The death of Deb the crook

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Deb never felt so good at being the bad guy but little did she know that she will be dead this time for good. Little Mairvianosa looked at how she was causing trouble. She felt scared cause of the ghost but this time she is never gonna be scared of anything anymore. For she had the thoughts of her loved ones to think about including her big brother Whisp. Mairvianosa thought as she glares at her from behind, big and my family been the reason I wanted to be brave...but now it's time to finally set things right...thank you for being there for me big brother...I promise to be brave like you and Cassidy. Deb was attempting to harm a child who was screaming and crying while Shred watched. That's when Mairvianosa said as she stood her ground, HEY!!..LEAVE THAT KID ALONE!! Deb turned to her and said with a snarl, ha!..a brat is telling me what to do?! pathetic! Mairvianosa said, I don't care if you have a reason or not but you made a big mistake you ugly old hag! Deb was insulted and said, did you call me an old hag?!..why you insulting little cunt! Mairvianosa replied as she placed her fists on her hips, watch that ugly language you wrinkly potty mouth old hag! Deb twitched as she growled at the little girl and said, you better take that back you little cunt! Mairvianosa said, I won't take it back your just a heartless, stupid, ugly, cruel headed, wrinkly, disgusting, fish smelling, trash headed, witch-like, pig headed old hag! Deb in anger said as she growled and howled angrily, HOW DARE YOU?!...I DUNNO WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE YOU LITTLE BRAT BUT IF YOU WANNA GET KILLED WELL BRING IT YOU LITTLE CUNT!! Deb took out a knife and ran to Mairvianosa with an angry howl. Before she can lay one scratch on her something happened. Shred couldn't believe what he had seen. The six year old girl turned into a woman (which is what happens when she turns dark and other times as herself). Shred said to himself, what the hell?! Deb was about to stab her but Mairvianosa grabbed her arm as hard as a bears grasp and said, you have terrorized people for the last time!..say goodnight old hag! Deb let out a painful screech as a bone cracking sound came from the wrist Mairvianosa grabbed. That's when Mairvianosa let go of her hand as Deb said, YOU LITTLE WHORE YOU BROKE MY FUCKING WRIST!! Mairvianosa kicked her in the crotch and said, I SAID WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE!! Deb tried to fight back but every time she tried Mairvianosa dodges the attack. Mairvianosa scratches her on the face. Deb gasped as she looked at the window and said as she angrily looked at Mairvianosa, YOU!!..RUINED!..MY!!..FACE!!..YOU WHORE I AM GONNA KILL YOU!! She tried to stab her again but Mairvianosa kicked her leg so hard a bone went through her leg in an unusual angle. The criminal lioness let out a scream of pain. Then as Deb let her guard down Mairvianosa seizes the chance and takes the knife away from her and stabs Deb in the heart before slashing her chest open and smashed Deb's heart with her foot. Deb could hardly breath as her heart was smashed. Before she can utter a word she died. Mairvianosa whispered as she heavily breathed, you deserve this for what you did... Shred couldn't believe his eyes and whispered, oh god can't die... Deb's blood formed a huge puddle of blood around her corpse. Shred was angry before he can attack her Mairvianosa dodged him as he tripped over her blood and landed on it. Shred sat up and looked at Mairvianosa who was back to normal but was glaring at him and said with a panic and angered voice, YOU!!!...WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU?! Mairvianosa hits him and said, I'm just well mannered little lady. Mairvianosa walked off as Shred was in disbelief about the girl. As Mairvianosa was outta sight Shred growled. Before he can run after her the cops appeared out of nowhere and surrounded Shred as Sue said, FREEZE SHRED!!...YOU ARE UNDER ARREST!! Shred glares at the police and lift his hands in the air and said with a growl, you have got to be kidding now I get caught by the police...ggggrrrrr!!! Pascal looked and him and said, I told ya he was a cowardly lion Macy. That's when Macy said, you said it handsome. Pascal chuckled and said, oh you.. Shred whispered and looked down, Mom...I'm sorry I couldn't save you...and Dad?...if your out there then...I got caught and I went dead..for good...when I break out that little cunts gonna pay! Matt puns down the fugitive's son and cuffs him and said, Shred you are under arrest for theft, murder, public assaults, breaking, entering, stealing vehicles, shoplifting, drug theft, drug addiction, and a public will be locked away for life you son of a bitch! Sue helped her step sister carry the body of their arch enemy into the ambulance and then said to her husband, sh-she's finally gone...Deb-bitch is finally gone. Matt smiles and said as he roughly pushes Shred in the police care, she is gone! Toothy said as he heard it, FOR REAL?!...YES!! Matt gave his buddy and wife a hug as they laughed. The cops cheered as Shred growled in despair and anger. The cuffs were tight on him but his cruel heart shattered and mumbled, uurrgghh...I never thought I see the day I get caught even at the age of 15... Matt said, LET CELEBRATE!!! Chief Barry said, we still have that Willowquim kid to expose but...since it's Deb-Bitch who was now dead we'll go out and celebrate!! The cops cheered and laughed. As soon as they left Mairvianosa came out of her hiding spot and said, hmph!..that dummy won't be escaping where he's going. A familiar voice said, well that was a shocking twist sis.. Mairvianosa turned to see Whisp and Cassidy who saw the whole thing. Cassidy said, wow sister I never thought you be that violent. Mairvianosa looked down and said, I did it for you and our family big brother...I wanted to rid the world of evil like you.. Whisp sighs and said petting her head, that's really nice to hear but next time don't do anything dangerous okay?..your still a young girl and you have a lot to learn. Mairvianosa nodded and said, okay big brother...thank you. Cassidy then asked as Whisp and Mairvianosa smiled, so...what are they gonna do with that big mean dino-lion. Mairvianosa said as the three walked home, I wouldn't worry about him...where he's going...he won't bother us again...nobody messes with the Willowquim siblings...big brother can you not tell mommy and the others about this? Whisp replied, a promise is a promise Mairvianosa...


