Oct.4 2016-The Mytery of the Table...

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Woke up did the usual and was waiting for first period to start...

When suddenly Mam.Aiza our english teacher came in and wanted to ask something to us...

She was really angry, she talked in a calm voice at first on who was the one who moved her table from her room, it was her own table and someone moved it out of her classroom, and she was confused because after the science fair she found her table without any tablecloth and plastic cover...

It was like someone trashed it, the other thing is that she wasnt aware that her table was used for one of the groups for the presentation of the science fair...

She asked Vladimir and Jestoni, they were groupmates for the science fair, she asked if what happened to her table, she asked them since they said they used it, but they weren't sure if it could be used or not...

The story goes like this, Vladimir and Jestoni found the table of Mam.Aiza on their station, they thought that Danica, our leader for the decorations for our, put it there for them to use, after the science fair they didn't know what happened to the table and it was removed of clothing without knowing, it was like a mystery....

Vladimir kept on defending himself that it wasn't their fault, but Mam was so enraged that they fought for a short while....

After a few minutes of talking out what really happened, Mam went out still enraged, she takes Danica out of her classroom and discussed it with them what really happened, Danica took Mam's side, but I know for a fact that Vladimir was innocent, he may be a guy who is really peverted and acts like a jerk, but he's really a nice guy, he wouldn't just use something without asking and just rumaged that something....

After a few minutes again of them fighting verbally, Mam walked out and Sir Rhem our Math Teacher and adviser, talked with her for a while,

After that Sir Rhem asked Vladimir to tell the truth, and Vladimir still said that it wasn't his fault, he saw the table rummaged and it wasn't his doing...

Sir Rhem believed him and tried to clear things up since he didn't want his own students to be accused of a crime that they didn't do, He's like that always finding out the truth of things before judging people, he's also the school's Guidance Counselor, because he can talk to people to stop them from fighting...

After a few hours MAPEH period started and we were shocked because Mam Boyore, said that we would sing right now before the whole classroom, with a microphone and speakers, with the volume so high that it could be reached by nearby classrooms....

It was really scary, some of the performers were singing off tune, some forgot the lyrics and some were beautiful....

After a few minutes it ended and next period happened...

There was some tests and some other stuff....

During Lunch Break we finally knew who was the one who brought Mam Aiza's table without permission, turns out it was one of her students...

I won't tell you his name, because it would break the law...

Anyway after that, afternoon period happened and all the Girl Scouts gathered to the classrooms and the Boy Scouts were outside thinking up a cheer and some campfire songs for the upcoming encampment, I was really surprised that the Mr. and Ms. BSP-GSP competition was cancelled, I was really looking forward to it, my crewmates even bragged that I would take 1st place seeing as though no one was ready too, and all the would-be performers were all members of the staff....

Anyway this has been Edison and now I'm signing out...

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