Ghostly visits

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A/N: with @TheUnknownRC6 (the mysterious) Unknown, and KZCool14 oc (the beautiful cypher) Lumi:

Oblivion was walking to the cemetery once again to visit a certain friend again but when he arrived at the cemetery he looked to see a mysterious figure looking around. Oblivion yelled as he rushed towards it, HEY!!..WHOS THERE?! He then ran through the figure before falling and yelled, AHH!! That's when a voice said from behind in a calm and little surprised, certainly have changed...I kinda almost didn't recognize you with that ponytail..but I'm surprised you can see me. Oblivion mumbled as he stood up, that voice... he then turn to Unknown in a surprised tone. That's when Oblivion sees Whisp who wanted to see his GrandAunt Lumis grace again. Whisp spotted Unknown but mistaken him for Chrono and said, is that you Chrono? Unknown who was amazed that Whisp can see him turn to Whisp and said in a confused tone, huh?..who's Chrono?...uhhh...have we met before? Whisp asked, at Egypt where I had a fieldtrip? Unknown shook his head and said, uhhh...not exactly. Whisp shrugs and mumbled, I coulda sworn he was Chrono... Unknown said as he turns to Oblivion, I don't know who that is but I can say I'm surprised you two can see me... Oblivion asked, yeah but...what are you doing back on the mortal world Unknown?..I thought you be in heaven with...cuddling with you know who... Unknown said, Yeah I was but sometimes I come back here to see what I missed...I seen people have changed mostly their looks mostly...though Kyle's new look really gave me a shiver up my spine. Oblivion said, it did to me too but uhh...we got used to it... Unknown asked, who was that? Oblivion said, that...was our lost brother Whisper Rage Willowquim...he's adopted...though you may not believe where he's raised from. Unknown said, ya don't say...but uhh...I have a question...I've been seeing this triangle creature for sometime lately and I was hoping you know what it is... Oblivion said, well it's possibly Whisp's deceased GrandAunt Lumi... Unknown asked, GrandAunt?..well I may find it hard to believe but...another question..why is Happytreetown crawling with people I don't even recognize? Oblivion said, would you call me crazy if I told you they're from the parallel world like Whisp is? Unknown said as he shrugged, sort of... a familiar voice said from behind, I dunno what you two are talking about but I'm not sure this is a appropriate place to talk. Oblivion and Unknown turn to see the ghost of Lumi as Oblivion said, Lumi is that you? Lumi said, who else were you expecting? cousin?..a course... then Whisp's voice said from behind, G-GrandAunt Lumi? The ghost of Lumi turn to see Whisp in tears with a disbelief but relief look on his face. Lumi said in tears with a smile, my dear sweet grandnephew.. Whisp hugged the ghost and said as tears stream down his face, GrandAunt Lumi...*sniffs* I..I thought I never see you again. Lumi said wrapping her arms around the crying raccoon, it's okay's okay..ssssshhhh. Unknown said, that's an unusual reunion. Oblivion said, I know...but it is sweet don't ya think? Unknown said, can't argue with that Oblivion...can't argue with that. Unknown thought in worry as he looked at Oblivion, though if he found out my lover is actually haunting this graveyard he would lover already killed a priest...what can be worst than this.

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