Chapter 1:Moving Pictures

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Henry opened the door to the workshop and said as he entered, "Alright Joey. I'm here. Let's see if we can find what you wanted me to see." When I entered the workshop, I gasped in awe, the workshop was galore and said, "Wow this is amazing! I never seen what it looks inside before. It's been 30 years to see it." "Yep sure is," Henry said and turns to me while walking, "Come on follow me so you don't get lost." I agreed and follow him as we made our way through a room with a writing of ink that read: Dreams Come True. We couldn't go through other rooms because each door was locked, so it was a long time and it was my first time exploring it, if I did explore it when I was little, I could still remember a piece of it.

It seemed pretty strange to me, but I didn't argue with that. As we continued to walk, I noticed that everywhere we go, there were Bendy stuff like clocks and posters for example. We continued walking for a long time, but I didn't care as long as we find out what Joey wants from me and Henry, or lets say my dad. Joey never wrote anything about me that has to go in, but I'm glad.

We then entered a big room where see a big gap. I noticed that there was a lift and next to it were empty things that work the switch which leads to the lift. "This lift could use a few dry cells," Henry said and turns to me, "Bianca can you check the chest right there on the left? There should some parts to fix the switch." I check the chest then opened it to find a power battery for the switch and put it in the empty slot. The next was on a shelf so I carried it next to the switch place where the battery I found was running. I finally got the last one in the slot and Henry then said, "Let's see what you're hiding down there, old friend."

He pulled the switch and the lift started to lift something up which revealed an ink machine, it was big yet so beautiful to look at. "Joey hid that for 30 years and he never told me." I said surprised, "He doesn't know that I'm gonna be here if he even notices."

"Yeah," said Henry as we walked back, "However this needs to be turned on. Follow me, we need to go to the power station." He leads me to a door that was unlocked and we headed downstairs. It was remarkable, the room was filled with two tables with  each three chairs and there were Bendy posters or shall I say the cartoons of each episode. Then there was a dartboard, my dad doesn't let me play it because it might be dangerous for me. I sat down on a chair and watched as Henry picked up three darts and throw them at the target. There was a door next to the dart board and I opened it to find bacon soup from Bendy. Of course I used to eat bacon, but never tried soup.

"This is the most bizarre soup I've ever eaten for my life," I say as I started to drink bacon soup, though it tasted good. "Why do you have other snacks in your backpack when you're eating the bacon soup," asked Henry as he peered in my backpack noticing there were snacks I packed from the house. I gulped and huffed, "Uh never mind about it, just put the bacon soup in my back pack in case we run out of snack from my house." Henry did so, not wanting to ask again and we continued to walk, but stopped to come a dead end at the corner. The room was boarded up with wood.

We decided to head back upstairs, as we made our way up there more bacon soup to store in my back pack if there is more of it, then I am not gonna have enough room for it. Suddenly a wooden board fell. "In here," Henry say going to the right and I went in with him. Inside must be the power room. "Alright how do I get this to work?" asked Henry and I noticed there were pedestals on the left and right side of the power room with a picture that represents a symbol or something. "Henry each pedestal represent an item to place on, maybe it can turn on the power." "You might be right Bianca, let's go and find them," He said as we left the power room but we ran into a pop up of cartoon Bendy. "Who put this here?!" cried Henry and I kinda laughed a little as we passed through Bendy. "Not funny," Henry groaned and I rolled my eyes, "Oh come on just laugh a little it not's that bad-"

Henry stopped me and I looked up and to my horror we entered the room on the left and it was scary. There was a cartoon dog, Boris I think, tied up in a bed and his chest was ripped open that showed his rib bones sticking out. He was dead! "Oh my god." Henry said in disgust, "Joey, what were you doing?"

