Doing things out of Order, First Date after Marriage

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The morning sun shining through the windows of their room at the resort shines into their eyes causing them to stir from their sleep. First, Izuku awakens to see the crimson silk pajamas Ochako is sleeping in, taking up most of his vision, the rest being the light cast through the windows. Ochako tightens the grip she has around Izuku as she slowly rises, Izuku incidentally is pulled into her breasts that are peeking through the unbuttoned silk shirt she was sleeping in. Her soft flesh being pressed against his face, though slightly embarrassed the softness is a reassuring and comforting feeling. Unfortunately that feeling is quickly replaced by that of asphyxiation since Izuku can't breath through his wife's mammoth mammaries. He quickly shimmies his way to some air, waking up Ochako in the process. She yawns then looks down at her green haired husband, whose face is slightly squished by her large breasts. She takes her hand and strokes it through his hair before greeting him.

"Good morning Izuku. Hope you slept well." She smiled as Izuku tapped her arm to explain he couldn't really breathe. "Sorry." She lets go for the OFA user to take a deep breath in before speaking.

"Thanks. *pant* So, what do you wanna do today?" Izuku tried to ask for Ochako to think while stretching.

"I don't know. I wanna try and see that festival tonight, but I'm not sure what to do during the day." She states this while moving her tails one by one to get blood flow through them before getting up.

"How is that comfortable? There's bones in your tails right? So laying on them would make them hurt in the morning right?"

"Maybe. It's kinda like when you fall asleep on your arm and you wake up with it still asleep. They just feel a little numb in the morning. Also, I think it's just a way of how my anatomy works. I can sleep on them and it feels perfectly fine. Almost like when I slept with my mother when I was a little girl."

"So it's somewhat natural for you to sleep like that?"

"Call it whatever you want. Either way, what's for breakfast?" Izuku opened the sliding door to see the people of the resort had brought their breakfast to them and were already heading back to the main reception area. "Yum!" the two say in unison upon seeing the meal brought to them.

Not wasting time, Izuku and Ochako sat down to a nice meal of gohan, which is simple steamed rice as well as a bowl of miso soup. The main dish was a nice helping of grilled salmon with natto and tsukemono (Google it) to accompany it. "Fish tastes really good." Izuku glances over to see Ochako having half the salmon in her mouth and the tail dangling.

"Whah?" Izuku couldn't help but laugh at the image in front of him as he continued eating. Ochako grabs the fins of the tail and pulls it back out of her mouth revealing the skeleton of the salmon she had inhaled then placing it back on the plate. This nearly causes Izuku to choke on his rice seeing his wife reenact a scene from a children's cartoon.

"So why don't we do a little window shopping today. I'm sure we can find something nice that you'll enjoy." Ochako's face lit up when Izuku mentioned that he wants to find something for her.

"Can we find something for Kitsu and your mother too?"

"Why not?" They finish their breakfast and start heading to the bath to wash up before heading out to town. Inside, Ochako sits Izuku beside her for them to enjoy the feel of the hot open air bath on their body. "This is really nice."

"There was nothing I enjoyed more than taking baths in our outside onsen at home. So invigorating having nature surround you while you bathe." Ochako gave a smile at this for Izuku to remember the outside baths.

"So this must be almost nostalgic for you?"

"Almost, I'm used to all the little foxes jumping around and playing in the water and around the cherry tree that grew over the one at home. Mom would always shoo them away though, they were smelly little critters but they're adorable."

Izuku glanced over at his wife in curiosity. "If you want, you can make some foxes with your quirk to make this more like home for you. I don't mind." Ochako thought about this before shrugging.

"Might as well." She snaps her fingers causing a bunch of foxes to be summoned as if out of thin air. They began playing in the water and nipping at each other enjoying the steam. Izuku watches the fox pups yip and bark at each other and a few swimming in the hot spring. As he's looking around, he notices a much larger and humanoid fox man sitting across from them in the hot spring. The fox turns and looks at him before raising 3 fingers off his bicep and greeting Izuku. Not knowing what else to do, he waves back before Ochako leans her head into his shoulder.

"Should I be concerned about him?" Izuku asks, pointing to the very buff fox.

"Oh him? He's harmless. Do you wanna know his name?"

"What is it?"

"Eh-hehehe. His name is Tiny." Ochako giggles, Tiny the fox simply nods before going back to watching the little foxes play in the hot spring.

"Tiny? There's nothing tiny about him! He could probably take All Might in a wrestling match!"

"I might be buff kid but I'm not insane." Tiny says in a surprisingly deep voice before going back to supervising the fox pups.

"Tiny can talk?"

