Chapter 2

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The next couple of days passed by completing my fifth class and I was informed four days off coz apparantly it's dussehra and even the staff are on leave.

I somehow somewhere felt I was missing Mahir, but yet I tried to be calm telling to myself that it's just another few hours when I'm gonna meet him again.

I looked at myself in the mirror once, because I just came home from my college and in five minutes probably Mahir will come for my driving class and unknowingly I wanted to look good when I meet him.

I went downstairs and as thought he came in a few minutes and I hoped inside smiling at him.

"Hope you haven't forgotten anything in the meanwhile", He said smiling indicating the gap occurred

I shook my head in no smiling at his words and started the car.

I yet again found him on a call speaking probably in his language. Unlike my previous attempts to watch movies, this time I chose to remember a word or two from his conversation and later search to what the language is.

"What happened, why ar'nt you able to leave the clutch properly?", He asked and I felt my face loosing it's colours

It's not that he's was rude, he was just telling in a normal tone but I wouldn't want to get scoldings from him. I pouted and tried controlling the clutch carefully and yet again the car stopped coz I left the clutch a little too much than nessassary.

"Sorry", I mumbled

"It's fine, you will get practice.. just focus more on it", he said softly and I nodded starting the car again

The rest of the class passed in silence which I for obvious reasons hated it.

I reached home and as decided searched the word in Google that I heard him speak during his call and got to know it's Tamil. He's a tamilan? I don't even know abc of Tamil.

I signed keeping my phone aside. Why am I feeling the urge to learn Tamil when I know five more days and I wouldn't meet him ever.

And true to my words, four days passed by which means I'm done with nine classes and there's just a single class left.

The fact that I might not meet him after today is kinda making me feel not so good within.

While I was in my thoughts I heard a horn sound from behind and found Mahir there in the car.

I went in and sat behind as there's was already someone who was driving the car.

I practically kept starting at him from behind, his side profile also looked very cute to me that I just couldn't take my eyes off from him.

I just hope he wouldn't find out that I'm looking at him this way!

The moment the other person got down I went and sat in the driving seat and started the car.

Half way through the journey I heard him speak which I was dying to hear.

"You gotta concentrate more on the clutch, you know everything but yet makes mistakes here. Don't leave this here, practice with your car okay?", He said

"I want to take extra classes", I told out of no where

"Extra classes? You ar'nt doing bad actually.. you just need practice", He said

"Yeah, but I'm still not confident to drive alone.. so..", I said

"Oh okay, you can inform in the office and take extra classes", Mahir said and I nodded

The rest of the time passed by and I went home to discuss with Mom.

"You wanna take extra classes?", Mom asked when I told her

"Yes mom, I don't feel much confident yet.. I wanna take around three more classes atleast", I said

"Okay wait, I'll call your Dad and ask once", She said and picked her phone

I heard her speak to dad and can tell that dad accepted for the same.

"He says okay, should we go now?", She asked

"Yeah, we'll go and pay today.. so that I can continue from tomorrow itself", I said

"Okay come", she said and I happily nodded

We both went to the driving school and took five extra classes and somewhere I felt satisfied that they are a few more days I'm gonna meet him.

Going home back, I tried searching him again in Instagram. I don't know if he's isn't on insta or he have some weird fancy username that I'm unable to find.

I tried searching for the driving school account if any and when I found one, I searched if I can find Mahir's account in there following list and bingo I found it.

I finally found his account and opened only to find it private. I rolled my eyes that after so many attempts it's still of no use.

His dp was the same as his WhatsApp dp which I had already seen. He have pretty good number of posts but I couldn't see any.

I sighed and the day passed by.

Next day, I was sitting in my college with Vish and a sudden idea came up.

I took Vish's phone and opened her insta and found Mahir's account there.

Without Vish's knowledge, I unfollowed myself from her account so that incase he accept's the request he should no where get to know it's me and sent a request to Mahir's account and silently kept the phone aside.

It was time, so we had to leave and I hurriedly hailed an auto to my house but my bad luck it got punctured near the main road.

I saw the time and it was 4:55 and I have atleast five more minutes so I chose to go slow but correctly after three minutes I received a call from Mahir.

Is he already here? Shit!

"Hello", I spoke over the call

"I'm waiting near you house Madam", He said and I bit my lips

"Just two minutes, I'm coming", I spoke and cut the call

I started running on the road ignoring all the eyes which were looking at me weirdly. I din't want to make him wait and go late so I tried to run as fast I can and to my bad luck it started raining.

Ugh, I hate rains! I totally hate them!!

I somehow ran near my house and slowed down when I found the car.

