Browsing and Hidden Talents

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The next day came for the Midoriya family with them enjoying breakfast at their hotel room's kitchen table. Eri had been given pancakes by her mother before noticing Izuku looking somewhat tired. "Daddy, are you ok?"

"I'm fine sweetheart. Your daddy just played a little too rough last night with a vixen."

"What's a vixen?" Ochako kissed her cheek before answering.

"It's a girl fox. Also, that 'vixen' had quite a fun time last night if you ask me." Ochako pulled her kimono down a bit for her to feed Saeko while giving her husband a sultry look. "I'm pretty sure that 'fox' also wants to do the same thing tonight."

'Should've figured she'd be this intent on a baby after how hard we tried for Saeko. Then again, I shouldn't really complain about having a sex life-WHAT AM I THINKING!?' Izuku banged his head on the table while holding his head in embarrassment. Seeing her father do this, Eri reciprocated the act to get a chuckle out of Ochako.

"Alright you two. Let's get breakfast done and head out. We've got a busy day coming up."

"Right." Eri gave a cheerful chant with her fist in the air while Izuku did a similar one with less excitement and his fist barely up.

'Note to self, don't go for two baker's dozen during the night and limit it to at least one.' Ochako thought this as she finished feeding Saeko and began her own breakfast.

Two hours later

After completing breakfast and heading out into town, the Midoriya family began glancing around to see what was in the area. As they did, the small family noticed the tourist area was bustling but still rather small compared to most tourist attractions near the city. They looked more like a bunch of festival stands than common stands that people would use for tourist areas. The number of people that were visiting also wasn't exactly insane with the four able to travel around without worrying about bumping into anyone.

"Hey, you four." A stand owner called out to them for the Midoriyas to acknowledge him. "You're new into town, right? Those are some fancy quirks you all got."

"Why thank you, sir." Ochako bowed with the man noticing Saeko in her arms.

"I'm guessing you're part of the Inari lineage, right? We get your kind around here a lot during our Fox Honoring ceremony."

"Fox Honoring ceremony?"

"It's a big festival where we give thanks to the Purotekuta who protect the foxes here. We make a lot of things to help foxes out during this festival and give them to the foxes as a showing of our appreciation for allowing us on their land."

"Fascinating. So what is there that we should look into?" Izuku asked.

"Well, there's fox biscuits that you and the kids could make together. My neighbor always does that and it's a big hit for the kids or even teenagers like yourselves since it's fun and everyone can join. My sister does a fox blessing charm that she brings up to the shrine and has the head priestess bless. They can be something between one's for romance, luck or even fertility if you get lucky enough to have one of them. From what she says, it's like a one in a thousand chance you'd get one of them."

"Daddy. Look." Eri pointed at what looked like wooden flutes on the man's table.

"You got a nice eye, little lady. These are Fox Flutes. I carve each one out of wood that a fox I took care of as a pup brings me as a hobby and sell them here as a gift to the people. I'm not entirely sure where he gets the branches, but I like to think Inari brings him the branches and gives them to me just so I can widdle. Feel free to pick one for yourself that suits your fancy."

"Well, you heard the nice man." Izuku picked Eri up to hold her above the stand to see the wooden flutes. "Why don't you see which one you want?"

"Hmm..." Eri looked at the flutes to see some with different carvings where the mouth piece is of animals. Seeing a white flute of a bear, Eri points to it to get Izuku's attention. "That one. It looks like Kumasi."

"Ok then." Izuku pays for the flute and places Eri on the ground with the flute. "Why don't you try blowing into it, sweetheart?" Eri looked down at the flute before looking up at Izuku who showed her how to hold the flute the way she should. Once she realized it, she began to close her eyes and breathe into the flute.

As Eri played, the three adults looked at her somewhat surprised she was able to play something so easily. "Does she have any practice with flutes?"

"None that we're aware of." Ochako mentioned with people walking over to watch Eri play. Little did they know, several other guests came out of nowhere to watch as well. Multiple foxes sat in a circle around the small child, preventing anyone but Izuku, Ochako and Saeko to be any closer than a meter away from her. As she finished, everyone around her clapped with the foxes howling in happiness. Both Ochako and Izuku looked at one another beyond amazed at what they just witnessed.

"Well, I guess Eri had a hidden talent we weren't aware of."

"Beyond a talent. She's a born prodigy." Ochako stared blankly as Saeko smiled and clapped her hands

" I didn't expect that. Congrats kid. Here." The man gave Eri a five hundred yen coin and pointed towards a stand. "That man over there has sheet music for foxes. Tell him Paul sent you and that you're the one that played that music."

