USJ Nightmare

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As the weekend came to an end, the class of 1-A had returned to school. Meanwhile however, Ochako had come into a deep thought as to why she had not been with child yet. She began to walk down the halls of UA trying to understand this. Though her and Izuku tried to hold some moderation, it wasn't as if they weren't regularly doing it. In the time of the weekend, they've easily done it over five times in a single day give or take a few rounds that weren't exactly finishing up inside her.

"I know I've been doing everything right as far as I can tell. I've been satisfying Izuku, I'm satisfied, and I'm literally filled to the brim regularly and keep it there for the purpose of trying to let my body be fertilized. So why am I not with child yet?" She kept thinking of this with Izuku trying to cheer up his wife in any possible means he knew. "Could it be that Izuku doesn't want to have a child yet? Perhaps that might be the case, for house inari to have children both mother and father need to want to have an heir." She thinks to herself. "I'll have to ask him when we're alone."

As they walked, the sound of a rather annoying and arrogant person came behind them. "Well if it isn't the scum of class A." They looked behind to see a person with blond hair and what looked like a rather self centered image in front of them.

He however walked towards Ochako for some reason and began speaking. "If I would've known that class A had someone worth my time in it, I would've suggested a transfer of you with one of our less competent members. But the likes of you shouldn't be around the swine that is beside you." He started laughing for Izuku to have a bit of an irritated look on him. Ochako held her hand out however saying she was going to handle this.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you Mr..."

"Monoma. Neito Monoma."

"Monoma. But unfortunately for you, I'm already married to this man and nothing will change that." Ochako said this while happily hugging Izuku for him to blush.

"How shameful it must be. A woman of your caliber being married to a man such as this? I wonder if he can even be called a man-OWW!" Monoma stopped when a fox decided to bite his ass and growl at him. "WHERE DID THIS MANGY MUTT COME FROM!?"

The fox ran over to Izuku and stood on its hind legs trying to get him to pick it up. "Seems the foxes that are under goddess Inari aren't too fond of you and I am even less so. Consider this a warning from a divine being. Do not attempt to anger us again." The two turned around to try and leave before the blond decided to grab Ochako's wrist.

"Hold it right there." They turned around to see Monoma being rather agitated. "Nobody makes a mockery of me and gets away with it."

In retaliation, Izuku grabbed the blond's wrist and activated OFA to force him to let go of Ochako. "Let me make one thing clear to you Monoma. You even dare touch my wife and future mother of my children like that again," Izuku glared at him with sheer anger and aggression prominent before speaking. "You're a dead man." He threatens crushing down on his wrist causing the bones to crack and splinter audibly.

Before a fight could start between the two, an orange haired woman came over to karate chop Monoma's neck and knock him out. "DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH OR SOMETHING!?" The girl looked back to Izuku and Ochako for her to apologize and bow. "I am so sorry about my classmate. He doesn't know when to stop even when we tell him it isn't worth it and will just blow up in his face."

"It's ok. A little bit of the reason a fight was about to start was kinda on my end though. Sorry that I broke his wrist but, he was trying to start a fight." Izuku says with a bit of an awkward laugh.

"Well he says fight but it would have been more him flailing angrily." Ochako adds in.

"Not a problem. I don't take any issue with it mainly because he was sorta starting it and tried to pick up a uh..." The girl stopped before continuing. "My name's Kendo by the way."

"Mines Izuku Midoriya. Nice to meet you."

"And I'm Ochako Midoriya. Izuku's wife."

"So that comment wasn't a lie?" Both shook their heads no for Kendo to look down at Monoma annoyed even more. "You're lucky this didn't go any farther than it did or you might've really caused problems. Anyway, nice meeting you and sorry about my classmate." The three parted ways with Ochako looking at Izuku.

"Hey Izuku, when you said 'mother of your children' do you think of me as in a few years or more in the near future?" Izuku blushed at this and was having difficulties responding.

"W-well I wouldn't hurt to have k-kids later in life, b-but it is what it is if we have them e-earlier." Izuku didn't want to admit it, but the image of him and Ochako having their first baby has come across his mind in the more recent future with the fact they haven't had a pregnancy scare yet kinda surprising him. Both however kept the thought of this to themselves and continued into the classroom where they'd prepare for their school day.