Without a word I kept my bag behind and sat and once I started the car I muttered a small "Sorry".

"You just came from your college?", He asked

"Yeah, got little late in my lab.. sorry", I said and he nodded

Today driving felt more good for some reason, I felt I got better than before while most of the time Mahir kept speaking on a call.

With his talks I understood he's doing part time here until he gets a job he desires to work.

He asked me to drive to the driving school and I parked to aside.

"I'll come in minutes okay?", He said to which I nodded

I waited for him patiently and he came back in five minutes or so.

"Will you come another class now?", Mahir asked

"Now? As in two classes today?", I asked

"Yeah, my next class got cancelled that's why", He said

I nodded my head in no coz I din't wanna miss another day to meet him and he let out a small laugh.

"Tired from college? Dint go home also right?", He asked smiling and I smiled back at his understanding nature

"Yeah, not tired now but will feel that later", I laughed

"True, okay start", He said indicating the car

I nodded and started the car.

"Left or straight here?", I asked

"Left if you wanna continue otherwise straight", he laughed

"It's okay, you take rest for a while", I smiled while he laughed at my words

I smiled back and went straight and soon it was 6:15 already. Since it's already past my class time, He asked me to stop to aside and asked me to come to the passenger seat.

He started the car and must say, he's driving is just so smooth that I started drooling over the way he's handling the steering with ease.

"Bsc computers right?", He asked

"Yeah, final year", I replied

"So what next?", He asked

"Hopefully I get a job, otherwise haven't thought of anything", I said

"You will", He smiled making me flutter

"I don't know if I can ask, what's your mother tongue?", I asked hesitating

"That's okay, and it's obvious you get the doubt with my phone calls daily", he laughed

"Tamil, I'm a tamilan.. but got settled here since a few years", He added

"Oh, your parents?", I asked

"They stay in Chennai only, I visit at times", He said

I just nodded and smiled within with our small conversation.

"Will you take night classes from tomorrow, you will get good practice", He said

"As in at 7 or 8?", I asked

"Yeah, is that okay for you?", I asked

"Yes, anything after 5 is good with me", I said

"Okay then, will inform you by evening like usual", he said and I nodded

Within minutes we reached my house and got down not before muttering a small "Bye".

Four more days and yet again I din't want these classes to end. He's making my heart flutter just by his presence and strangely all this feels good which I don't wanna miss.

The next few days passed in jiffy and today is my last class.

We came to the driving school like he asked me to and I was waiting for him in the car while he went in.

He said he would drop me and asked me to sit back which I followed and was waiting for him to come.

I gotta thank him properly before I leave, these fifteen days classes felt so much fun to me and at the same time I could learn to drive a car because of him.

"Madam, he will drop you home now", I heard Mahir and felt my heart collapsing

This is the last time I'm gonna even see him and he's sending me with someone else to drop home?

I wanted to go with him, atleast feel his presence one last time but my fate I couldn't even get that small chance.

Nevertheless, I nodded getting down and got into another car which Mahir said will drop me home.

I looked at him for one last time who was speaking with this car instructor and honestly, I was feeling really bad!

I reached home with his thoughts not leaving my mind and the rest of day I couldn't help but think of him.

Surprisingly I was missing him so much. I picked my phone where Vish has sent me his photos from his instagram when he accepted her request a couple of days back.

Although I din't like him accepting some unknown girl's instagram request I shrugged it as I atleast got to see his photos this way.

I unknowingly ended up crying when I realised I was missing him real bad and clutched my pillow close to me forcing myself to sleep.

A week passed by and I couldn't help but think of him more and more.

The more I try to keep his thoughts away, the more I miss him and that's hurting. I don't know why I'm even feeling such.

I thought this to be some common attraction which would go in a few days but I din't know why it was affecting me so much that I couldn't even take him away from my mind and heart.

I was informed my driving licence test is today so getting ready I came out all set to leave to the test feild.

I don't know if Mahir will be there, all I know is the manager or whatever his post is, the person who was assisting all this is coming along with his team. But what I don't know is, if that team includes Mahir or no.

I can only wish him to come and did the same and soon reached the test feild.

Within minutes I saw the car coming and I hopefully moved forward only to find three people coming while he wasn't there.

Mahir din't come!

And I lost the last chance to see him!


Hey guys!

I know it took me more than a week to update and I'm busy this coming week also so it's gonna delay again. And yeah, next chapter will be the last like I already mentioned it's hardly just a three shot story.

I don't know how this is reaching you all, but I'm only hoping for you guys to enjoy this.

Hope you guys liked it and do Vote, Comment and Share ❤️

Love love guys ❤️

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