"Yes, he can. He's also really smart even for a fox since they are known for their cunning. I found him when he was a baby much like Kitsu and raised him, apparently that's his quirk."

Izuku looked at Tiny and back at Ochako before going back to Tiny. "I swear my life was never this complicated when I was quirkless. Sure I might've been bullied, but I never had to deal with talking animals that look like they're on steroids to a normal person."

"I don't even know what steroids are, how is this complicated though? There's humans who have two heads and people who can literally break time by rewinding it to any previous point in its existence." Izuku was going to say something, but didn't, seeing logic in Tiny's reasoning.

"Told you he was smart, he helped me with math." Ochako says with a smile, Izuku just shrugs, taking her statement at face value.

"I have a new question, where do they come and go when you summon and unsummon them? Is that the right word for it?" Izuku asks Ochako as she steps out of the bath slightly to start brushing her tails.

"I... I have no idea actually. Tiny? Where do you come from when I summon you guys?" Ochako asks looking back at the buff fox, who is helping a fox pup learn to swim.

"We come from the Inari's realm. I help the goddess brew Sake when I'm not in this world." He responds, Izuku and Ochako look at each other before Izuku just shrugs. "She is very kind and takes the form of a white haired woman with nine tails in case you wished to know what Kami no Inari looks like."

"Well that paints a mental picture at least." Izuku states this as he starts having a few foxes nip at his hair and lick his face for the salt in his sweat. "Anyway, I'm gonna get out so I can get ready. Take as much time as you need Ochako. Same with you Tiny."

"Will do, Lord Inari. Be sure to give Lady Inari plenty of fox pups in the near future." Tiny replies before going back to teaching the baby foxes how to swim.

"He's a good dad." Ochako says with a smile watching the buff boi and his pups.

Few hours later

Izuku and Ochako had begun their adventure out into the town to notice the nice little hustle and bustle of it. To Izuku, this was the same as any ordinary tourist attraction site, but Ochkao has never seen this before and she is mesmerized by the sight. All the sounds and people were a new thing that she was happy to see. They started passing a small shop that Ochako stopped to have something catch her eye.

"Izuku. Let's go in here." Considering they were honestly just traveling aimlessly, he agreed and went in.

Once they head inside, he notices it is an old pawn shop. "Welcome kiddies. What can I do for ya? It's just me today, my husband is away at the moment." the older woman running the store asks seeing the kyuubi and green haired man enter.

"We're just window shopping, figured we would have a look around." Izuku replies before following Ochako around the store.

"Izuku, do you see this? Think kitsu would like this to play with?" Ochako asks holding up a fox plushie for Izuku to see. He squeezes the plush toy feeling how soft it is before agreeing with Ochako.

"I think he will, he's probably going to sleep beside it or bite it." Izuku replies, Ochako holds onto the fox plush as the two continue to walk around the store.

As the two walk, something catches Izuku's eye, a lone scabbard missing it's sword. The red and white paint along the sheath showing the faces of foxes drawn in the red. The metal casing at the opening in the top is laced in gold in the shape of a kitsune wrapping it's tails around the opening of the sheath.The end of the scabbard is the head of a fox in solid gold protecting the end of the scabbard. "Hey Ochako? Do you recognize this?" Izuku asks, calling Ochako from a painting of another fox. "What is it?" She asks, walking over, Izuku lifts the sword's sheath off the katana stand and shows Ochako. "I remember the katana at your home doesn't have a sheath, will this work for it?" he asks, handing her the sheath. Ochako looks it over before reading the kanji down the back of the sheath. "Foxes cunning, swift strike. House Inari." She reads out loud. "This is my grandfather's katana sheath." She says before looking at the store owner.

"How did you come across this?" Ochako asks the old woman.

"My husband had found that sheath many years ago, he knew it belonged to house Inari but he didn't know which of the shrines it belonged to. He said he found it on a battlefield between an army of heroes and a mob of villains." She replies.

"This is the sheath to my grandfather's katana. He lost it at the battle of Saitama 60 years ago. He was struck by a villain with a blade quirk and it cut the scabbard off of his armor. After the battle he tried searching for it but never could find it." Ochako explains causing the old woman to walk from behind the counter to get a better look at Ochako.

"It has been a long time since a Kitsune has come to my store. Are you of house Inari?" She asks.

"Yes, I'm lady inari and this here is my husband." Ochako says showing the older woman the family seal she carries on her in her coin purse.

"My my, well seeing as you are the rightful owner, you may have it. It has been in my shop as a decoration for a long time, it's finally time for it to go home. You can keep looking around if you want, I also have some more fox paintings and charms if you are interested." She says before walking back to her desk and having a seat behind the counter.

