A Short Story

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So today I had an idea for a short story, It's based on a dogfight in WW2. If you don't like it, don't criticize me. Anyways Enjoy...

Zoom! An American fighter whips by, towards a huge fight 6,000 feet in the freezing air. German bombers travel in formation fighting against a swarm of U.S. fighters, one by one they go down trailing thick black smoke and flames. As we enter this fight, we will see it through the eyes of an American P-39Q pilot.

A BF-109 targets onto my squadron mate's tail, I watch and let him know. "Galloway, you've got a 109 on your tail." "Galloway reading You loud and clear!" The P-39 rolls away from the 109, only the German fighter follows, I give chase. I push the stick left and trail behind the German, he's at a perfect firing angle. I push the red button on my control yoke, .50 caliber tracers stream past the 109's fuselage as he chases Galloway. We turn hard and dive, Galloway snap rolls away as I stay behind the enemy, once again he is right in the crosshairs of my gunsight as I pull the trigger. My fighters secret weapon goes Thump! Thump! Thump!  Very loudly as it fires, 37mm rounds cripple the German fighter as its wing rips off, 109 down. I look at Galloway's fighter, safe and sound, but just then bullets shoot into the side of his cockpit, blood is seen on the plexiglass of the canopy. "GALLOWAY!!!!" I yell, he was a great friend of mine, real rebel. But now I just watched him die, doing what he loved. A Bf-109 dives in front of my plane, it's the one that killed Galloway. I quickly flip my fighter around and chase the 109 on its way down, the German levels out for a split second as I get on his tail. He crisscrosses and rolls trying to shake me off, I easily follow him. I chase him into a patch of clouds, I come out but The German fighter is no where to be seen, I look around. Guns firing, the 109 comes up out some clouds and shoots some holes in my wing, some going in my cockpit. A 7.92mm round pierces my arm, I scream in agony and try to ignore the burning pain. Bullets also destroy my radio, it sparks. I pull up and roll as I come back down, right behind the German, once again he crisscrosses and just for a moment he's in my gunsight, I take the chance and fire. I score a few hits and he trails smoke, the German fighter rolls upside down and dives straight down and I follow him. I am pushed back in my seat, my head against the bullet proof glass that protects me from getting shot in the back of the head, as I chase after him diving towards the earth. He levels out, low to the ground as I level my fighter right behind him. We weave through the air low to the ground, just above the treetops. He knife edges to dodge a church steeple as we fly over a village, I knife edge with him keeping pace. The German starts running out of options as I chase him low to the ground, the fighter is right in my crosshairs. I press the button on my control yoke to fire my guns, the guns stay silent. 'What?' It think, I look at my ammo and realize I'm out. An idea strikes me and a push the throttle forward past 100%. The my P-39 boosts forward, it's V-12 engine roars in fury behind me as I inch closer and closer to the German. I pull up next to him, I roll right then roll back left. My wing smashes his and we both spiral to the ground.

My fighter hits the ground and slides roughly across a field as I bounce around in my seat. My plane stops and everything is quiet, except for my heavy breathing. I unbuckle my seatbelt and open the side door of the fighter, grabbing my revolver I jump out. I look around for the German fighter crash site. He had crashed in a field, his engine had caught fire as he ran towards a large path of trees, I ran in that direction. I ran past his crippled 109 when he started shooting at me, the German was sitting on a fence. He barely missed my foot and that was enough inspiration to make me dive to the ground and crawl behind a lump in the ground where a tree grew. Clicking my revolver, I took aim at the German pilot shooting in my direction and shot at his leg, scoring a hit as he fell off the fence and took off running into the trees. I followed him, running after him and keeping him in my sight, only Mother Nature had other plans. I never noticed a large stick poking out in my path, it jabbed me as I passed. I yell in pain and stop to put pressure on where the stick jabbed me, I kicked the stick away cursing it. I've lost my enemy but I continue walking, being cautious for other obstacles and the German pilot as he is probably hiding. That's when I notice a blood stained leaf, the blood was fresh, I clicked my revolver just in case. He ran at me, the German was hiding in a bush and jumped out yelling something I couldn't understand as he tackled me to the ground. I was pinned as he punched me in the face, twice, he then started to choke me. I wasn't gonna let him win, I punched his face and he tumbled off me, I took the chance and got up. Held at gun point by me, the German pilot started talking in his country's language and held his hand up in front of my gun. "SHUT UP!!!!" I yelled at him, not wanting to hear his pleads, he tries to crawl away but I pulled him back and sat him up on his knees. He put his hands up and pleaded, I put my gun closer to his head. He pleads, I was about to pull the trigger but I thought. I was hesistating to shoot him, luckily he made the decision for me when he put his hand on mine and lowered it. The German pilot exhales loudly in relief, but I'm not done yet. "Get up!" I say, pulling him to his feet. I push him in the direction out of the forest as I point the gun at his back. Few minutes pass as the German and I emerge from the forest, a truck waits in the distance as well as three men. "Good morning gentleman," I call out to them, "take a look at what I found snooping in the forest, he's a-" one of the men calls out, "stop where you are." The German and I do so, I put my hand over my face to keep the sun out of my eyes so I can see who the three men are. "I'm afraid the fights over both of you; welcome to Ireland." 

Soon the German and I are loaded in the truck and driven away, we're offerd cigarettes. I don't say a word the whole way. I will never fly again...

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