Ch.16 Good Night

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An insanely loud jump scare made us pull away. I glanced down at my feet, my heart racing and my face crimson. "Were we...just about to...?" my thoughts trailed off as I struggled to steady my pulse. I glanced at Lewis from the corner of my eye and saw that he was watching the movie, completely unperturbed. "Maybe I imagined it?" I asked myself as I looked back at the screen.


"Stupid jumpscare... "


After the movie was over, we made our way out to the parking lot. The drive home was silent, except for my music playing in the background. The night was clear and the air was crisp, very typical for a late January night. After a 20min drive, we arrived at his house. "Here we are..." I muttered as I turned off the motor and unlocked the doors. "I had fun tonight..." I trailed off, still a bit shaken by what had almost happened.

"Yeah, me too..." he said with a smile as he unbuckled his seat belt. My heart raced as he extended his arms for a hug. Nervously, I leaned in and wrapped my arms around him as well. The sweet scent of his cologne made my mouth water. His arms were warm, sturdy and some how, made me feel safe. "Thank you for tonight..." he whispered as he pulled away slightly. Goosebumps prickled my skin as he placed a gentle hand on my cheek. "Hannah I...." he began in a soft voice. "I just wanted to say..." he trailed off as his eyes bore into mine. Then, without any warning, he leaned in and pressed his lips against mine.

Time seemed to slow as he kissed me. The music, the lights, all swirled around us like a dream. His lips were warm and plump. His breath was minty and sweet. I sat there, too stunned to reciprocate. After a few silent seconds, he pulled away slowly. "S-sorry...I shouldn't have, I'm--" I didn't let him finish. Instinctively, I placed my hand on his button-up shirt collar and pulled him in for another kiss. This time, it was me who kissed him. His eyes closed heavily as he kissed me back.

My heart pounded erratically against my ribcage as he placed his hand on my cheek and deepened the kiss. My mind went blank. After an uncountable amount of time, we pulled away breathlessly. "Well, I should go inside..." he trailed off as he rested his forehead against mine. I nodded, still too stunned to speak. My heart ached a little when he pulled away. "Good night..." he said with a smile as he opened the door and got out of the car. "G-good n-night..." I managed to choke out. "Drive safely. Text me when you're home..." he said as he stood on the curb and watched me pull away.

I drove home in a lovesick daze. As soon as I walked in my door, I texted him so he wouldn't worry. "I'm home..." I managed to type out. "Good, thank you for telling me. Do you work tomorrow?" He replied. "Yeah, at 8am..." I texted back. "I'll see you there. Good night Hannah..." After I was done texting him, I texted Alba. "Hey dude..." it took her less than 30 seconds to reply. "About time Hannah! Now spill, how was your date!?" She grilled. "We played some video games, saw a movie and..." I trailed off, unsure if I should tell her.

"And what!?" She asked eagerly. "He kissed me!" My phone rang instantly after I told her that. "Ahhhh!!" A loud scream emanated from my phone when I answered. "I told you! It was about God damn time you two hooked up!" She squealed. "We didn't hook up, it was just a kiss..." I trailed off sheepishly. "Suuuure..." she said just before hanging up.

After that conversation was over, I went to my mom's room to let her know I had arrived. She was asleep on her bed with Allison. "How'd your date go?" she asked sleepily as I picked up the baby. "I had fun..." I trailed off, as I remembered our kiss. "You really like this boy huh?" she asked as she laid back down. "Yea..." I trailed off softly. "Just be careful..." she whispered before rolling up in her blanket and falling asleep.

After I put my daughter in the crib, I gathered clothes for a shower. As I stood underneath the warm running water, I reminisced about the events that had taken place that night. After I got dressed and laid on my warm bed, I picked up my pillow and squealed into it as loud I could. That night, my dreams replayed the memory of our very first kiss.

(A/N The song that was playing in the car when we kissed was Maggot brain by Funkadelic. Fun fact, the guitarist in that song has both of our names as his full name ^.^ EddieHazel, Yes, my real name is Hazel)

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