The Beach boy and Fox Girl

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Alright folks, first chapter of a new story. Before we start, this'll start in Ochako's perspective with her family being worshipers and a family line of shrinemaidens for as long as they could remember. She'll also have a different quirk in this that will give her fox ears and tails with some other parts that'll be explained later down the road as things  go on. Also her height and body will be a little different, so I'll explain that in the next chapter. Enjoy

The early morning sun illuminates the rice paper doors of her bedroom, a pair of fox-like ears twitch atop her head feeling the heat of the morning sun. She stretches reaching her arms far above her head and yawns before slowly opening her eyes letting them adjust to the light. The tatami sleeping mat she had slept on making her five tails stiff from being laid on for the past 10 hours of her rest. She rolls to the side from her back and flicks her tails to get the blood flowing to them again, moving each one independently of the others to fully rid herself of the tiredness.

Once the tiredness has totally left her, she slowly gets up from her bed mat. She had never been a fan of the mornings but the duties of the shrine couldn't wait. Now up and off of the floor, she walks over to the rice paper door covering her closet and opens it. in front of her is the white and red wedding kimono she would wear when she meets her husband. She stares at it longingly, wanting to know the feeling of its fine silk against her skin. Next to it is the shrinemaiden's kimono she had worn every day since her tenth birthday. She is the shrinemaiden of Kami no Inari, the god of fertility, sake, rice and of the fox. Her brown tails and their white color point accents flick back and forth as she takes the kimono down from the mannequin she placed it on the evening before, replacing it with the silk pajamas she slept in.

Sliding the door to her room open, she exits her room and walks through her traditional Japanese shinto shrine manner her family has owned for generations. Though modern day effenities are now inside the home as well. Her father sitting on a floor pillow eating his breakfast and watching the morning programming, her mother finishing plating the food for herself and daughter. Ochako passes a set of white and red samurai armor that her grandfather wore, it's Kitsune mask staring back at her and his spirit watching over the family from beyond the grave. After her mother hands her the bowl of rice porridge, eggs, and dried kombu, she claps her hands together and thanks her mother for the meal. The morning foxes that call the shrine home all gathered around to watch them that morning. Her mother starting on something to give the foxes to eat, the chirps and yelps of the fox pups playing was the sound of home. The Uraraka family manner, the protectors of Mustafu's shrine to the fox god.

Each morning was the same routine, after an early breakfast she would take the food to the foxes and tended to the bonsai trees. After she would clean the statues of the foxes and the main shrine itself. Afterwards she would make the trip through the torii gates to the beach head. She dreaded that morning walk, the beach was filthy, desecrated by an illegal landfill and the shrine at the torii gate at the beginning of the beach was in shambles, people had damaged it when they threw the rubbish there in the first place. Though she dreaded the walk, mainly for the wretched smell of the landfill, she harbored some excitement to see if a man of pure heart had tended to the shrine. As is her custom, should any of pure heart tend to the shrine without wish of monetary gain or any sort, she would become the bride of that pure hearted man. She dreamed of the day she would find him, but more than half a decade had passed since she became the shrine maiden and her hopes were starting to fade.

"Will someone ever clean this beach? Nobody even comes to the shrine anymore, it used to be so lively when I was little." She says to herself as she walks along the torii gates towards the beach. She felt as if this was a fool's errand, the true definition of insanity.

As she gets to the beach, something peculiar catches her eye, a young man seemingly cleaning the beach, he hadn't gotten much done but she could see the stand where he was cleaning. "Is he cleaning the beach?" She thinks to herself, watching him wrap chains around an abandoned engine block and start to pull it towards the staircase leading from the beach to the street. She doesn't know how much time has passed as she watches him clean, he goes around the small circle of sand he had cleared, removing more and more trash and loading it into a dumpster on the parking lot above the shore. Her curiosity getting the best of her and captivating her attention as she watches this green haired man clean the shore. From morning to dusk he is there, though she had to leave to attend to the other tasks revolving around the shrine. When she returned at the end of the day she saw him, lying on his back and breathing heavily, he was out of breath but the area he had cleaned was far larger than when he had started. "Did he work here all day by himself?" She wondered.

"Has anyone tended to the shrine Ochako?" Her mother asked, every day she would ask this question.

"No, the beach is still a landfill." She lied, well not entirely. The shrine had yet to be mended but the beach was in the process of being cleaned.

"Don't worry Ochako, some day you will find the perfect man for you to wed." Her mother says rubbing the fox ears on her head. Ochako simply nods before retiring to her room for the rest of the evening.

