Battle Between the Unbeatable

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For a hyped up league like this one, it has lacked the powerhouse matchup that keeps you on the edge of your seat. There's been close battles sure, but every battle with a serious contender has been a blowout.

Maybe the league wants that so the finals seem more intense, but it doesn't really make sense. It's almost like some of the contenders are choking as well...

Tierno and Trevor, who came in a contenders, were destroyed by Ash and Alain in their respective battles. These battles were between trainers who have had close matches prior to the tournament as well.

Sawyer's confidence was at an all time high after beating Ash before the league. Next, they meet in the semifinals and the kid gets destroyed by his idol. Unless Ash wasn't trying in the battle he lost which isn't the way he works, their battle shouldn't have been so one sided.

But we can't waste time trying to figure out what's going on.

The past is the past and no one can go back to stop the league from altering the first rounds of the tournament. All we can do is sit back and watch a classic six on six battle between the two surviving trainers.


"This is it!" Ash starts to pep talk his six Pokémon. He only used seven Pokémon throughout the Kalos region which makes choosing six easier and harder than past years... "We have worked really hard all year to get here."

"Pikachu we finally made it to the finals so let's make it count," Ash nods at his electric type Pokémon.

"Goodra it's time to show everyone in the crowd why no one should mess with your marsh," Ash jokes to his dragon type.

"It has been a long time since I caught you Talonflame, and you haven't stopped getting stronger," Ash says to the fire and flying type.

"Greninja," Ash smirks at the water type and moves on to the next Pokémon before turning around. "Aria told me her Delphox would be watching the finals with her."

Ash turns to Hawlucha who is laughing at his friend's embarrassment. "I know you wanted to battle alongside Noivern," Ash says to the fighting and flying type. "But you can still show him how we battle in the spotlight."

"Charizard it's been awhile," Ash smiles at the fire and flying type. "Keeping you with us after Unova has paid off more than once so far. All that's left is to bring home the trophy."

"That was a pretty good pep talk," Aria walks in with Delphox by her side. The two Kalos starter Pokémon are avoiding eye contact.

"Thanks," Ash smiles. "What are you doing here, shouldn't you be getting ready for your performance?"

"I made sure to get this change room," Aria explains. "Didn't want to be trapped with Alain."

"Fine by me," Ash shrugs. "Feeling confident yet?"

"No," Aria giggles. "The nerves are still there, no matter how many times you tell me I'm going to win."

"If you tell me what you're going to do, I can tell you it'll be great," Ash winks but Aria shakes her head while laughing.

"Nope," The pinkette laughs. "It's a secret for everybody, even you."

"Fine," Ash fake pouts. "I'll beat Alain's first three Pokémon quick so you don't have to wait."

"You do that," Aria giggles.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" The commentator booms through the arena. "Are You Ready!?"

The cheers rocket through the tunnel and into the change room. Ash returns his Pokémon, excluding Pikachu, before making his way towards the tunnel out. "Good luck," Aria waves him off with her signature smile.

"Thanks," Ash gives her a thumbs up and sprints down the tunnel.

"We can watch from the entrance," Aria suggests to her Pokémon and slowly trails behind Ash.

She gets to the end and looks outside at the flood of people. They're all cheering as loudly as they can while the referee tries to explain the rules. Not like it matters since everybody knows them. Six Pokémon, single battle format, break when three Pokémon from one side are knocked out.

They really went all out with the architecture this year...

There's a solid metal ring around the outside with gravity defying paths from the entrances to the trainer platforms. Then the path continues to the field which is seemingly floating in the giant pit that must go a mile underground.

They obviously want the battle to be the main focus since the field a basic forest that will be mowed down soon enough by attacks.

Aria can't see Ash's opponent but quite frankly she doesn't mind because that means he probably can't see her either. She watches Ash bring his first pokeball from his pocket and throw it out.

Talonflame flies out, leaving a trail of fire behind him for a few seconds. Aria looks at the big screen to see that Alain is making this an aerial battle with his Unfezant.

Aria barely blinked before the two bird Pokémon were at each other. Ash and Alain are yelling commands as fast as their vocal chords can go while the two Pokémon zoom and occasionally fall through the air.

The Kalos Queen is amazed by the pure speed they are showing in the Kalosian sky. Even the clouds are getting out of the way...

"No!" Ash screams which gets Aria's attention.

Aria looks at the trainer, confused as to why he's screaming since Talonflame is still flying and attacking like it has the whole battle. But suddenly Talonflame gets pushed by something hard. Really hard.

Aria looks at her Pokémon in surprise while Ash returns his first Pokémon. "What happened?" Aria questions. "Unfezant didn't even flap his wings."