Time skip to the afternoon

As the group of 1-A began heading out for a field trip on the bus, their class representative Iida tried to make them all sit in order of their seats. This sadly became a failure on his end with the seats being different and more as a city bus. Since it didn't really matter anymore where they sat, Ochako sat near Izuku with some foxes finding their way out from under the seats to hang around the class.

"Seriously, do these foxes just come out for fanservice or something?" Kirishima asks with one of the foxes going into his hair and looking down at him with a smile.

"I can summon them whenever, or they can come out when I really don't have anything against them doing so. They may be able to come out by my will, but they still have a mind of their own." A white fox came over to sit on Ochako's lap to show it's underside to her and gain a belly rub.

"Whatever. These things are nothing but a bunch of flea bagsOWW!" Bakugou felt one of the foxes bite his ear with a few more glaring at him with teeth shown.

"Seems they don't like Bakugou that much *ribbit*."

"To be fair, it takes a special touch to 'like' Kaachan." Izuku clarified this with two foxes sitting on his lap and a third being in his hair.

"So Ochako, when's the first baby gonna come. I wanna see what yours and Mido's baby looks like." Ashido says this in a happy tone with some of the foxes playing around her.

"Soon hopefully. I want to have one, but maybe Inari doesn't wish me to have one yet."

"Could be that Midoriya's impote-OOF!" Kaminari was hit in the stomach by Jirou who kept him from finishing that comment. One by one. Some of the foxes began headbutting his stomach as a way to mimic the aux cord quirk user's act to make everyone laugh.

"Don't think it's that. Lady Inari wouldn't let a sterile man be the next head if that was the case and the foxes around us would've killed him by now." Everyone stopped laughing at this realizing their class cinnamon roll would've been killed if Kaminari's comment actually was the case.

"We're here, get off." Aizawa spoke up as the doors of the bus opened up for the pack of foxes to come off and circle around the pro hero 13 along with the members of the class. Once done, the space hero explained what they were doing here with him saying they were practicing rescue training. They continued to discuss this before heading inside to notice some lights flickering. As the electricity went slightly haywire, a portal opened up in the center of the facility for an army of villains to show up.

"Cool! They even have fake villains here!" Kirishima stated this with all the foxes on high alert due to their animal senses saying this wasn't training.

"Those aren't fake villains. They're the real deal" Aizawa started jumping down preparing to fight with the small army of foxes running down to help.

"This isn't good. Ochako, can you call Tiny he-" Izuku tried to talk before seeing a giant beast with blackish purple skin, a bird beak, and it's brain on display jumping over to try and punch the brunette. "GET BACK!" Izuku was able to jump and take Ochako out of the way at the cost of his legs being broken for them to see the monster.

"Izuku! Say something!" Izuku grunted in pain as Ochako noticed her husband's legs broken. He willingly hurt himself just to pull her out of the way. "You bastard." Ochako got up on her feet to look at the monstrous best with cold dead eyes. "You had the audacity to strike a woman, nearly cause severe damage to her, force her husband to hurt himself so she wouldn't and look at me without any form of APOLOGY!?" The beast didn't understand her from what anyone could see. It pulled it's fist back again before Ochako used her tails as a fist to send the giant beast back into the center area of the USJ.

"Ochako?" The girls looked at their friend before she spoke up.

"Iida, get out of here and find the teachers. Girls, can you protect Izuku?"

"O-ok. But what are you going to do?" Yaoyorozu asked in fear of what just happened.

"They want a fight? I'm giving them a fight." Ochako punched her hand in anger before shouting. "THE ONLY ONE THAT HAS THE RIGHT TO MAKE MY HUSBAND'S LEGS GO NUMB LIKE THAT IS ME!"

Ochako walked down the steps with a blue haired man covered in hands smiling at her. "I guess we have a new player. Nomu. Kill her." The beast known as Nomu charged at Ochako with her summoning blue flames inside her hand.

"INCINERATE!" She sent the flames directly at the beast before it connected to burn the beast. It screamed in pain before the flames began to die down to show the burnt body of what it was. "Guess you weren't as tough as I thought.

"Don't think this is game over yet girl. Nomu has the ability to regenerate. It'll take more than that to take him down." The beast's body started to restore itself before standing back up like it was nothing.

"Figured. TINY!" Ochako called for the large fox with him showing up beside her.

"What is it you wish for my lady?"

Ochako pointed at the monstrosity and the man with blue hair. "These two wanted to attack and hurt me with Izuku getting hurt instead. Teach them why you never cross the Inari." Tiny nodded before running towards the two.

