Ch.21 Rain (Lewis PV)

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   As I exchanged the part for my drums, I couldn't help but notice the look of tension Hannah had on her face. "Maybe this was too much for her..." I thought to myself as I made my way back to where she stood. She was staring at a ukulele that hung next to a set of bongos. I took the ukulele and played the theme from SpongeBob in an attempt to make her laugh. She gave me a smile but the tension on her face remained the same.

"Well, I'm done here. I was thinking we could head out" I said as I put the ukulele down and led the way outside. The sun was beginning to set already. We had spent over two hours in the store and almost two hours on the train to get here. The wind was beginning to pick up and clouds had started to roll in. "Look, I have that same hookah..." I said as we walked past a smoke shop. She stared at it curiously, then glanced back at me uncomfortably.

"S-sorry, I forgot you don't smoke..." I trailed off sheepishly. She shook her head. "It's okay, I just worry about you that's all..." she trailed off as she glanced at her boots. "Want to get a snack? I'm kind of hungry..." I admitted. "Subway?" She asked as she pointed to the familiar sandwich store. I nodded. "Sure!"

After we got our sandwiches, we sat on an empty table outside to eat them. "So what school did you go to? I don't remember seeing you in any of my schools even though we're practically from the same neighborhood..." she asked as she took a bite of her sandwich. I shook my head. "That's because I didn't go there. I actually went to San Pedro Highschool..." I trailed off as I took another bite of my sandwich. "Really? What was it like?" She asked curiously.

"We went to school 8 hours a day but 3 days of the week I had two classes for 4 hours and the other two I had another set of classes for 3 hours..." she stared at me like I was from another planet. "Really?" She asked incredulously. "In my school we had all 7 classes every single day. There was an average of like 40 or 50 kids in each one..." she trailed off sadly.

"Wow..." I muttered as I stared at my shoes. I glanced back at her and saw that her complexion had changed again. Her eyes were sad and distant. "Hey are you--" I didn't get a chance to finish my sentence. A loud rumble interrupted me as it shook the floor. I glanced up at the cloudy sky just in time for a cold drop of water to land on my nose. "Crap!" I hissed as we stood up and tossed away our leftovers. "Come on let's go!" I shouted as I took her hand and led the way towards the station.

By the time we got there, it was sprinkling heavily. We leaned against the wall as we caught our breath from that sprint. Hannah's shivering made me glance up. She was so cold, her lips were turning blue. My leather jacket was water proof, but Hannah's checkered one wasn't. Without thinking, I took off my jacket and draped it over her shoulders. "B-but what about you?" She asked between shivers.

"I'll be fine, come on we're going to miss the train..." I said as I took her hand. She pulled me back gently. "Hannah?" I asked as I turned to her. That was when I noticed her expression. Her cheeks were pink from the cold, as well as her nose. Her eyes were watery and fixed on the pavement. Wet curls framed her troubled face. "Lewis...I c-can't do this. I'm sorry..." she whispered. I furrowed my brows bewildered. "What do you mean you can't do this? Why not!?" I asked confused. "B-because I....I...." she stammered. "You what?" I asked sternly. For some reason my throat had begun to feel tight. I swallowed uncomfortably as I awaited her answer.

"I'm not good enough..." she whispered as she glanced down at her feet. "What?" I asked incredulously. "I'M NOT GOOD ENOUGH!" She shouted as tears streamed down her face. The sky seemed to mirror her emotions because a few seconds afterwards it started to pour. "You're amazing Lewis. You're smart and talented. You can play every instrument--" "Except the violin" I interrupted. "Except the violin..." she repeated. "You went to a better school, you have a band, you actually have friends..." she continued.

"I'm an outsider, a social outcast. I come from a dysfunctional single parent home, and you..." she trailed off. "You have a wonderful family that loves you no matter what. I can't compete with that..." she sniffled as she wiped her matted hair away from her face. "I'm sure they wouldn't want someone like me as your girlfriend..." she whispered. "You're an idiot..." I muttered as I stared at the floor.

"W-what?" She asked in a whimper. "I SAID YOU'RE AN IDIOT!" I shouted as I stared at the ground. She stared at me with round and watery eyes. I placed my arm against the wall and leaned in as far as I could go, until our noses almost touched. Her face turned red at our proximity.

"How can you say that to me...?" I asked in a low voice. "How can you tell me that after last night? After I told you about my past, about my addiction!? You're not the only one with problems Hannah, but if I told you, it was because I trusted you. I wanted to be honest with you because I care about you! If I was really influenced by my family's beliefs, you think I would've done so many drugs!? You think I would've overdosed as many times as I did!?" I shouted, losing my composure.

"I don't care about your past, I don't care where you come from. I only care about us...right here, right now..." I said as I placed my free hand under her chin. "I'm not as special as you make me out to be...but the fact that you see me that way, shows me how much you care..." I whispered as I leaned in and pressed my lips against hers.

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