Ochako made some small talk with the woman running the store as Izuku continued to browse around. With no rare All Might merchandise or anything that really strikes his interest, he pays for the plush fox before attaching the empty katana sheath to the side of his yukata waving goodbye as they leave. The two continue to walk around Otofute looking through stores, restaurants and even a cat cafe or two before something catches Ochako's eye. At the end of the street is a tea house named Chashitsu no Kitsune or The Fox's Tea House. She excitedly pulls Izuku's arm towards the tea house, which he complies and speeds up. The husband and wife duo enter the traditional style and architecturally designed building sliding the rice paper door to the side. "Welcome to Chashitsu no Kitsune. My name is Lin, how may I help you today?" An oranged haired woman with fox's ears and a single tail greets as the two enter the tea house.

"A room for 2 please." Ochako asks, wagging her tails slightly in excitement.

"Sure, right this way." Lin replies, picking up two leather bound menus and leading them to their own private room. Izuku excuses himself to use the bathroom before sitting down in their room leaving Ochako to read over her menu.

"For a place called the fox's tea house there aren't any foxes here. But I can fix that." Ochako says to herself before snapping her fingers, out from behind a pillow in the room, an arctic fox pops out and then starts to snuggle up with Ochako. She lovingly strokes the pristine white fur on the fox as it curls up in her lap. She begins humming a tune to herself, leaving the door open so Izuku can find her.

"Well hello foxy. What is your name?" A male voice asks, Ochako looks up from her menu with an irritated look. A brown haired man is leaning at the edge of the doorway with his arms folded purposely flexing his measly biceps. Ochako ignores him and moves her hand to a degree where the light reflects off her wedding ring and into the man's face.

"If I were you I would apologize to the plants that create the oxygen that you're just wasting flapping your gums to a married woman." The man scowls hearing Ochako's insult but brushes it off and tries once more.

"Whys a lady like you all alone in this measly room with a rat in your lap then?" He asks, Ochako shoots him a glare as the fox in her lap begins growling at him.

"My Husband is in the restroom and he is an arctic fox." Ochako responds through her teeth. The fox in her lap growls louder bearing its teeth at the man.

"Growl all you want stupid animal. You're not intimidating." He responds, Ochako merely sighs and closes her menu before putting two fingers to her temple. "Listen here sweetcheeks, you and I are gonna leave this pla-GUUH" He says before doubling over in pain as a swift kick to the genitals from behind him shuts him up.

"This the thing troubling you Ochako?" Izuku asks picking up the man who is gripping his own testicles after having them kicked full force by Izuku. Ochako nods as Izuku picks up the man by the nape of his neck and hem of his pants before walking towards the entrance. Ochako resumes humming as she hears a window shatter at the front of the restaurant. "Sorry about that Ochako. Lin at the front said to throw him away through the window. She also said not to open it first." Izuku says, coming back to the room and petting the fox in Ochako's lap.

"Thank you, it was getting hard to breath. His ego was pushing all the air out of the room." Izuku stifles a nazaly laugh hearing her comment, he sits across from her at the kotatsu in the room before picking up a menu and reading over what they have.

"What tea are you getting?"

"Konacha, it's a green tea. It's my favorite and my mother actually had a Konacha plant at our home. It was the large bush near the entrance to the manor."

"Hmm. Well I might as well try it and see what it tastes like." Izuku stated this with a bit of optimism in his voice hoping to enjoy the tea. As he said this, a second fox came from under the kotatsu to sit on Izuku's lap. "Wanna get a few snacks as well?"

"Oooh. That sounds nice. Maybe we can get the momiji manju here. I've had it a few times when my mom made it and really liked it."

"Momiji it is." Not long after agreeing, their waitress came to ask for their orders for them to give it and ask if they had anything that the foxes on their laps could eat. The waitress said she had a few stems of leaves that are safe and good for foxes to eat that they were going to throw away and was actually more than happy to give them to someone who'd enjoy them. Some time passed for the duo to be at ease with all the smells before the waitress came back with the tea and their steamed treat. The batch was rather fresh and came right off the steamer for it to still be nice and hot. The flavor of both the bean paste and the flour mixture was enjoyable for them to the point it almost tasted like it melted in their mouths. Meanwhile, the foxes on their laps were enjoying the nice taste of their tea stems as they regularly nawed on them. Izuku's fox however was feeling a little sly to glance up at the table and slowly take one of the manju off the plate to earn a laugh from both him and Ochako. Eventually the two finished and continued their journey through the tourist area with the foxes returning from where they came from.

And that finishes this chapter. So Tiny will be a common character in this with his antics being a bit of a comedy relief for you all. See what happens next time on Izuku and Ochako's date and what their honeymoon has in store for them. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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