Months of watching this young man clean the beach passed, every single day he was there, the long weeks of his constant work were paying off, the beach was becoming cleaner and cleaner. He even broke a line all the way from the beach to the shore. It had been years since the beach had seen the land but now the two were reunited. Ochako wondered why he was doing this, why clean this entire landfill by himself? These questions remained unanswered as the days went by, slowly but surely the beach was becoming cleaner and cleaner with each passing day. Ochako found herself wishing to see him each day, she hardly paid attention to the large blonde man she would often see with him encouraging the green haired young man. She became infatuated with him, her dreams growing these fantasies as time went. One morning however, just before dawn she had an epiphany, what if he doesn't tend to the shrine? What if he is doing this for monetary gain? These questions made her blood run cold, that morning when she would see him, she decided to test him.

Repeating the same routine she followed every day, she eventually made her way down the stairs from the manner to the beach. She could see something moving on the beach far away as she walked. Soon she found herself sitting where she usually watched him and saw that he was once again tending to the beach. This time he was very close to her, pushing a large broken down truck off the beach. He took breaks in between moving the vehicle and during one of these breaks she decided to test his heart. She used her powers to summon the avatar of Inari, the ritual was silent and the fox appeared in the snow in front of her, it's face accented with red lashes.

She tells the fox to act like it is hurt, and to see if he will aid him. The fox yips at what she says in acknowledgement causing the young man to look over towards her. She had used her powers to become invisible every time she watched him but she shook in her wooden sandals when his gaze fell upon her. His emerald eyes show the purity and devotion of a natural born hero but the pain of a tragic past. The fox imitates a yelp as it slowly walks out from behind the rock.

The green haired man sees the snow white fox hobble out from behind a rock, it obviously limping on its front right leg. He pays no mind to the interesting colors on its face and instead tries to coax it to come towards him. The fox stares at him before slowly and cautiously walking forwards. The man with the green hair reaches into a nearby backpack and pulls out a leg of chicken he was going to eat for lunch. The fox sees the food and comes closer, though slowly since it is impeded by an injured forelimb. Once the fox is close enough the man offers the chicken leg to the fox. It takes it from his hand and turns it's back to him, he uses this opportunity to pick up the fox. It doesn't resist as it removes pressure from the injured limb and makes it feel better. He sits the fox in his lap before looking at the paw, the fox continuing to eat the chicken as he does so. He grabs the sleeve of his shirt and rips it off, which causes the fox to turn to him in curiosity. He then grabs two small sticks nearby and tries to reach for the fox's hurt leg. It at first growls at him, causing him to retract his hand rather quickly before speaking.

"It's ok, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm going to help you." he says, his voice smooth and soothing to the creature and to Ochako. "I'm going to fix your leg."

He reaches for the injured paw and carefully places the two sticks on either side and wraps it with the shirt creating a makeshift splint. It yelps at the first touch but soon realises that the split soothes the pain soon after. Once done, he sets it back in the snow carefully before standing back up. The fox looks at him before walking in the direction of the shrine, and he follows. He sees it walk as best it can with the splint on it's leg before coming to a moss covered and damaged statue of a fox. It jumps up onto the statue with the chicken bone in his mouth before dropping it. He then sees it bite something then lift it's head up, in its mouth is a white and red porcelain kitsune.

He bows to the fox before opening his hand under its mouth and the fox drops the charm into his hand. As he takes a moment to look over the charm he looks away from the white fox, when he looks back, it's gone.

"That was weird." The boy looked up at the shrine again to realize that he had absolutely no idea such a sacred area was near the beach or even desecrated due to the pollution.

(Imagine a bunch of trash here with the shrine in horrible condition)

"I wonder if anyone actually knew this was here." He glanced back down at the charm he obtained from the fox before looking back at the shrine. "I wonder if that fox knew about this and wanted me to help?"

In the distance, Ochako watched the boy look at the shrine and ponder for a moment. Her ears began to perk up and her tails began to wag a bit realizing he's found the shrine and sees how it's in horrid shape. "Please let this work." She turns around to see the small fox walk back with a chicken leg bone and it's makeshift splint. She kneels down to pet it and congratulates the small creature for it's good work as it gnaws away at the bone marrow.

The next day began for Ochako the same as always. Today however, she was rather curious if the boy had done anything for her shrine to begin jumping out of bed to immediately start her daily shrinemaiden duties. When the moment came for her to see the beach and the boy again, she practically ran to the beach hoping to see something. She neared the corner to stop right by the shrine to look upon it and immediately lose her smile. Nothing had been done. Ochako glanced upon the moss and garbage covered shinto shrine and began to cry a bit. "I...I thought he was gonna do it. He wasn't to be my husband?" Her tears fell as she didn't see the boy that day. No longer having any desire or reason to remain at the beach, Ochako finished what she had to for the shrine and returned home. When she did, her mother began to ask why she looked so upset for Ochako to simply say it wasn't important and went up to her room. She glanced at the wedding dress in her closet feeling as if she'd never find who was worthy in their family traditions. She eventually changed and laid down on the tatami mat hoping for her dreams would at least do something to brighten her mood.

And that finishes this chapter. See how Izuku and Ochako handle their situation from here now that he's learned of the shrine. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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