Delphox has the same puzzled look but then the girls hear a helicopter sound over the now silent crowd. "That's not even fair!" Aria screams a little too loud.

Ash glances behind him to see the girl. He's surprised for a second before smiling at her and turning back to the battle. The black helicopter doesn't even acknowledge the crowd beneath but then it jerks sideways and ends up sending Unfezant down into the ground as well.

The presumably rookie pilot gets control again and hurriedly flies away with a red emblem aging brightly off of it.

"Talonflame and Unfezant are unable to battle!" The referee declares. "Five Pokémon left!"

Great start to the finals of an already controversial league.

"Hawlucha!" Ash brings out the colourful Pokémon. His image lights up below Talonflame's and across from Bisharp's.

Ash sends Hawlucha forward because of his physical-type loaded move set. Alain doesn't appear to be wasting time and orders a gullotine attack. It's a slightly crazy idea but sometimes it pays off to bet against the chances.

Hawlucha dodges the Gullotine and nails a super effective attack. Ash being the confident dumbass he is, orders Hawlucha to do the same thing even though Alain will probably actually counterattack this time.

"Gullotine," Is ordered again by the faded black haired trainer.

Once again it misses and Hawlucha deals another damaging move. Bisharp is almost fainted at this point and now would be the time for a Gullotine attack.

And Alain does so.

And it connects as Hawlucha deals his own attack.

And another double knockout...

"I see his strategy," Aria mutters while still keeping out of sight in the tunnel. "Alain isn't wasting energy with the early Pokémon, he couldn't care less whether his Pokémon faint."

"Their job is to do as much damage as possible without getting worked up about it," Aria continues to say to her starter. "Alain is just waiting to let Charizard clean everything up."

"Also it's working," Aria sighs. "Ash is going right with his plan, whether it's on purpose or not."

"This isn't looking good Delphox," Aria sighs. "Ash said that he and Greninja have never been able to beat Alain and his Charizard. If it ends up with those two, I don't know if Ash will have a backup plan that can save him."

"We should go get ready," Aria suggests and heads back into the change room.

She finds the same dress she's wore the last few months.


Aria admires it while smoothing out the ruffles, only for them to satisfyingly pop back up into their shape. "I should probably change before Ash gets back," Aria giggles while looking up at the television to make sure she has time.

After getting dressed and putting in the tiara that she remembered this time, she sits to watch the final moments of the first half.

The big squishy purple dragon is standing in the middle of a clearing in the mostly destroyed trees. He's glowing white and absorbing all of the attacks being thrown at him from Weavile.

"Like I said Delphox," Aria sighs while watching Goodra release all of his stored energy at the now defeated ice type. He eventually falls to fatigue and leads to another double knockout.


As soon as Ash and Alain return their Pokémon, the field shakes vigorously and disappears down below. Rising up comes a circular stage that doesn't fill up the ravine entirely so there's still that floating appearance.

The paths extend to accommodate the stage and spotlights shine all around the base. The battle has passed from daylight to moonlight so the stadium lights brighten so that no Pokémon moves are missed.

The darker atmosphere was cool for the Pokémon battle but Pokémon performances apparently call for light.
Ash starts to return to the tunnels before hearing Palermo's voice over the microphone.

"Our recent tie has led us to this amazing opportunity," Palermo announces. "The League has been cooperative the whole way and hopefully this halftime show can entertain you like the first half of the battle."

A railing pops out on the ring around the stadium and becomes flooded by enthusiastic performing fans. Thankfully Ash's path to the tunnel is sectioned off so he can stay a safe distance away from them.

"Now let's hear it for our two performers!" Palermo yells and cue the deafening noise.

Ash turns to find protection from the noise and comes eye to eye with Aria. They stand there, only a metre or so apart, almost as if the world has stopped.

But then they smile and reality comes back.

"You got this," Ash holds out his fist up to his chest.

"So do you," Aria winks and connects her fist with his. "Wish me luck."

"You're not the one who needs it," Ash chuckles and continues by her.

Except he's just as curious as Aria and stops at the entrance so he's out a sight but has a decent view of the stage.

"The performers will have to use the whole stage and appeal to the whole stadium!" Palermo declares. "So hopefully their appeal can use this stage to the fullest."

"You got to be kidding me," Ash growls. "Aria was never told she had to prepare for this, at least I don't think she was."

Aria looks back and confirms Ash's thoughts with the look in her eyes. Ash takes a deep breath and closes his eyes to get rid of his worried expression. Then he gives her his brightest smile and a confident thumbs up.

Aria's dark pink eyes lock with his hazel ones and they instantly gain the only thing needed to win.



I can't wait to write Aria's appeal😆

Thanks for reading as always and cya next chapter!

Also I did hint to a potential sequel..............

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