Chapter 8

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Three days later, I witnessed him put on a sherwani and getting dressed. I dressed in a beautiful lilac-coloured Anarkali that he had bought for me, not just this one but Saad had filled my cupboard with multiple clothes, shoes and purses. I got all the branded clothes, a new maid that would tend to me full time and a bigger room with all the amenities a girl could want.

The woman applied lipstick on my lips and adorned me with silver earrings. I could feel his gaze on me, maybe this was his guilt. As she applied the eyeliner, "You can go now", Saad ordered, the woman asked, "But the jewellery?"

"It's okay I will help her wear them". The woman left and Saad took her place behind me. His eyes were intense as he gazed at me, his eyes were trying to read me. To detect any sadness, but to be honest I felt much happier than before. Finally, I would get time on my own, he would get busy with his new wife and I could live life on my terms. How wonderful it would be...

"You seem happy", he stated, I quickly adjusted my smile and realised what he meant. I seemed quite happy about my husband's wedding, and what wife wouldn't shed tears. The one who hated her husband, or was terrified of him. I was the latter. I felt nothing for him except fear, and he sensed that.

"Yes, it gets lonely all by myself. I would be happy now that I will get company",  I made up a lie, although I didn't consider Saad my husband, Ayesha would consider. And I would always be a competition in her eyes, we could never get along that was for sure.

As the wedding festivities unfolded, the air thickened with unspoken tension. Ayesha, adorned in extravagant attire, seemed blissfully unaware of the storm brewing within me. I navigated the celebrations with a practiced smile, concealing the turmoil that echoed in the recesses of my mind.

Saad's attention shifted, his eyes now fixated on his new bride. A pang of bitterness clawed at my insides—a bitter realization that I was merely a pawn in his game, discarded once a more captivating piece arrived. The opulent surroundings mocked the emptiness that echoed in my heart.

Alone in my adorned prison, I gazed into the mirror, meeting my own eyes searching for remnants of the girl I used to be. The silver earrings glittered, mirroring a facade of happiness. The room echoed with distant laughter, a stark contrast to the silence that enveloped my soul.

As the night wore on, I found solace in the shadows, away from the façade of celebration. The lilac Anarkali felt like a heavy armor, each thread weaving a tale of captivity. The truth lingered, a bitter aftertaste in the midst of festivity.

In the quiet moments, I dared to confront my reflection, whispering promises of liberation to the girl who had been silenced for too long. The clang of bangles and laughter from the festivities downstairs masked the quiet rebellion brewing within my heart.


Saad, adorned in his sherwani, approached the wedding chamber with a conflicted mind. Ayesha's eyes sparkled with anticipation, and a forced smile played on her lips. Yet, as he stepped into the room, Seher's face flashed in his mind—an unexpected intrusion that stirred a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.

Ayesha, eager to please her new husband, inquired about his preferences, but Saad's mind remained captive to the memories of Seher. The room, adorned with silk and scented candles, felt like a stage for a performance he was unwillingly a part of.

As Ayesha moved closer, he struggled to shake off the ghost of Seher's hazel eyes. The weight of guilt and frustration bore down on him. Their union, meant to be a consummation of vows, became a battleground between loyalty and desire.

His unsatisfied self manifested in a moment of premature culmination, leaving both parties disoriented. Ayesha's disappointment mirrored his own, and the room that had witnessed grand celebrations now harbored an unsettling silence.

Saad, frustrated by the lingering image of Seher's happy smile, grappled with the consequences of his own actions. Ayesha, unaware of the turmoil within him, tried to mask her own disillusionment. The night meant to solidify their union became a testament to the lingering shadows of a past he couldn't escape.

Seher's absence echoed louder than Ayesha's presence, leaving Saad to confront the complexities of a marriage built on shattered foundations and unfulfilled desires.

A month passed then another and he didn't pay visit to Seher. Her father was extremely angry and had made things difficult for Saad. He didn't like how he had disrespected his family and his daughter by bringing in a second wife so soon. He destroyed some of Saad's land and stopped paying for the crops as a form of revolt.

Saad had expected this, this was a normal reaction, her father was angry. But why wasn't she showing her anger? It was as if she was happier without him, the maid reported her activities and it seemed Seher was studying the past month.

Saad and Ayesha were happy in their own life, but it was obvious Saad was distracted most of the times. His thoughts seemed to unconsciously compare Ayesha with Seher. And he hated that Seher consumed him thoughts at every moment. Her hazel eyes, her pink lips and the way she stood up for herself.

Jahangir Shaikh invites the two of them for a function in their house. Seher who is informed gets ready but she is reluctant to be in his presence, it's been two months since she last faced him. Saad hadn't entered her room, nor called for her after his wedding, blissful in his marriage.

Seher stepped into the crisp night air, the white dress hugging her form with a simplicity that echoed the complexity of her emotions. Adorned with jewelry that sparkled like silent constellations, she approached the waiting car.

Saad sat inside, his brooding presence palpable even before their eyes met. He didn't acknowledge her until the car began its journey, the hum of the engine filling the silence. When his gaze finally found hers, it held an intensity that sent shivers down her spine.

The car rolled forward, and without a word, Saad pulled her towards him. The air thickened with anticipation, and then his lips found hers in a kiss that ignited a storm within her. The world outside the car seemed to fade away as Saad's lips conveyed a longing that echoed the unspoken chapters of their shared history.

The driver discreetly raised the privacy shield, enveloping them in a cocoon of intimacy. Saad's kiss persisted, a forceful exploration of emotions that had remained dormant for too long. Seher, caught in the whirlwind of conflicting sensations, responded with a mixture of hesitation and surrender.

As the car traversed the city's streets, the rhythm of their kiss mirrored the complexity of their relationship.


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