What happened today!

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This is an update for :

It's an update on what's happening and I'm not repeating myself 9 times so I'm putting it here!

This is what happened today :
Anastasia kept on grabbing my arm and stuff (she did it what felt like a million times), and each time I'd tell her in a dead serious and calm voice "don't touch me."
Did she listen?
Anyways, so at the end of the day when we just got to do whatever cause it was like 2 minutes before the bell. To get my attention she grabs my arm. I pull away from her, told her (for the millionth time today) "don't touch me." and start to walk away. Then (in a really annoying voice she asks : "Awww, what's Ali upset about this time." And she emphasizes "this time."
At this point I just ignore her and walk away. One of my other friends (Thalia) comes up to me and asks me what is wrong. I tell her that I'm done with Anastasia pushing us all around! She says that I'm just overreacting and being dramatic and that if I tell her to stop she will. I tell her that I've told her to stop every time she does it and she doesn't. Thalia just didn't believe me and repeated herself that I should tell Anastasia to stop. I repeated myself. She said : "I don't think you know what this does to me!" And I retaliated with, "I have anxiety, anger issues (yes I do, not really surprising), and think that everything is my fault!"
And keep in mind that Thalia is spoiled (and now she's also a brat) and doesn't know what anxiety is or how to control it!
I told her :
"Mmhm, tell that little person in my head that disease, and hunger, and you guys being angry at each other, and my parents arguing (they just argue, don't worry), and death! Good luck convincing that little person that all of that isn't my fault!"
And I walked off before she could say in her stupid voice : "But Ali, it's not your fault."

UGH! I'm so upset with them! If I get 10 comments within the time I'm done with my homework (so like 30 minutes) then I'll make a chapter on what I'm going to say to them.

Thanks so much peeps!
Love ya!

Peace from Camp!
Ali out.

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