Discussions with a Goddess

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"Uhhh. Ok. Where should I begin asking questions? First off, how is she your daughter? Why was she with the yakuza? And more importantly, why am I the only one you're talking to?" Izuku shot off the three most important questions that were going inside his brain off for the fox goddess to sigh.

"To answer your last question first, I am telling you due to you being the head of the house. Though Ochako or Tousa would've been the more understandable to learn of this, you are the next head of the inari house and the father of my daughter at the moment by legal means. It is an older custom that has almost no merit in this age, but humor an old customed woman."

"I'm sorry lady Inari."

"Quite alright." Izuku looked away a bit, noticing the outline of Inari's body in the water. "I suppose starting at the beginning is understandable. Eri's biological father is the head of another house of Inari. Or should I say, was." Inari went down into the water more for her head to be present. "Before Eri was born, the family was graced with a baby girl blessed with seven tails. This child was a blessing for the house since they couldn't attempt to have one for years and struggled financially. Because of that, they feared that this would be the end of their house until a silver lining came for them. As such, there was nothing standing in their way to give the next offspring of their family. However, the mother and child did not survive childbirth." Izuku felt horrible that this happened.

"So what happened after."

Inari looked down before answering. "The family were loyal devoters almost as much as the Urarakas are. As such, I could not let this family go without an heir. So I had offered the head of the house a chance. I would give him an heir if he would continue his devotions to me as well as restore the temple he lived in to its former glory. He agreed, and began operations to restore it the next day. Nine weeks later, I had brought him my child who he named Eri."

"So that's how Eri's your child? She's your actual daughter." Inari nodded. "Wait, but what happened to have Eri in Overhaul's hands?"

"That happened about three years after this. Overhaul had learned of my lineage's power and discovered that Eri is a nine tailed fox. He saw this as a sign to go and take my daughter for his own purposes. He was trying to tamper with the fertility of quirk bearing humans to make the genes become extinct."

"What happened to the father?" Inari held her head down for Izuku to understand what happened. "I'm sorry you had to have that happen."

"...When she was taken, Overhaul had constantly used her as a guinea pig for about three years. I had watched over her like any of my lineage and I began to feel disgusted with humanity. I wanted nothing more than to enter into his domain and coat the walls red with his blood." A fox came over with a drink of sake to give the fox deity. She accepted and drank it all in one go.

"What stopped you?"

"I am not the god of death and the afterlife as such I can not prematurely end a human's or the life of any living creature before the amount of years it has assigned to it has elapsed. You have an interesting amount of years and it's well over a mere century. Back on topic, The god of death is my brother, but I myself was powerless to do anything except influence her and give her the perfect opportunity to escape. Right into your arms I might add. The rest is well, I don't think I need to explain that. As for the fate of Overhaul, you may ask my brother what he did to him per my request. Biologically speaking, Eri is a clone of myself in your terms."

Izuku grit his teeth when she mentioned Overhaul. "I hope he's suffering for what he did."

"He is. Very." Izuku still felt horrible knowing Eri had to deal with this, but worse for Inari who had to accept this as something that happened.

"I'm sorry you had to deal with this as a parent. I don't think I'd be able to accept this as a fate for any child, much less my own."

"It is not your fault. I had given Eri the opportunity to go with you because I know you are a kind man. You treat my loyal subjects with respect and would never harm them if you can avoid it. You are also very caring for your wife's needs as well as her family. If I had to give Eri to anyone, I'm proud it is you." Izuku blushed a bit before seeing the fox goddess raise an eyebrow. "While we're on the topic of your sincerity. Why do you not stare at me in the eyes and avoid my gaze?"

"I-it's kinda hard for me to look at another woman without anything on. It's also more awkward that we're umm...in a bath together."

"But my body is the same as Ochako's right now when I'm presenting myself to you. I do not see the issue."

"You might have Ochako's body, but you're not her. No offense lady Inari, but I feel like I'd be cheating on Ochako if I were to be calm with you in this bath."

Inari only laughed while adding one bit of information he didn't know. "Yet I do see what you two do during the evening. That innocent face of yours does not go well with that body. You may wish to work on that." She began getting up for Izuku to cover his face. When Inari said it was safe, he opened them to see the fox goddess in a kimono smiling at Izuku. "Farewell Izuku Midoriya. I leave my daughter and this house in your hands."

The fox goddess disappeared with Izuku somewhat amazed this happened, but also a little confused if it actually did. He got out and found an older fox that had glasses on. "What happened here has happened young lord. Please treat the young daughter of our goddess with love." It disappeared in a puff of smoke with Izuku walking back in.

'Well this'll be fun to explain to Ochako.'

One hour later

"And that's her connection to Inari." Izuku explained to Ochako and Tiny Eri's ties for them to be beyond amazed.

"Uhhh...are you sure you didn't drink too much or something in the bath?" Ochako was having a bit of difficulty believing this with Tiny frozen from surprise.

When he finally came back to reality, he asked about the older fox. "Did this fox have patches of grey and a blue kimono on? Maybe with a darker blue sash around his waist with a cane?"


Tiny drank some tea before answering. "I believe you. That fox is the advisor to lady Inari called Kashikoi. He's been the right hand to our goddess for almost a ten millennia. If he said this wasn't a hallucination, then it wasn't."

