Two Sides

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Third Person's POV

"Mewtwo could have given us clearer instructions," Ash says to Pikachu.

The pair are deep beneath Kalos' surface in a cave unknown to all man. Ash is guessing the cave entrance is deep in some forest but he doesn't really know since Mewtwo teleported them in the middle of it.

Ash shines his flashlight around the dark brownish tunnel. The air is a little stuffy except for a chilling breeze coming through occasionally. Not sure where it's coming from but Ash isn't complaining.

The pair continue through the cave, Pikachu's ears perked up attentively. The Pokémon can feel an odd energy emanating from the walls. Almost as if it's putting pressure on him.

That could be the fact that the whole region is depending on them to save it. But they should be used to it by now so maybe not.

Ash shakes away the chill going down his spine. "So Mewtwo said we need to find a rock and the rest will be easy." He says out loud to break the eery silence.

"There's a lot of rocks though," The boy kicks one ahead of them, watching it skip into the darkness ahead. "And how's a rock going to help?"

"Pika," The Pokémon offers tons of assurance.

A soft whoosh sound echoes through the cave.

Ash shines the flashlight all over, looking for the source. "I didn't think there were any Pokemon down here."

He walks cautiously ahead but then the same sound surrounds them.

Louder this time.

"Woahhh," Ash flails his arms trying to regain his balance. He was one step away from walking into an abyss.

A few loose pebbles tumble over the edge, disappearing within seconds.

"I guess we went the wrong way," Ash stares into the darkness. Looking for a sign of anything. "Last time I checked rocks can't fly."

He goes to turn around but a shadow catches the corner of his eye.

Not many things are darker than darkness.

But Yveltal is the darkest you can get.

The flashlight's beam flies all over the abyss as Ash tries to find the shadow. Ash stumbles backwards... he found it.

Yveltal's head pokes above the cliff, its bright blue eyes glaring at Ash.

It's still pitch black but Yveltal's red body pulses with power, glowing so Ash can see its 'y' shaped form.

With each swoop of its wings, a breeze pushes Ash back a few steps. He manages to keep his hat but the closer Yveltal flies to him the harder it gets.

Few Pokémon have unmatched power. We call them legendaries.

Most keep themselves hidden in the deepest part of their regions. Only showing themselves in the most dire of situations. Except Pokémon belong to nature and will fight for natural reasons.

Legendaries have this unwritten rule of staying out of human conflict unless affected. In past evil region takeovers the bad guys try to take control of a legendary and end up bringing their own downfall.

But Team Flare hasn't made that mistake.

"Are you--" Ash starts but is cut off by the Pokémon.

"Mewtwo sent you here," The Pokémon speaks telepathically, making this conversation a lot easier.

Ash nods, trying not to be too intimidated.

"Your legs are shaking," Yveltal points out. "I didn't expect the Chosen One to be so scared."

"Hey!" Ash gets into fight mode but stops after seeing Yveltal's glare.

"Of course there's no such thing as a Chosen One," The Pokémon explains. "You just have to brave enough to fight for what's right. So tell me, why are you right?"

Ash doesn't reply immediately. What does it mean? Isn't it obvious that the people taking over the region are the bad guys?

"What do you mean?"

"Why are you right? I know you've faced legendary Pokémon before but never at their full strength. Why do you think you need our full power?" Yveltal continues.

Ash kind of wants to say, 'have you seen Team Flare', but doesn't want to get a legendary attack to the face.

"Team Flare isn't going after Pokémon," Yveltal says and that hits Ash.

"But what about all the Pokémon being separated from their trainers. Families are being torn apart. I don't know what I'd do without Pikachu and everyone else," Ash looks at his partner Pokémon.

Suddenly the whole cave flashes red, energy pulsing through the cave like veins in your body. 

"Not a bad answer," Yveltal continues to stare into Ash's soul. "Bring out your Greninja."

Ash does so and the bipedal frog Pokémon stands in front of the boy arms crossed.

