Sandra then said as she smiled, yeah he is...*mumbles: I wish I got married...* I get disgusted hearing this. Crafty looked at me as his smile turn into a frown and said, so are you? I said, I'm going... Sandra attempted to come after me before I hear Crafty said, let me do this Sandra.. hmph like to see him try. I only walked 15 steps before Crafty caught me. I looked at him with a stern glare before he pinned me to the wall. I said, what the hell?! Crafty said looking at me with a stern glare, you really have changed...Jace look at you!..wheres the Jace that looked forward to playing with us, spend time with us, and even has sleepover with us when we were little kids? I looked down and said, that answer is obvious Crafty...our friendship is torn to tiny bits as soon as we got older...our last time together when we had that picnic before school started...was our final time...I stopped hanging out with you two as soon as school started... I looked at him with a hateful glare before I said while getting him to unpin me, now get away from me and never talk to me again! Even though I said that and walked off Crafty grabbed me by the wrist before I slapped him in the face. I can tell he's not ready to give up before he pinned me to the wall once again and said, Jace...I know you changed but I know your still the same Jace that me and Sandra knew. Jace said, your so naive Crafty...just like you always have...I've been naive my whole damn as an outcast and having two stupid friends who only feel sorry for me! stop with this stupid act already and go back to your happy parents and enjoy your damn solitude!..that's all you always freaking two don't understand me like you said you did if you think I'm gonna be hanging out with you and Sandra your dead wrong!..I know how much you hate me and Sandra hate me like other kids have!! leave me alo... Before I continued Crafty smacked me hard across the face. I looked at him in shock with wide eyes while I felt my swollen cheek and trying to hold the tears...Then he said something I never thought I hear, is that why you've been avoiding us?...Jace...I never knew you I felt that way...but me and Sandra weren't friends with you cause we felt sorry for and Sandra're still friends Jace and we are friends with you cause your one of my first real friends...just as much as we are your first real friends. He noticed I was trying to hold back the tears as he continued, Jace...I know how hard it is but you gotta understand...I went through the trouble of doing this cause I want to spend time with the two of you...if it weren't for you and Sandra I be a shy boy never leaving the house...I wanted to hang out with you and Sandra for old times sake though it is sudden but...that's not important...Jace..I know your old self is still in there...your just not letting him out...besides...I like you Jace you've been like a brother that never left my side to me...Sandra has been the only love life I ever had but without you we only be two out of three of us. I didn't know what to say about that but I look down as Sandra caught up to us. Sandra sees me holding my tears back. Sandra asked, what happened? I said, j-just scrape is all. Sandra sighed and said, Jace your stuffing your emotions in...that's not good...I'm not good with this stuff but you gotta let it out sometime. I looked away from them before feeling a pair of arms around me in a hug. I looked to see Crafty who buried my head on his chest as he said, Jace it's okay...please let it out. That did it just as soon as I closed my eyes I started crying and tears stream down my eyes. Not long after I felt another pair of arms around me and Crafty. I looked to see Sandra who wanted to join in the hug. Crafty whispered as he rubbed my head,'s okay Jace it's okay.. Sandra then said, we're here Jace... I whispered as tears stream down my face, I'm sorry... Sandra then said as she and Crafty did their best comfort me, it's okay's okay. It only went by for two minutes before I calm down and all three of us broke the hug. Later that evening me, Crafty, and Sandra were sitting at the park looking at the sun set. Crafty was in the middle of the both of us. Sandra then gathered her courage and kissed Craftys cheek. Crafty blushed as I chuckled like I did when I was small. I said, long has it been?..since I seen you two do that?...hehehehehe.. Crafty said with a smile on his face, I knew the old you was still in there Jace... Sandra asked, so when did you join a band?..I thought you were working as a delivery boy? I said, I quit that job five months ago it wasn't much of a thing for me anyway...I started a band with a few of my brothers friends. Crafty said, oh..hey...if we have time..would you two like to do something cool for old time sake? I said as I smiled, well..I don't see why not. Sandra then said, depends what we can do..hehehe. All three of us laughed just like we did when we were kids.

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