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I woke up by a sudden but soft moment of hands under my head. I half opened my eyes and saw it was Taehyung who was trying to slip out his hand from under my head.

"Good morning," I said in my yet half-asleep voice.

"Good morning" he replied in his raspy yet sleepy voice and gave a peck on my forehead.

"I am going to the company, so you keep sleeping. I was trying not to wake you up but you woke up" he said in his honey-toned voice.

"Ohh you are going?! Let me make breakfast for you then and I also wanna come" I said while throwing tantrums yet being sleepy.

"No! You stay home. It's not safe for you." He said while sitting

"But I'll get bored and Bang PD-nim said that I can come with you for some time," I said like a kid who wants a candy.

"Aigoo!! You don't know how difficult it will be for me to spent hours without you but your safety comes first!" he said while walking up completely and looking for his sleepers.

"Ahhhh!! Please "I literally begged him.

"Aigooo!! What should I do with you?! Fine get ready" he said and I literally jumped out of the bed.

"We will go for shopping as well" he snorted

Taehyung went in our combined washroom and I went in the other room's one.

I came out of the room and saw that Tae was cooking in the kitchen.  He was kinda fast.

I didn't know but for some reason, I wanted to back hug him. Even his back was so pretty. The next moment I realised that I am wrapping my hands around his back.

I was barely able to reach to his neck cause of the height difference but still, it felt good. I could feel that he was smiling.  Suddenly he grabbed my hands and turned back. He literally wrapped his hands around me and enveloped me his hug.

For some unknown reason, Taehyung is always so warm and his warmth can even make an insomniac person fall asleep.

"Go and sit there, today I'll cook for you!" He exclaimed

I made my way to dinning table and sat quietly.

"Umm, I am kinda curious about one thing," I said while pouting

"Ahh!! I know-i know, now you will say that for how many girls you cooked so far? So the answer is one and that is you. I have never cooked for anyone else till now. All this proves Kim Soobin that you are special to me" he said while making the omelettes.

"How did you know that I was going to say that?"I asked while trying to hide that I was completely red and was blushing like hell cause if his comment.

Now, I even stopped retaliating when he say something cheesy. I kinda liked it and I was craving for more.

"We are in this together" he replied

Sometimes I feel that I am living with a child and sometimes I feel like he some philosophers who is so much mature. But I liked both of his sides.

He was done with cooking and finally came up it. I took a bite and suddenly a tear dropped from my eyes. The food was delicious but moreover, it tasted exactly how grandma cooked.

Taehyung saw my tear and wiped it, he asked what's wrong and I said it was an insect in my eyes but somehow he knew I was lying.

"Tell me what's wrong?? is that bad or don't you liked it?" He asked

"Noo!! I loved it but it tastes exactly like how my grandma used to cook and it's just reminded me of her. I haven't seen her from so many days and I just miss her" I said

He came closure to me and kneel down and said

"Heyy! Don't cry, I know you miss her and she misses you too but she is working and she'll be back soon, then all three of us will go on lunch! Okay??"

"Hmm" I nodded

"Omoo!! Look your makeup is getting ruined and you are looking ugly. Aigoo now how will you make boys fall for you?" he joked

A cheerful yet annoyed giggle escaped my mouth.

"I don't want anyone to fall for me," I said

"But someone has already fallen and he is still falling, even with your ruined makeup," he said while staring deep into my eyes and massaging my hands.

I fixed my makeup and we made our way to the parking. We reached there and sat in the car. Thankfully no media was there but both of us knew that we will encounter a cyclone of media near the building.

I read a few newspapers and saw that mine and Taehyung's picture was on the front page with the headline


We sat in the car and he started driving.  I was kinda lost and looking out of the window when he suddenly stopped his car and said

"Give me your phone"

"Why!?"I asked

"Ahh!! Just give me" he said

"But I have some privacy and I am not like other girls" I replied

"Just give me," he said in his deep voice with a serious tone.

I reluctantly gave him the phone and after doing something for like five minutes, he gave my phone back.

I opened it and literally was on the verge of dropping it by seeing what he did.

He changed my wallpaper from beautiful scenery to his own picture.

"What Is This?"I asked while showing him the screen.

"Your finance is kinda handsome and hot at the same time. How does he manage to do so?" he said jokingly

"That was my favourite picture," I said

"I know, you clicked it with our staff who became your best friend and he was kinda famous among female staff cause he was handsome," he said

"We, no he clicked it and what is the problem in it??"I asked

"Firstly, I am your boyfriend and soon to be husband, so you should have my picture and secondly you should not have a picture clicked my another man on your wallpaper," he said

I could feel that he was jealous which made me happy but still we had this cause little argue thing till we reached.

I opened his phone and saw my picture on the wallpaper.

"When did you clicked it?" I asked

"When you realised it was me whom you gave your first kiss to"  he replied while turning  his face towards me.

"It was always you and only you," I said

"Last night we watched the night under moonlight mixed in the ocean air. The salty breeze tickled our necks, and we counted galaxies forgetting boundaries, imagining reaching for them, like for  each other. The stars lined our heartbeat and we fell so much harder than we ever had"~Taehyung

"Thank you for giving all that butterfly effect in my stomach whenever I am with you"~ Taehyung


It's kinda long chapter but I hope you guyss will like it!! I'll try to update one more in a while:)

Take care and be sanitized!!


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