Shred was now in the asylum for the criminally insane. He was in a straight jacket along with a muzzle, shock collar, and leg-locks and in a unbreakable cell He had a flashback of when he was court.


After showing the evidence and every eye witness came forth to tell about his crimes the judge asked, has the jury reached the verdict? One of the jury (Sniffles the anteater) said, yes we have your honor we the jury find that abomination Shred guilty of all charges. The judge then said as he banged his gavel, very well...Shred son of the fugitive and the late punishment for your crimes I hear by sentence you to life in the asylum of the criminally insane...take him away officers! The cops grabbed him as Shred struggled and said angrily, YOU WILL ALL REGRET THIS!!..I WILL GET MY REVENGE AND WHEN I GET OUT I WILL KILL ALL OF YOU!!! Sniffles looked at him dully before Kim asked, say ya wanna grab some lunch with me and August? Sniffles said, sure all this jury duty is making me hungry.

<flashback ends>

Shred growled and struggled against his restraints and said while screaming, YOU ALL WILL PAY!!!...YOU HEAR ME PAY!!! he let out a angered howl as the doctor pressed the button and the shock collar was activated. Shred let out a scream as shock waves were vibrating through his body. As the shock was done Shred heavily breathed and said, you...bastard. He then collapsed onto the floor as the doctor said, geez this little brat is as troublesome as his mother and father... the nurse said, well we know his mom is dead and ready to be buried at the criminal graveyard but his father is still out there...he may possibly.. the doctor said, that bastard is an arrogant son of a bitch besides I doubt he actually cares about this bastard child of his anyway. The second nurse then said, I highly doubt he is around...despite some sightings he is pronounced dead. The doctor and two nurses left.

<at the morgue>

Willow who was with Sue looked at Debs body and said, I'm no skeptical person yet I am a doctor but I can tell she ain't alive anymore...she had pretty bad injuries. Sue said, sis? think Shred actually did this to his own mother? Willow replied, I highly doubt it...must've been one of the fugitive/thief tribe I've been hearing about.. Sue asked, so cause and time of death? Willow said, well I may need to see and share it with the officers. She nodded in understanding. Later at the hallway Willow had the results of the autopsy and sees the officers and said, I got the results of the autopsy everyone. Chief Barry asked, what is it? Willow said, time of death was between 25 minutes and before you all arrived at the scene after an anonymous call was made...the cause of death was really gruesome...Deb was brutally murdered but we may not know who...someone scratched her face, kicked her leg hard enough for a bone to show up in an unusual angle, broke her wrist with unusual strength, used a knife to slash her chest opened, and her heart was crushed and beyond repair. Chief Barry asked, ya think it's the person who killed one of my officers? Willow said, doubt wasn't even clever...besides it must be one of the fugitive/thief tribe I heard about...besides that we haven't even caught this lunatic...though the maniac who raped the corpse was sick...but never mind that...Deb was possibly murdered by one of the fugitive/thief tribe...yet it's strange that no one sees them...but what's confusing that there's no footprints of fingerprints on the body and the murder weapon wasn't found. Matt said as he raised a brow, whoever did this probably did us a favor. Chief Barry asked, was it that Willowquim kid? Matt said dull-like, no he had an alibi he was at the church at the time....his biological siblings saw him so you may wanna talk to them later...his other six siblings have decent alibis too...his three little Sisters and little brother are too young to be murdering... Chief Barry fell into humiliation and said, se-seriously? Willow said, if your done moping about how that kid and his mischief making brothers are unrelated to these incidents you better help me get the corpse to the criminal grave yard. Matt thought, the "bad" thing those six did was shoot paintballs at us..replacing donuts with icing covered frogs...used our badges to pin the tail on the Chief...filling our hats with melted marshmallows while we were on our break...and even putting newts and fishes in our coffee...seemed like silly teenager pranks to me...geez these kids these days. Sue and Willow walked off and buried the dead Deb-bitch into the criminal grave yard where criminals lay to rot in hell. Sue said as they complete the burial, were finally rid of that woman for good. Willow said, I'll say... Sue said, say you still having trouble getting married? Willow nodded before the two walked off with the cops to celebrate.

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