"That's what I thought," Yveltal lands on the cave floor, finally gives its wings a break. "The energy that runs through the region starts in this cave, and I can sense it in each of you. I can see that defeating Team Flare is more than just a human battle. Greninja you want the region back to how it was as well."

The Pokémon nods, no other muscles moving.

"So you'll help us," Ash goes for it.

"Yes but only under one condition."

They wait in an eerie silence.

"You make sure this doesn't happen again."

Ash nods.


"This is pretty," Aria takes in the forest.

Her and Mewtwo are walking through an unknown trail through an unknown forest is an unknown part of the region. It's a little more pleasant than a cave.

A few rays of sunlight poke through the trees, the wind causing the the whole forest to sparkle as the light shines through. The rustle of leaves fill the air but that's the only sound.

"Do you think Ash will be okay?" Aria asks the genetic Pokémon.

"Yes," Mewtwo answers.

"And how do you know?"

"Because the Pokémon he's looking for is itching for a battle and Ash will give him a good reason to," Mewtwo explains.

"I thought he had to find a rock?"

"It usually is but I have a feeling it's already awakened," Mewtwo explains.

Aria starts to freak out at that statement but then a pink aura washes over the forest.

The energy pulses through the forest, bringing all life to a pause. Pretty but terrifying.

Aria stands frozen in place, her eyes darting all over while she tries to take a step forward. Mewtwo is also affected by the energy but remains his gaze ahead almost as if he was expecting this.

"Not many Pokémon can hold me in place," The interesting Pokémon says seemingly to no one.

The path ahead is hidden by shadows, the pink pulse seemingly coming from it. And then the glow gets brighter until the second legendary Pokémon steps out.

"You're still alive," The Pokémon says in a feminine voice that screams royalty. 

Aria studies the Pokemon's deer like figure. A mixture of blues and blacks fill its thin legs and sleek body leading to giant antlers. Different coloured crystals sparkle in the minimal sunlight available.

"So you're the one trying to save the world," Xerneas steps up to Aria who is let go from the hold.

Aria's hair bounces as she regains movement in her body and shakes it around to make sure it still works. "It's not just me."

"You certainly have the heart, I can see why Mewtwo brought you," It continues. "It takes a certain person to allow my full power to awaken. I need life."

"Don't you control life?" Aria remembers the little bit of information Mewtwo gave her.

"It isn't as simple as that," Xerneas stares Aria down, only a metre or two away. 

Don't think this is what Aria thought would be her future.

"Life is made up of many given things like growth, death, etc," It starts. "But those don't give life substance. That would be kindness, compassion, doing what you can to make the world a better place. But above all you can't have life without inspiration."

"Inspiration is giving people life. Making them kind, courageous, hopeful. If you can inspire you can change the world..."

"And you have that."

Aria takes a moment to process what's going on. There's a war going on and a legendary Pokémon is giving her a speech on life. While also saying that she's the life the world needs right now.

"Now I see why you have a reputation of being a talker," Mewtwo says.

"It's important to remember why you're doing something," Xerneas says, brushing Mewtwo's comment aside. "Because dear Aria you control my power and I'm trusting you know what to do with it."

Another moment of silence passes. 

Aria opens her bright pink eyes. "You can trust me."


"We still don't have the details of Ash Ketchum's location," Malva walks up to Lysandre.

It's that perfect time of day where the sun is setting, casting half of Lumiose City in darkness and the other in an orange glow. With Lumiose tower stuck in between it's almost like there's two sides.

"He'll show up based on is history," Lysandre states confidently. "He has no connections in Kalos, there's no way he can beat our army with that Greninja of his."

"Okay," Malva nods and stares at the yellow tower. "What's going on in there?" She mumbles.

Wouldn't she like to know.


The battle is coming.

We have the legendaries, Team Flare, the Lumiose siblings, Ash, Aria, Valerie. Am I missing someone?


Thanks for reading and see you next chapter!

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