"Ok. Thank you." Eri grabbed the coin and bowed before heading to her parents. Following the man's advice, the family went to the stand to grab the music and continue their journey. As they did, the family had agreed to do some of the things the man at the first stand did to find a biscuit decorating stand. Izuku had helped Eri decorate one while making a similar one himself. Meanwhile, the owner of the stand gave a small bowl for Saeko to stick her hand in and press against a biscuit. Seeing it happen, the infant began laughing with Kurama coming out of nowhere to sit on the side of the infant. Once finished, Ochako gave Izuku the biscuit she made to have it read 'baker's dozen tonight' to make Izuku blush red before Ochako passed her Fox treat to a fox nearby.

Once they finished up at the biscuit shop, the family went towards the stand holding blessing charms. The shop owner noticed her brother's flute to smile at the family before offering a chance for them to pick out a charm. Eri had gone first to grab one of the unlabeled containers. Once she did this, Izuku and Ochako grabbed one themselves with the three opening them at the same time to show what they have.

"Yay. I get luck." Eri was overjoyed with Izuku going next.

"What did you get?"

"Success. You?" Ochako pulled her's up with a smile on her face.

"Fertility." Izuku laughed slightly before seeing Ochako come close to him and kiss his lips. "We'll be needing this tonight." A deep red blush was on his face as images of their current nightly events rushed back into the OFA user's head.

'Something tells me that she had help getting that one.'

Later that evening

After visiting the grounds as well as seeing the foxes that lived on the island again, the Midoriya family had begun heading back to their hotel before seeing some lanterns coming with a circle of torches being made in the center of the town. "Well this looks interesting. What's going on here?"

"It's the final part of the tradition." The group turned around to see Kenshin in a ceremonial outfit for him to dance in as well as a hat that held a shroud over it to cover his face with a black cloth.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Simple. During the end of the Fox Honoring ceremony, I perform a dance as the head of my house at the end of the festival. This symbolizes the Purotekuta family respecting the offerings the townspeople have given and wishes to thank them. Once this is done, the people will give the foxes in the area rice biscuits and fried tofu as a means of sharing their hospitality to all the foxes of the island."

Izuku was baffled at what was said to hold a look of amazement. "Seems like a great way to end a festival."

"It truly is." A horn was heard in the distance for Kenshin to hear it and begin to worry. "I gotta go. I'll talk to you and your family after the ceremony."

Kenshin ran out into the distance with Izuku somewhat interested about the ceremony that was about to take place now. "Anyone else wanna see the ceremony?"

"It's part of this clan of Inari's worship, so I would think it would be rude if we didn't." Ochako mentioned with Eri somewhat curious as well.

"Alright then. I'm gonna get a few snacks before everything starts. Ochako, do you and Eri wanna find a seat for us?"

"Great idea." Izuku headed to the nearby stand with the fox mother adjusting her hold of Saeko. She bent down to Eri with a smile. "Why don't we try and get a seat up close so we can get a great view."

"Ok." The three went towards the area where the torches were. As they did, they noticed a few of the guys managing the set up having an argument.

"I can't believe you forgot to get the FoxFire from the shrinemaiden. That's part of the ceremony!"

"Don't blame this on me! I got the torches primed for the evening and made sure they had plenty of sage to burn. That was your job!"

"I spent the last three hours making sure the ground was level and able to have the performance!"

"Dammit! This is gonna be easily an hour trip if we go now."

"Do we have a choice? If we don't, we can't do the tradition properly."

As they were arguing, Ochako and Eri overheard them and felt a little bad. Ochako was about to go up, but noticed Saeko was about to sneeze. *ACHOO*! The loud sneeze was heard with a shot of blue fire being sent directly towards one of the unlit torches.

"THE HECK!?" Both men looked over to see Ochako, Eri and Saeko with the infant having a bit of snot coming down her nose. Ochako quickly got a small tissue to help her daughter with both of the guys staring at her completely confused.

"Mam, did your baby just..."

"She did. Congrats Saeko. You just made your first FoxFire. I wish your daddy could've seen it."

"Wait, so that girl is able to make FoxFire?"

"By any chance, are the two of you part of the Inari clan?" Ochako nodded with both guys letting out a deep sigh of relief. "You and your family are real life savers mam."