The dead Boris had something in his chest and Henry approached to it and pulled out a wrench while I looked disgusted, feeling my stomach quenched and about to puke. "I need fresh air hold on," I said as I exit through a door and wait for Henry to come back and enter the room. It was fine as long as there is no dead bodies. There were chairs, desks, and other furniture. At another room, we went to the left side to find a door stocked with a few bacon soup and a desk with a mix tape. As Henry was eating some bacon soup, I played the mix tape and listened to it. The tape was recorded by Wally Frank's voice and I listened to it.

After done listening to it, I got up and followed Henry to continue our way through each room. Inside it was look like a little theater with chairs in a row. There was one chair with a Bendy plush and I picked it up as it squeaks. Behind the camera was a switch on top of it which is ink pressure and I looked at it before we left. The next room was a little small room with paper scattered around and on the desk, there was a radio I played which started to play music and a paper that was written: HE WILL SET US FREE! Under the desk was a music disc made in the old days. We left and continued our journey through each room we go. We were back in the room when we entered out by the front door so we made a left this time.

The left room there was a chair and a desk, "Hey, there's my old desk," Henry said as he showed me the cartoons he made, "I've wasted so much time in this chair." His desk was sturdy enough and I would like to sit but we move on. "Looks like they knocked out a wall or two after I left. Guess it took a few people to replace me." He said and he looked at me before asking, "So how has it been with you?"  "Well I had been lately spent time with my dad just to make us feel better ever since my mother disappeared." He looked at me, "What happen to your mother?" I looked down, "I don't know, but I used to see her as a baby. She sings me a song everynightand I keep listeningthis song to remember."

I looked at the desk and under it was a vial with ink and picked it up then turn to him and said, "But I shouldn't argue with that." "I guess you're right, we should keep going. Let's go back downstairs," Henry said as I went with him head downstairs.

We came back downstairs and there was a book labeled: The Illusion of Living, so we picked it up with us and went upstairs. "Henry I think we should get the cog from where we lift the ink machine," I told Henry as we went to where the machine was. The cog was in the chest where the dry cell was and I picked it up. That was all of the items we need to put them on the pedestals. "Ok! That's all of them," Henry said and we went to the power machine.

When we arrived, we placed the items on the pedestals together with no problem. "Now we just need to get the ink flowing somehow. Should be a switch around here somewhere. Then we can start up the main power." Said Henry. "Hey wasn't there an ink valve in the little theater we went by, maybe that can help." I said and he agreed, "You're right Bianca, let's go." As we made our way, a Bendy cut out pop out, but he somehow looked like he float even though n one is here.

We headed back to the theater, and the ink valve was still here, but whoever was here must have made a big mess. Then the vintage camera recorder played a cartoon of Bendy dancing and there was whistling. "Whoever was here after us, must mean we aren't the only two alone," I said and Henry nodded. "True, but we don't know who it is, but let's get the ink valve on." said Henry as he turned the ink valve and suddenly the pipe holding the ink starts to squirt out ink and we headed back to the power room while the ink was being squirted out.

Back at the power, I switched the lever and soon the ink machine began started running. "Well I think that is it. We should check the ink machine" Henry said, I said 'Yeah' and then we exited the power room and head to the ink machine. We arrived there, but somehow it was boarded up with wooden boards. "Strange someone definitely is here and it seems they don't want us to see." I say to Henry and I was about to get a closer, but then suddenly surprised.

Something jumped scared me through the wood boards and it was Bendy, but the ink covered only his eyes which revealed his grinning smile and he was trying to grab me with his inky hand. Henry and I screamed and fell down, but got back up quickly. "Bianca we need to leave the workshop! Hurry hold my hand and don't let go!!!" Henry yelled and I grabbed onto his hand as we scurried off to escape Bendy. He was after us because he was banging any room and filled the room with ink trying to get us.

We arrived at the exit, but when we tried to reach to it, the floor holding us suddenly collapsed and we felled while screaming, until we landed in a puddle of ink. "Oh god what is going on?!" I cried. I just wanted to be home and worse when my dad realizes I'm gone, he is going to go berserk. He lost my mom and he can't lose me either. "Don't worry we'll get out of here," said Henry as he turned the ink valve and the ink drained out. There was another mix tape by the shelf and I went to play it this time hearing Thomas Connor's voice.

