Deciding Pricing

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This is it, I'm 75% of the way through this.

Deciding on price has come down to a few factors. The printing in different countries costs a different amount. UK is the cheapest, Australia is the most expensive. USA and Canada are middle ground.

So the pricing is determined by the print cost, and how much I want to make as a royalty.

I'm not greedy, so I'm not trying to pick some massive royalty. The purpose of me publishing my book "Red" is for getting a book published, getting it out there in the world, not making bank. I mean, yeah, it'd be nice, but it'll take a lot before I make money.

I have to figure out what wholesale discount I want to give -meaning, what discount wholesalers will get if they buy my book. Bigger discount equals less royalties but greater opportunity to have my book actually on shelves. Smaller discount means more royalties, but I'll basically have to pander my book for the rest of my life on consignment.

Weighing these options over the last few days, it's hard to make a choice. I may actually see if I can talk to someone at Chapters (the big Canadian book store) and get their two cents on how books get selected to be put on shelves. 

This is so stressful.

Also, book return insurance. It's a thing, and I can't find a lot of information on it. Essentially, it makes my book "returnable" meaning big books stores can buy my book to put on shelves with low/no risk, because if it doesn't sell, they can return it and not lose their money? I don't really understand how all of that works.

So if you do understand it, please help me LOL

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