The Wars twins moment 1

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Oblivion sighed before Xander walked to him. Xander said as he stopped in front of him, still fighting that headache of yours brother? Oblivion sighs and said, yes and let me guess you had to clean up the mess Whisp and his five brothers had made at the police station. Xander said, Well they were shooting paint-balls at them what can you expect?! Oblivion said as he sits down, look I still can't get over the fact that we're twins.. Xander replied, what did you expect?!...Shifty and Lifty confronted us and confirmed it and I had to force the doctor to confirm it too. Oblivion said, no need to get huffy brother...look since I've been having headaches I've been trying to make sure I kill the pain with some pain killers. Xander rolled his eyes and said, yyeeaaahhhh right...though if anyone else found out about this I be dying in embarrassment. Oblivion said, you didn't die of embarrassment when I told my two friends. Xander said as he huffed, that dumbass and his wife don't count Oblivion you know that. Oblivion said as he sighed, geez don't be so grumpy. Xander said, I'm really stressed besides I'm having a another date with a little lady and she's.. Oblivion finished his sentence, ...Evangeline. Xander was surprised he knew what he was gonna say. Though to Xander he never thought Oblivion would finish his sentence. Oblivion said, that may also count for us being twins I mean some twins finish one sentence after the other. Xander rolls his eyes as he chucked and said, can't argue with that Oblivion. Both chuckled as Lifty and Shfity looked at them. Shifty said, that also confirms them being twins. Lifty said, cause Oblivion finished his sentence? Shifty said, that and they have a little sense of humor. Lifty looked at the clock and dully said, I'm late for band practice. Lifty walks off as Shifty rolls his eyes and said, always busy with his practices.

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