"We'll find a way out of here, just don't get lost." Henry said and I agreed as we headed downstairs going even more far from the workshop. The next floor was filled with ink, but there was a ink valve so I turned it and the ink started to drain down as we continue walking. Suddenly there was a door which lead to a room and there was a writing on the wall: The Creator Lied To Us.

This was getting creepy, and there was another room, but it was boarded up as well however there is an axe on the table. "Hm an axe, this could be useful for some sort." I said and gave the axe to Henry who said, "This will definitely come in handy." He chopped the wooden boards and soon we spot a door boarded up, but with the help of the axe the door was now board free and it was opened. Inside was a room with two coffins standing on the wall and below was a pentagram with candles around it.

"What is this?" Henry asked as he got closer, but suddenly he acted weird. I couldn't understand what was happening but he was getting weaker and was falling down on his knees already until he felled to the floor passed out and I shrieked. "Henry!!!" I yelled approaching to him and tried to wake him up, but no used. Then I got and tried to look around for help. I turned back to the passed out Henry, his body not moving. I looked at  him and somehow I turned back to see a letter with the words: Please save me Bianca. He wants to take your soul and he is controlling me and my friends. B e n d y

Bendy sent it to me, but he tried to grab me. I read the letter 10 times, until suddenly my phone rang. I shivered because it was my dad calling me. He might have come home early already and without a chance, I answered him.

Me: Hello?

Dad: Hi sweetie. I just came in to see how you are doing. Is everything okay at home?

Me: Yeah nothing wrong here. Did anything happen at your trip?

Dad: Well my business trip is still not over yet. I promise to get home as soon I'm done. Well I'll talk to you again.

The phone hangs up after I said bye to dad. I sighed and took breaths. I'm glad he hadn't noticed I was missing. I need to not only get out of here, but I need to find out why was Bendy in need of my help. He did said he was being controlled by him, but who is he and why would he do that?

I looked at Henry who was still passed out and I looked at the note until I decided to watch a movie on my phone. There was a socket nearby and I plugged in my phone to be charged and took out some Oreo cookies I have brought and watched the movie.

*Third person P.O.V*

As Bianca was watching a movie on her phone, there was Bendy in a secret place and he was with a person in front of him. It was a man who wore a black tuxedo with a long gold tie, wore a black hood to cover up himself, but showed his mouth and his long black hair and he had a black demon tail swishing back and forth and on his hands were gold diamond tattoos. Behind Bendy was a girl who looked like Bianca except she had a pink dress with a slashed on her body filled with blood, her gloves torn and ripped, her bow on the back and on her neck ripped out and shredded, her hair all messy and ruffled, her shoes slightly loose, and her right eye covered with a big spot of blood. She was trapped in a yellow powerful orb.

"Well Bendy," said the man with a smile as he turns to Bendy standing there, "You did a good job of preventing Henry and Bianca from leaving the workshop, but this doesn't mean we are done just yet. I still have more tasks for you."

Bendy nodded as he said yes in sign language. The man smiled and looked at him, "You're lucky that Joe Drew will not hurt you. Otherwise I have to revive him. But it doesn'tmatter for him what matters is her."

The man approaches to the girl like Bianca stuck in the orb and told Bendy, "You see Dollie Bianca looking at herself feeling she was a doll abandoned by her owner drowning in a sea of darkness and never wanting to make a deal with me after I tried to take her soul like I did to those pesky humans?" Bendy nodded again and the man then smirked and told him something scary, "Do me a favor, when you found Bianca, make sure she doesn't escape alive so I can free Dollie Bianca for you and if you would please."

The man's voice starts to get deeper and scarier as Bendy looked at him and finally he said, "Kill her so I can take her. . .Soul."

*end of Chapter 1.*

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