"Yeah. If you didn't light the flames, we'd have to make the trek back to the shrine to get a female FoxFire for the ceremony. How can we ever repay you?"

"Just make sure you give a nice ceremony to goddess Inari on your part and we shall not have to worry." Ochako had noticed a few seats near the side and brought Eri and Saeko there to sit in wait for Izuku.

A few minutes passed with Izuku coming back holding some snacks for everyone. "Nice spot." He noticed a smile on Ochako's face for the green haired boy to question it. "Anything interesting happen?"

"Saeko used her first FoxFire."

"That's great." Unsure if this is good or not, Ochako leaned close to Ochako to ask. "Is that great?"

"Yes. Most of the time, FoxFire doesn't show itself in Inari's lineage until they're 2. That means our daughter's truly blessed by Inari to hold her powers at such an early age."

Izuku glanced down at Saeko and rubbed her head a bit while smiling . "Congratulations, sweetie." Saeko smiled at the touch of her father and reached out for him. "Alright. Hold on." Izuku passed snacks he brought for Eri to her before doing a pass off with Ochako for her snacks and Saeko. Upon getting in her father's arms, the infant nuzzled her head into his arm and slowly drifted off to sleep.

"Well isn't that adorable." Ochako went into her pocket to grab her phone and take a picture of what was happening and sent it to her mother with the caption 'Saeko loves her daddy' on it.

The lights around the area started to go out for everyone to begin quieting down. "This is kinda exciting." Saeko panicked a bit as she woke up to hold her father's shirt. "It's ok. They're just getting ready for the ceremony." The last of the lights went out with the only source being the torches lit by FoxFire.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Thank you all for your support of our clan for another year." Kenshin walked out of the shadows to stand in the center of the circle of torches. "Every year on this day, we honor Inari with her constant blessings to us by the festivities that are held to thank her fox followers for being our protectors. But by night, this special dance, lit by her female follower's fire with the performance you are about to see done by her male followers." In one hand, the fox head held what looked like a branch as well as a baton with one side filled with bells on the other. "And now, please watch and enjoy as I perform the ceremonial dance that my family had done before me for generations."

Kenshin stood with his legs square and his arms down. In a quick motion, he held his arms up and paused before holding them wide out. The fox man began moving his feet after to a rhythmic stomp with his arms moving as well. The rhythm enchanted both Eri and Ochako to watch and keep from looking away. Even Saeko who was in a sound sleep before watched intently. As they continued to observe, a fox hopped on Izuku's shoulder and spoke to him. "Quite the performance, isn't it?"


"Shhhhh. You don't want to disturb everyone." Inari motioned to Ochako and Eri silently at the ceremony as if they were in a trance. "This ceremony is the family's way to appease me. However, this actually gives different effects to mature members of my followers that aren't males of the clans."

"What does it do?" Kenshin began dancing faster with Inari explaining.

"For the children, all it does is give them a trance similar to as if they were watching a television. Incoherent to what others say unless they out speak what is happening. Women who are able to bear children and have a lover already in our clan, it acts similar to an aphrodisiac to them."

"...Oh crumbs."

"Indeed. I hope you are prepared for tonight with what she has witnessed." Inari teleported off of Izuku's shoulder with the dance ending with Kenshin stopping all the torches immediately. Everyone cheered for this with Ochako holding Izuku close to her, pushing her breasts up against him.

"Izuku. Can....can we please start heading home? I'm...starting to feel a little warm."

"Uhhh, sure. Let me umm...let me head to a shop and grab something before we do." The family began walking to a convenience store to grab an energy drink. At the counter, Izuku looked at the cashier and gave him a serious question. "What's Uhh...what's the best energy drink you've got for *ahem* nightly things?"

"How intense is the performance?" Izuku pointed near Ochako who looked like a tea pot ready to blow steam. "If it's a Kitsune, I suggest this one." The cashier passed what was called 'Fox Heat' to him. "Trust me when I say you'll need this."


The family headed out of the store with the cashier smirking while watching them head out. "I hope those two are ready for another baby at the end of all this." The doors opened again for a few foxes to head in and sit in front of the cashier. "Why hello. And what can I do for you little fellas."

"*Yip* *Yip*"

"Alright." The man bent down to grab a few biscuits he had for the festival to give foxes and held them out. "Here ya go." The foxes grabbed them and bowed their heads before running out of the store. "I love this time of year. The foxes are so hospitable during this festival and so darn adorable."

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time when Izuku has to deal with a hormone driven Ochako. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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