The three opened the door to where Eri was and were greeted with the sight of several foxes snuggled up to her and keeping her warm. She seemed to enjoy this feeling with one fox being hugged by her with its face in her neck. They shut the door for Izuku to continue. "I think it's best we keep her here and help her gain some trust in people again. After what she's been through, I doubt she's not severely traumatized from the acts Overhaul did to her."

Tiny growled a bit hearing his name with Ochako starting to yawn. "Well. It's getting late. I'll be heading to bed first."

Izuku gave her a peck on her lips before kissing her stomach. "I'll join you in a little bit. Let me just clean up a little."

"*yawn* Ok." Ochako left to their room with Izuku picking up the teacups to place them in the sink. When he finished, he checked in on Eri one last time to see even more foxes snuggled up beside her to the point it looked like she was in a sea of red fur.

When he shut the door, Izuku looked at Tiny to ask an honest question. "Is the next time I open that door going to have it packed full of foxes?"

"My best assumption."

Izuku sighed before saying his goodnights. "I would have never guessed that my first daughter would be the biological child of a god. Well then, I'm calling it a night. Goodnight Tiny."

"Pleasant dreams young lord."

Izuku opened the door to Ochako's room, where he will be staying, being greeted by the sight of Ochako cradling Eri in her arms, humming a small tune to her to help her sleep. A small pink fox slowly walks up to the young child and sniffs her nine tails. Ochako spots the fox and begins to improvise a song to sing to Eri.

"Hello little Strawberry fox,

with your furry little socks.

I love it when you yip my name.

Can you hear the bumblebees swarm

as you watch from afar,

Chasing after mice and snakes alike."

'Wait, how did Eri get in here?' Izuku thought as he looked back into the room she was in to see nothing inside. 'Ok, that's a little weird.' He opened the door to Ochako's room to see the foxes from the other room inside for him to accept this as a way of saying, 'he'll be sleeping in a full den tonight'.

"Is she asleep?" Izuku asked for Ochako to nod. He came in with the foxes making a hole for him before getting to the bed to hold both Ochako and Eri in his arms. The same fox that was being hugged by Eri before jumped into her arms again to make itself comfortable before being hugged again.

"She's asleep now but, she had a bit of a scare being by herself so I brought her in here." Ochako smiled while saying this, having fond memories of sleeping with a bed of foxes, so to speak, around her. "Goodnight Izuku."

"Goodnight Ochako." The two fell asleep with the sound of snores around them from their sleeping companions. Kitsu had decided to lay atop Izuku's head as his resting place for the night as his way to say he's the top fox to the others.

The next morning

Izuku began to wake up to the foxes around them the night before licking him uncontrollably for him to start laughing. "Hahaha! C'mon! Cut it out! Haha! That tickles!" When he was wide awake, the foxes grabbed parts of his clothes to carry him out of the room and into the living room.

"Glad to see you're up. Now, today isn't gonna be a bunch of lazing around. You have some training to do." Tousa had said this while placing food on the table for Eri.

"I'm guessing the fox wake up call was your doing then?"

"Perhaps. Now, eat up and we shall meet up outside with training. Tiny will be assisting."

Izuku got to the table to see Eri hugging the pink fox that was from the night before in her lap. "Wait, I thought Tiny was teaching me?"

"Oh silly Izuku. The head of House Inari has always held the rank of Samurai. You are going to go through that training. That and this was partially All Might's idea and he is here too." Izuku started to go for his food before nearly having a small knife go right at his hands.

"AHH!" Izuku panicked a bit seeing the dagger to move his eyes to where it came from. He saw Tousa smiling with a dark aura around her with four other small weapons in her hands. "Uhh. I'm sorry if I did something wrong, mother in law."

"Next time remember to say please and thank you before grabbing your bowl of food." She replies with the daggers disappearing into smoke.

"I-I will. C-can I please have some?" Tousa nodded for Izuku to quietly eat, afraid of the woman that nearly took his hand off.

"You're super strong grandma." Eri says with the small fox smiling watching.

"But of course I am. Who do you think taught Tiny everything he knows?" This comment made Izuku stop and finish what was in his mouth to ask a serious question.

"Ms. Tousa...if you were to fight All Might, who would win?"

Tousa laughed a bit while answering. "I do not care for boasting young one, so I will leave that to the hypothetical."

Tiny looked up from a newspaper beside Izuku to answer. "I still can't lay a finger on her when sparring. Sorry, but I think All Might is out of luck against her."

"I believe Ochako has already mentioned that we are warrior brides. I believe she would be able to defeat almost any opponent. Save for one that absorbs any impact and could regenerate instantaneously through cauterised wounds." Izuku stayed silent while mentally freaking. "That Nomu thing at the USJ was one such creature but Tiny seemed to have turned it into ground meat."

"I have no idea what kind of deranged chef would use such contents but, I believe that's as close an example as it can get." 'JUST WHAT TYPE OF FAMILY DOES OCHAKO HAVE!?' Izuku couldn't help screaming this in his head for Tousa's to smile happily at him.

And that finishes this chapter. So Eri is basically a clone of  Inari with a small strawberry fox being by her side. See how her and Izuku handle their life going forward. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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