Part 2

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Hi all,

Dedicated to Walia12, nehu,  thanks for suggesting the names Neerav and Akriti.

Here you go:


Akriti: See Laksh,  this much happened in your absence.  If you have seen Ragini,  how arrogant she had become,  then you would understand me.  See this...

Akriti showed Laksh the video of Neerav and Ragini's last fight.  Since it was in front of the court,  it was easily captured.  Although it was captured for the fun, now people are using it.

Akriti: I registered the complaint against Ragini!

Lak: WHAAAT!!  BHABHI ARE YOU EVEN IN SENSE...!!  here she is missing and instead of filing her missing petition you filed a complaint against her. How could you Bhabhi,  she is your sister!! 

Akriti: if she is my sister,  then Neerav is your brother,  what about him,  aren't you worried about your brother? 

Lak: of course I am.. But that never means that I will accuse my wife.   I don't care about the reasons you have.. You believe what you want to.. I know my wife and brother.. Ragini would have said such things in anger and in the spirit of the moment.. She can never harm anyone.. And Bhai.. No chance..

Akriti: Don't forget how stubborn she can get..!!  And it's the matter of hee profession..  It's to prove that she is right..!!  A matter of her pirde and ego.  And here I don't trust her.  She doesn't have the patience you or Neerav have.

Lak: Hell with patience Bhabhi.  I am telling you.. You are loosing your sense... I know Bhai's missing affect you badly... But don't forget that your sister too is missing.  Who knows what situation they both are in.! And instead of finding them,  you are blaming your sister..!!  But you know what.. I don't care what do you.. I know how to find them both.. And sure I fill.

Laksh stormed to his room saying this.


Laksh was analysing whatever happened in his absence.  Ragini,  he knows,  how passionate she is towards her profession.  But she isn't someone for whom profession is eveything and she would do anything for that. She has her professional ethics. 

And Neerav,  he is a man of principles.  If he went against Ragini or tried to stop her, then he would definitely have a huge reason behind it.  He loved her as his own sister.  He always wish for her well being.  He can't be wrong. 

But Ragini...  She is also someone who thinks before acting. She isn't impulsive.  And she kidnapping Neerav and just like saying Charlie Chaplin is scary!!

Yes it's that contrary.  She can't do something like that.  But then why did Ragini went against Neerav. Why didn't Ragini stop even after Neerav's warnings. 

How could Neerav and Ragini fight for month!!  They both are mature enough.  Or did the matter reach their ego?  Still they aren't such fools to play fools. 

Then why fights?  Why challenges?  And most important,  what was the thing which made them fight? Where did they actually lost it?  Their unity,  he remember how they both were.


Laksh was walking in the hall in tension.

It was 1.30 in the morning.  Still Ragini and Neerav didn't reach home. Neither were either picking up their phones.  He almost made his mind on informing the police.  But held back, knowing their profession. Still this late..!

After another 30 minutes,  they came in.

Lak: Where the hell were you both?  If you where to be this late,  couldn't you just inform me.  Knowing the harzard you both are in,  how could I be peaceful.!

Neerav: Sorry Lucky,  but it was urgent. We were collecting the evidences to be provided on the court tomorrow. You know time wasn't there.

Lak: I do understand. I know how your porffession is.  But what was the harm in informing me before leaving just a message from either of you would have done. But no,  who cares,  you only be worried about the society.  Never mind me.

Neerav and Ragini smile seeing his concern.

Ragini went near him.

Rag: Sorry na Laksh woh Bhai came to me when I was doing the last minute works on the news to be aired tomorrow.  He told me about the work,

Lak: and you got excited, finished your editing fast and went with him!

Ragini noded cutely. Neerav too kept a puppy face. Their face was melting Laksh. 

Ragini and Neerav smirked seeing him melting.

Together " Sorry,  we won't repeat this ever."

Rag: Now come let's have something.  I know just like me,  you both are also very hungry. 

Together they heated the food served and then had dinner together.

After dinner:

Ragini: (smaking Laksh's back head.) You call me bacha,  but you are true bacha. See no one other than you are this tensed. This isn't the first time na we both are coming late.  But you...