"You think some dumb fox is going to help? Nomu! Kill the steroid fox!" Nomu came charging at Tiny with both holding the other back through locking their hands. The giant fox smirks before vanishing in a cloud of red and white smoke. The nomu looks around with it's chameleon-like eyes before a new cloud appears and Tiny comes out of it. Dawned in his full samurai armor and wielding a 7ft nodachi and bringing down a cleaving strike at the nomu. In an instant the nomu is bisected vertically before falling in half. Tiny takes the giant sword and points it at another villain that had tried to attack him from behind and with a slash faster than the eye can see, the villain was disarmed below the elbow.

A thunderous blow from the nomu collides with the armor that Tiny is wearing, sending him several feet back. Tiny smirks before taking his thumb and wiping a small amount of blood that had trickled from his mouth off his fur. "Actually felt that one." He comments before sheathing the sword and charging the nomu. Both titans clash with one another in a barrage of fists, every punch being sent by the nomu at Tiny is expertly blocked and countered with a punch to it's joints and exposed brain. Blocking with both arms he breaks through the guard of the nomu before and lands a hammer strike to the creature's brain. Lunging back, he grabs the handle of the nodachi across his back before a light gleams from his left eye. The others only saw him touch the handle of the sword before the nomu was reduced to the contents of a meat pie. Tiny turns to face the other villains that were looking on in shock at the titan fox, some of them smart enough to run away, others stood being paralysed with fear and the foolish ones actually attempt to use their quirks on him. In a similar move, Tiny pulls the sword out of the sheath to expose the blade only an inch before resheathing it. Each of the goons that were dumb enough to try to use their quirks had their costumes shredded by a thousand cuts leaving them only in their skivvies as a warning.

Pulling the entire blade back out from its sheath, Tiny points the blade at the villain leader before the nodachi is emblazoned with red and white fox fire. The nomu, having regenerated from his mince meat form attempts to grapple the titan fox. As if day had turned into night for a moment, a bright slash cuts through the darkness revealing Tiny standing several meters away from the nomu. The creature's hands lurch up towards its neck as it's head is relieved from it's shoulders and disintegrated by the fox fire leaving the Nomu a bleeding headless corpse. "Punk ass bitch." Tiny says before flicking the blood and flames from his sword and sheathing it.

"Yeah! Go Tiny! You showed him!" Ochako jumped up and cheered with many of the other members of the class cheering as well.

As they cheered, the blue haired man began to scratch his neck rather angrily. "He cheated. HE CHEATED! HIM AND THAT BITCH!" The man looked around in anger before looking upon Ochako. "Well if the fox isn't going to be a success, then I guess the girl is the next best thing." He charged at Ochako with Tiny trying to stop him. This was prevented however by a man that was made entirely of mist coming at him and keeping the giant fox from coming to his mistress's aid.

"YOUNG MISTRESS!" Ochako noticed the man running at her to prepare a counter measure. She started to activate her foxfire before noticing a green blur come towards her with three broken limbs and another arm pulled back prepared to attack.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH MY WIFE!" Izuku was coming towards them before the doors to the USJ broke open to reveal a clearly angry All Might.

"Have no fear, FOR I AM HERE!" The villains looked up at the pro realizing their trump card wasn't there anymore to panic.

"Shigaraki sir. We must leave."

"Guess it's game over for now. But don't think this is the end of this. We'll be back for you All Might. And you're little brats too!" The two villains left through a portal of black mist with All Might and Aizawa cleaning up the rest of the villains.

As this happened, Ochako looked down on Izuku to see him struggling to remain conscious. "Izuku. I'm sorry you did this for me."

"I-it's ok Ochako. You're...ok...right?" She nodded before holding her hands out over Izuku. She began using her healing factor of her quirk for Izuku's body to heal itself rather quickly. Though he wasn't conscious anymore, the worst of his injuries were healed with nothing medically wrong with him anymore. Ochako however was about to pass out from exhaustion with Tiny coming over to hold the two on his back.

"Forgive me for not being there to help you my lady. As a way to atone for this, I shall carry you two back to the dorms myself." Ochako smiled as she was losing consciousness before speaking up.


And that finishes this chapter. The class was able to survive the USJ thanks to Tiny and Ochako. See how the fox woman handles the fact she almost lost her husband. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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