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"It was you, the whole freaking time!" I snorted

He nodded a yes. His eyes were fixed at me. He looked at me like he was looking at his Galaxy.

He intervened out fingers and softly put his head on my shoulder.

"Just stay like that" he whispered and his warm breath brushed my neck and a shiver ran through my spine.

We sat there for like half an hour without speaking a word to each other but still, it felt good.

It felt like our silence was talking. We are so busy in our lives that we forget to enjoy these moments.

"Let's go," he said while standing up and holding my hands.

We both stood up and decided to leave. Finally, we reached our home. He came out and to open the door but I was already out.

Suddenly, I felt that I was an enveloped in his warmth. His arms around me, wrapping me like a mother holds her child.

The grip was right but it was gentle at the same time. He gently rested his head on my shoulder. Our height difference was vast but he still managed to do that.

"To be honest, I have dated many girls and even hooked up with them, but with you, I feel satisfied, not physically but mentally. I feel that not only my body but my soul also belong to you"  he said while resting his heads like a sleepy child.

"Aren't you feeling uncomfortable, not cause it's me or something cause of the height difference and you have to Crouch down so much?" I asked

"I can sleep like that, that is the level of comfort I feel now," he said

I stood there, all frozen then I felt my hands going up and comforting him.

For some reason, I felt that I should comfort him. I wrapped my hands around him and felt his scent.

After a long hug, we both collected ourselves and stood there facing each other.

One part of me was shocked by what he said and the other wanted him to come back to me and wrap me again. I wanted to sleep like that.


Finally, I came inside. He got a call from Namjoon, so he had to back. I came inside and saw that grandmother wasn't there.

I checked her room. She wasn't there as well. Then suddenly my phone and it was grandma. She told me that she will take time as she has to settle some disputes.

I went into my room and got onto the bed. I held the pillow tightly and buried my face into it.

And then Tae's picture came in front of my eyes and his smell lingered in my nose. I buried my face on the pillow and literary danced on the bed.

I don't know when I dozed off thinking about him.

Next morning I woke up and got ready. I had to report to Manager Shijin this time.

I took the subway and reached the building.

I entered the building and went to the room where BTS was practising.

I entered the room and suddenly all eyes were on me. Manager Shi came to me and said.

"Welcome Soobin to the management team. Let's get to the members"

We reached to the members and they have at me. We all knew each other. They knew that I was the famous daughter is the head of the board members.

They were practising hard as they had to perform in the Music Award. I think that was the reason why Tae left last night.

Manager Shi gave me some paperwork and I was sitting in a corner, doing my stuffs.

Being there assistant manager meant that I had to stay with them all the time. I could feel someone was staring at me all the time but I ignored it.

Finally, it was evening and we were about to leave.

We had to reach to the venue before 5hours for practice purpose and for getting ready.

"Manager-nim, I will come with you!" I heard a deep voice coming from behind.

"Okay Tae" Manager Shi said

"We all know why you want to sit with him". Jimin said while giggling

I couldn't hold my girly giggle at him. He suddenly hugged me. Yes, Jimin hugged me but then I saw Tae giving him an annoyed look.

"What was that, Jimin," I said

"That was a congratulations in advance for your marriage, I mean you will get married in future so I congratulated you now," he said and hurriedly left.

I was sitting in the van but then Tae came and he literally sat on my lap. I mean if he wanted to seduce me then he should know that girls don't need a lap dance.

"Oh sorry," he said and shifted aside

All the other staff came and literary it felt like the whole bighit will sit only in this van.

There was no gap between me and Tae. Our thighs were rubbing to each other.

To adjust himself, he kept his hands around my shoulders and again engulfing me in his arms. The smell of his body mist was so soothing that I could have fallen asleep.

I was indeed feeling comfortable but just to show, I had to sit all stiff.

We finally made to the venue and I literally wanted to kill the driver for being so fast.

We went backstage and they started to get ready. They wore their costumes and now it was the time for make up.

"Hey! Can you please help me" I heard Tae's makeup artists shouting.

I went there to help her. "Can you please hold this fan" she handed me a battery fan and started to do her makeup.

I stood there holding the fan towards Taehyung. He was continuously looking at me. I felt a little weird cause the Artist saw him looking at me like that.

He suddenly took the fan from my handheld my hand and said" Aishh! I need the fan this side, hand me this and you hold my hands. I need some support"

I stood there like a statue. I was literally shocked. Nobody paid much attention to us. Makeup unnie looked at us and gave us a smile.

"Don't worry, I called you here. Just hold my hand, I feel safe" he came and whispered in my ear.

His warmth gave me shivers and I saw his face. It was half an inch away from me, I wanted him to stay like that or come closure but don't go away.

I moved my head forward and our lips touch, then suddenly I backed off.

I saw everyone around me, no one was looking at us. Everyone was busy with there work.

He gave me a smile and went away. They made their entry on the stage.



I know this chapter is a mess but please enjoy and remember to vote and comment:)

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