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Third Person's POV

"Science is so amazing,"Ash says with stars in his eyes.

He has spent the last few hours marvelling at all of Clemont's unfinished projects. The ideas of the inventions are what intrigues Ash the most, even if none of them work yet.

Clemont himself is trying to figure out what went wrong with Clembot. The gym leader replacement robot was supposed to clear up time for the lemon haired boy. Instead it's been more of a pest and now Clemont is too busy with it to run the gym.

Thankfully there's a special Pokémon showcase happening at the base of Prism Tower so the gym was already scheduled to be closed for the day. Which baffles Clemont even more since Ash shouldn't have got into the battlefield.

"Hey Ash?" Clemont says while wiring some complicated parts in Clembot. "How'd you get into the gym when it was closed and has a four gym badge requirement?"

"Uhh," Ash sweat drops and looks at his Pikachu. "We didn't want to deal with all the people at the base of the tower and we wanted to get to the top as soon as possible so that we could spot the gym from up there."

"So we climbed up an entrance we found that was almost like a slide," Ash chuckles. "Then we lied after being rejected the first time."

"How didn't you fall in the first time after getting rejected?" Clemont continues to question the raven haired boy.

"Quick reflexes," Ash scratches his cheek. "Why do you have a limit on who can battle anyways?"

"Since Lumiose City is so big I get tons of challengers everyday," Clemont explains. "It's almost like an attraction since most that challenged this gym didn't plan to get any other gym badges. So I was here battling really inexperienced battlers without a big passion for battling. That's why I made a limit so I knew I was battling trainers fighting for league admission."

"Never thought of that," Ash says. "I guess I'll be back after I get four badges then."

"If I can get Clembot up and running I wouldn't mind making time for a gym battle against you today," The inventor smirks. "If you're up to it of course."

"I would," Ash pauses to think for a second. "But you want trainers with at least four badges to battle, and I don't want to be an exception."

"Aww," A childish girl voice whines. "I wanted to see a battle today."

"This is my sister Bonnie," Clemont sighs as a lemon blonde girl who looks about nine years old walks in. "This is Ash."

"Big brother have you told Ash that your lab is a danger zone?" She asks while seemingly being so innocent.

"Why?" Ash asks.

"Because all of his inventions explode," She says bluntly and walks over to one of the city- overlooking windows.

"Clembot hasn't exploded!" Clemont argues.

"He doesn't work either," She teases.

"Ugh," The older sibling groans and goes back to work. "Can you leave please?"

"Bonnie you know this city pretty well right?" Ash asks the girl, Clemont looks up confused.

"Yeah I'm a professional Lumiosian tour guide," She answers proudly.

"Then how about you show me to Professor Sycamore's lab since I was told to go there as soon as possible," Ash suggests.

"As soon as possible?" Clemont questions. "You came here right after you got off the plane and ate lunch here."

"Priorities," Ash chuckles.

"Let's go then!" Bonnie cheers.

And with that Ash and Bonnie left Clemont in his now quiet lab to work on Clembot.

The base of the tower is no less crowded and noisy. People seem to not be moving towards wherever they're trying to go. Ash and Bonnie push through towards one of the exits. Finally they get away from the tower and look back at the storm they just survived.

"What's the stage for?" Ash asks and points towards the black stage that's quickly being put together.

"Aria is having a special Pokémon showcase to start off the season," Bonnie answers.

"Who's Aria?" Ash asks.

Bonnie's mouth is wide open while she looks at Ash in disbelief. "You mean who is the most famous performer in Kalos?!" Bonnie exclaims. "She's completely owned the performing world the last few years and is every performer's idol."

"She sounds important," Ash chuckles at the girl's enthusiasm.

"I wanted to go see her live tonight but my dad says I need my sleep or I get grumpy," Bonnie sighs. "I don't believe him though."

"I'm sure you'll get to watch her live at some point," Ash smiles. "But for now how about we find the professor."

"This way!" Bonnie cheers and the two go running down the street. Ash looks at the girl running with him like she's a mini version of himself. He may have future battle challenge against her.

After a bit of running through the concrete city, a fancy sandstone lab stands out among the grey skyscrapers. They step into the well decorated lobby. With red and navy blue carpet and antique wood walls, the laboratory has a very homey look.

"Professor!" Bonnie yells. "I brought some guy from Kanto." She giggles at her own entrance.

A tall, curly black haired professor walks down the wide set of stairs in front of them. With a open collared purple shirt and dark pants, along with a long lab coat, he's a little more casually dressed than other regional professors.

"Welcome to my lab," He greets. "I'm Professor Sycamore."

"I'm Ash Ketch-" Ash starts.

"Oh marvellous!" Sycamore announces. "Professor Oak mentioned that you'd be arriving today."

"Professor can we go look at the Pokémon please," Bonnie pleads.

"Sure I'll talk on the way there," Sycamore sweat drops. "You're planning on challenging the Kalos league correct?"

"Yea and we can't wait to win the whole thing," Ash says and Pikachu cheers along with him.

"Alright," Sycamore smiles. "Then let me show you some Pokémon that you may want to catch and train for your journey."

