Isaiah's new servant

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Isaiah's pov

*sighs* after I took this lousy or actually the former hero in. He kept following me wherever I go and hell he even follows me in the V.C. military. And what's more annoying all the girls are falling for both of us. It's super irritating but it's more irritating. But the  day finally came when this former hero Splendid confront me about something that made me satisfied. Splendid said as I was making the tea, I..Isaiah? I looked at him as he looks at me with worried eyes before I asked, what do you want? Splendid said as he went on his hands and knees, I..I know I've been annoying you for the past two weeks by following you's just that...I..I'm grateful for you saving my life...I..I wanna be in your debt...that's why I was following you.... It made sense that this former hero wanted to follow me like a pet...I had thought about it for a moment or two but then I said, oh alright you can follow me and stay here but on one condition you will be my servant and for your own sake I suggest you change your name and try to blend in the city. Splendid nodded without hesitation and said, yes...thank you Isaiah..I am at your service. I kinda crossed my arms as I said, hmph good to hear. The next day General Calibur improved him being in the V.C. military with us along side me as Kyle said slowly clapping, well it's not often Isaiah gets to team up with someone. Isaiah said, shut up Kyle. Splendid then said to Kyle, you certainly gone dark than before. Kyle said, it's a long story but I'm more stronger than ever. Colonel R.B. said, okay...first lieutenant Kyle you are dismissed...go wait for our allies with Dimitri and Andy. Kyle solutes and said, sir yes sir. He runs off as I sighed. General Calibur said, alright Splendid since your gonna be with us and be Isaiah's servant your going to haft to change your look...for now on your name is Spencer..understand? (Splendid) Spencer said, yes sir. I walked with him. Later we arrived at the room where the black uniforms are. I removed his red mask and said, I think it's best to you wear something black. Spencer said, may I ask a question? Isaiah said as I see his face, go ahead. I will admit without that red mask on he's like everyone else. Then Spencer asked, why black and not navy blue or green camouflage? I replied, well we camouflage ourselves in the shadows that's why we wear black. Spencer said as he puts on the black mask, I see... he then puts on a black vest, black jeans, and black combat boots. I will admit with Spencer by my side I can easily slaughter enemies. Though it took serious ninja practice for him. Now he and I are master and servant fighting along side the V.C. military. I use my katana and he uses his flaming nunchucks or ice-katana.

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