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TW: swearing 

You really planned this out, didn't you?

We've had a summer apart at this point. Didn't really change anything. Except for the fact that I see right through you. You've been deliberately avoiding me, and you look like you despise interacting with me. Don't act like it isn't true.

We're still friends. Not best friends, like we were in middle school and elementary school. Just friends. But I don't just want to be friends.

Normally, when people say this, they mean that they want to be in a romantic relationship with the person. First of all...EEWWWWWWWWW!

Second of all, you're literally STRAIGHT? And not my type? LIKE, WHATTTT?!

No, that's not what I mean. I mean I want to be best friends again.

Other people would say, and have said, that this is a lost cause. But we've known each other for basically half our lives. And I'm a Gryffindor. I'm stubborn. And I don't give up that easily.

In September, when clubs start, and we're in a situation where we have to sit next to each other and paint rocks while soothing music plays in the background, I'll tell you everything about how I feel. And depending on how you take it, I'll decide whether you're worth a second chance.

If you are, then things will go back to normal. And you aren't...

Let's hope things don't go that way. 

You're the one who set me on this messed up villain arc. And you're the one who's gonna pay for it. Little Miss Perfect is gonna get a taste of her own medicine.

I'm the complete opposite of you. My home life. My personality. My appearance. My disturbing ass writer brain. (Everyone on Wattpad right now: FR)

But you know, you have your flaws too. A lot of them actually. One of which is being two-faced.

Shockingly, you see being two-faced and manipulation as a GOOD THING. Not in a bad way. Mostly because you're not entirely sure what they mean.

What you think two-faced means: You have a complicated and mysterious personality that can change at any moment.

What it actually means: You say someone is super nice in front of them and talk about them behind their back. In one case anyway. This is just a really simple definition.

Name one situation where you haven't talked about me behind your back. Come on. I'm waiting.

The answer is you haven't. I have one best friend. You. 

And you have like 50. That's 50 people you could talk to about me. Instead of just saying it to my FUCKING FACE.

Dude, if you don't like something about me, SAY IT. I CAN TAKE IT. And if it's a really bad thing, I'll fix it. Simple.

No wonder I've started ignoring you. Sheesh.

In front of a group of people, I'm pretty civil to you. But you? You literally thought I was in trouble in one of our classes and yelled at it in front of our friend. Who, by the way, is extremely nice. She's probably one of the nicest people I know. So she said nothing.

I wasn't even doing anything wrong! THE TEACHER WAS TRYING TO HELP ME! 

Ohhhh...I see how it is.

Let's go back a few years, shall we? Middle school. It's 11:30 PM. I'm helping you with your essay. It's due at 11:59. And when we're done with yours?

It's 11:54.

Five minutes for my essay.


I help you for hours on end, and you give me FIVE MINUTES.

Thank goodness my other friend who's way better at editing essays helped me. I got a 90. You got a 94.

I barely made it into the A- category. Also known as average by Asian parent standards.

This was our entire relationship. I help you. You do the bare minimum to help me. You get the same grade or a better grade.

You always ask teachers or me for help in class. I never ask. I don't need it.

Are you...seriously trying to play off the fact that you need help sometimes by assuming that I never need help, and when I get help, you assume it's something else?

Wow. And here I thought I was the evil genius.

Well played. Well played indeed.


One of the things you ask me for help with the most is English. Mostly because my vocab is really advanced because of my status as a bibliophile. And because I just retain words easily. barely knew what reciprocate means.

Reciprocate? RECIPROCATE?! One of the first words we learn in middle school? And use a lot in high school?

I'm not calling you stupid. You're extremely smart. Just not with words. How fitting, considering our current situation. And considering that reciprocate means to respond to something with a corresponding action. Something that you clearly never do.

I give. You take. When I want you to give, you give just enough to make me somewhat satisfied.

You'd better hope this friendship works out. Because I'm hanging by a thread right now. And we both know that anyone who gets on the receiving end of my short temper might as well write their will now.

Sorry if I sound a little bit mean in this entry, I've been in a bad mood for these past few days and have a lot of pent up aggression. Love you all <3

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