They step out into the glass building attached to the lab. It's pretty much a Pokémon conservatory with ponds, trees, and anything else a Pokémon may want. Fletchling fly in the air while Scatterbug crawl their way through the bright green grass.

"Oh I didn't know you were still in here Ariana," Professor Sycamore says to a girl around Ash's age. She has long pink hair in a split ponytail, a stylish white hat, big rectangular glasses and equally stylish clothing that consists of a white blouse and dark pants.

Ariana was just putting away a few Pokeballs when they walked in. "Don't worry Professor," She smiles. "I was just finishing up anyways. Thanks for letting me train in a place where there aren't many people."

Her presence has completely captivated Ash and Bonnie for some reason. They're both thinking about her smile, different reasons though.

"Ash is Pikachu the only Pokémon on you?" The professor asks to distract from Ariana who quickly left the area.

Bonnie shrugs off her thoughts and runs off while Ash shakes his head and answers. "Yea we've started every adventure together so why change it up," Pikachu nuzzles against his trainer.

"I can't argue that," Sycamore chuckles.

"Froakie come on and play," Bonnie says with a small frown.

Froakie is a small blue frog that is given out to new trainers as the water type starter Pokémon. It has a big eyes and a bubbly ring around its neck. The Pokémon is very agile and often referred to as the ninja evolution line.

This particular Froakie has been a unique challenge for the Professor. He would rather train than play with the others so getting him to be sociable is a problem. Whenever a trainer picks him, they end giving him back politely or Froakie runs away himself.

Professor Sycamore has a theory that he's just waiting for a special trainer that he thinks can bring out the best in his abilities. Except who knows when that will happen...

The three watch the interesting Pokémon interact with Bonnie. It's almost like he wants to run away from her but is too much of a gentlefrog to do that. "Umm pardon me Professor," A tall blunette walks in.

"What's up Sophie?" He asks his assistant.

"There's a call for Ash Ketchum," Sophie states while adjusting her glasses. "Do you know an Ash Ketchum?"

"That's me," Ash butts in.

Ash follows the lab assistant to a phone.

Things are starting to shape up...


"That was close," Aria giggles to her Delphox once inside the privacy of her hotel room. The bipedal fire fox sighs but can't stop from smiling. For some reason whatever just happened rejuvenates her trainer.

"It's weird that the professor was showing around a boy that old," Aria thinks out loud and starts changing into some casual clothes. "And the girl looked too young to just be starting her journey as well."

"It doesn't concern me so why am I still thinking about it?" Aria asks herself.

"Del," Her partner Pokémon says.

"You're right," Aria agreed to the non comprehensible statement from her Pokémon. "We need to focus on tonight's performance so that we can show Palermo why we are the best performers in Kalos."

The next few hours were pretty boring. The only thing that happened was Aria's nerves building with every passing second. All eyes will be on her and her Pokémon. "Maybe we should have trained more," Aria paces around their dressing room nervously.

The starless night sky has now completely pushed out any signs of sunlight. Lit up rooms in skyscrapers dot the black sky yellow. Prism Tower shines brightly over the stage and the fans already there.

This is no small gathering. There's a little music playing but Aria still won't be on for awhile.

In that crowd are fans, journalists, reporters, and aspiring performers. Performers like Shauna and Serena who are planning on making their debut this season.

They both have idolized Aria since getting into performing, even though they're only a couple of years younger. They both are starting pretty late compared to others who get out into the world as soon as possible. But they've learned the basics themselves and can't wait to start earning princess keys.

There is a few spotlights in stage to help light up the dark stage a little better. "It's starting," Shauna squeals as said spotlights turn off.

"Let's see if we can spot anything that will help us," Serena says while playing with her long honey blonde hair. She feels as if the cheers will knock her pink fedora right off her head that in the daytime protects her bright cerulean eyes from the sun.

One big spotlight lights up centre stage where Aria is standing there with Delphox. "Thank you everyone for coming tonight!" She cheers with a big smile. "And thanks to the Lumiose gym leader for shutting down his gym for the day."

The crowd cheers widely and Aria waits to continue. "I hope this performance gets you all hyped up for the upcoming Pokémon showcase season!"

The light turns off and fire envelopes where Aria and Delphox were standing. That fire rises and forms a dragon head under amazing control.

Everything is going so well for Aria. The crowd is already cheering like crazy and they've only performed one move. But sometimes there's something bigger than yourself.

A large dark figure flies through the streets of Lumiose at an alarming speed. It's body hides every light it passes while it goes towards its destination, Prism Tower.

It flies over the Pokémon showcase, causing the curtains put up, to shuffle ominously. Very few people noticed but they're about to notice something a little more out there.

"Garrrrr!" A growl fills the sky.

A bright pink beam strikes the top of the tower, causing everybody to scream and duck low to the ground. What the...


This chapter should prevent future plot holes in the next few chapters. Hopefully...

Anyways I want to say thank you for the crazy amount of support this book has got so far. Within seconds of publishing it was being added to reading list and being commented on so thank you guys so much.

It's already past 100 reads which surprised me when I just checked XD.

So Cya next chapter which could possibly be before Tuesday.

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