Neerav: Ragu,  don't tease my brother... If we do this for the thousandth time also,  he will as worried as he was during the first time.

Lak: True,  even though I know that you both will never let anything happen to the latter,  never fail to protect the latter,  till I see you both safe and sound in front of me,  I can't breath normally. 

" hayy my cutie " Ragini and Neerav both pulled Laksh's each cheek by saying this.

FB end.

Laksh and a flight smile remembering it.  The time they three spend together is always a bliss for him.

But now...  He couldn't belive what's going around him.

Questions were killing Laksh mentally.  He needed to find a solution . He is very much worried for their safety. Where are they?  Are they  kidnapped?  Are they hiding?  Are they on the run?  Or will his worst nightmare become true?  Did Ragini really kidnapped Neerav?  Will her ego and pirde cross the limits? 

The thought itself was giving him shivers down his spine.  All he knows is that they are missing and he has to find them.  But where to begin with.

Laksh sat on his bed holding his head in his hand.

Just then meethi came inside laughing,  with a toy in her hand.

Meethi: Chachu,  chachu come na,  let's play with my new toy.  Dadda got me this few days back.

Laksh lifted his head from the hands. Playing with toys was the last thing he wanted to do at present.  But he couldn't deny seeing Meethi's innocent face,  she was looking at him  with hope.

He can't even blame her.  It has been a month he played with her.  And now when he is back,  she will need him to play with her.  He sighed.

Laksh picked her up and placed her on his lap.

Lak: Sure my sweetheart,  we will play.  But only for sometime.  Then Chachu has to go to office. 

Meethi : But today there is no school. No school means no office also. We will play for longggg time.

Laksh smiles at her.

Lak: Who told you this?  There is office even when there is no school.

Meethi: Haww,  not fair, so people going to office won't get enough time to play right. How can someone stay without playing?

Lak: It's hard, but no other option.

Meethi: Huh.. I will never go to office then.

Meethi frowned.

Laksh smiles at her innocence and kissed on her cheek.

She smiles.

Lak: So meethi and chachu will play for sometime. Show me your new toy.

Meethi gave it to him. Laksh looked at it keenly.  Then widened his eyes. 

Lak: Gosh No...!! 

Laksh made meethi stand on the ground and stood up.

He then sat on her level.

Lak: Sorry meethi,  but Chachu has to leave now.  We will play once Chachu returns.  Please....

Meethi: No no No.. Chachu promised to play with meethi....

Laksh was trying hard to control himself.  He had to leave now.  He got what he should do.  There is no time left. But how will he make Meethi understand this!

Lak: please Meethi. Acha Chachu will bring chocolate to meethi. Please let Chachu go.

Meethi: you have to bring two chocolates! 

She ordered.

Laksh smiles relieved.

Lak: of course,  my munchkin. 

He patted her cheek and left the room.

Laksh's eyes turned teary once he stepped out of the room.

Lak: why did you do this Ragini!! 

He made a call.

Lak: Ankit,  I need you to trace Ragini's number. Even though at first I was reluctant to believe,  now I am sure that is Ragini,  who is behind Bhai's kidnap.  I don't how much time police will take in finding them.  I have to reach them before.

He cuts the call looking determined.


Other side Neerav is shown tied to a pillar.   He was sitting on the ground with his hands tied behind the pillar.  His head was injured.  He was semi conscious.

Neerav heard the men saying that's it's has been 8 hours to his kidnap.

He slightly opened his eyes.

Neerav: That means Lucky would have reached back. I know Lucky,  how difficult is this for you.  But I trust you. You will act as I wish to. 

Neerav smirked thinking of the toy.  He knows Laksh will take it as he wish him to.

Neerav: Lucky won't let you suceed.  Your game is over.!!


How was it?

Ignore mistakes please❤️

So Neerav entered the scene.

Ragini will make her entry in the next part.

So now how do you think among Neerav and Ragini is right?

What is there in Meethi's toy that made Laksh take his decision? 

Did Neerav plan it to mislead Laksh?

To know,  wait for the next part.



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