Chapter 1

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~hey so I had to change the story. I didn't like the old one and I'm hoping I can do better with this one. Also really bad speller and my grammar sucks, please don't say anything I know it's caused by my dyslexia. If you can't really deal with this problem leave. It's as simple as that. Also I'm extremely busy with school, being a junior and all, so I'm always busy with that. I'll update when I can so with that note let's get to the story!!~

(Y/n) was a normal girl, except the fact that she liked to rough house, play with swords and well want to be a knight. Her mother never like his idea and wanted her to be a wife to a nice man. She just never expected this man to be so mean.
"Mom! Please just let me try, I know girls are not really one to do guard things but I can fight and do things other girls can't," she explained after ripping yet another dress before a possible suiter came along. "No guy really likes me cause I can kick there butt!"

"This is not how you should act, it's not lady like, I don't want you to do this." Her mother protested. "You are 19 teen years old and are of age to marry. If you can't find a husband by your 20th birthday then you will never find one." She said and (Y/n) cross my arms. "Don't make me arrange a marriage cause all you'll be is sad and miserable."

"I'm going to change," (Y/n) say storming off down the hall to my room. It was always like this, ever since her father passed away it was like this. She sat in her room knowing that the sutar was still coming and if she wanted to look good she would dress how she wanted to, so she did. (Pic above credit to artist)

As she went back down the hall she saw a tall man there. He was like every other man who came to see her but he had a helmet in his hand and held a crest of an ok'asis guard. "My dear why are you not in the dress I layer out for you?" Mother asked but (Y/n) didn't answer. She was amazed an Ok'asis guard was in her home.

"I chose to where what I would like. If this man doesn't like it then I'm sorry I do, also I see you a guard of Ok'asis what is that like?"

"I'm not the man who is bear for you my boss is, he actually could not make it so I came in his place," the man said hanging her a note explaining everything.

"You alredy gave this man my blessing! Do you know who he is!" You ask your mother trying not to tase your voice. "I don't want to marry this man this is the guy I wanted to be a guard for!"

"Well you are to marry him, I'm sorry my darling but it's for your own good. You forced my hand and it says that he actually loves you, and wants your hand. I agreed because he is the Preset for Lady Irene, you will be taken care of there,"

"How many days do I have to pack my things before I head over to Ok'asis?" You ask the guard as he put back on his helmet.

"Tomorrow to get everything in order, if you are not here for any reason Lord Zane will be upset with you,"

"Will they marry right away?" My mother asked really excited for me to marry a powerful man.

"I'm afraid not but when they do someone will be back to get you my lady," he said bowing to us even though we were not the lord or anything special. He left on the horse he came on and my mother closed the door giving a sigh of relief.

Before she could say anything (Y/n) went to my room and jumped out the window running into the woods to think. Her mother saw this and just shook her head in disappointment getting trunks and started packing her stuff.

~Your Pov~

"This is crazy!" I shout getting the sword I had hidden in an old Oak tree. I sling it over my shoulder and run in a bit further to the clearing that I always found. I draw it and start swinging around.

"Why would he chose me? I'm not the daughter of a lord or anything I'm simple and he's a powerful person." I keep questioning what his intentions are. I have two days to think everything over. "It's not like I have many friends, I am close with the lord and his family so I guess they deserve a good bye but he wanted me to be his guard for his family. The lord has seen me fight for myself and others, heck I've fought a man person going crazy with power. But what am I to do with Zane? I only hear stories of him, he traveled through the village once and got bred from my stand I only said how much it was. He only met me once and so did I!"
~kind of a flash back~
That day played back in my head now more than ever. He was on his way to a town called Phoenix Droop, there was a wedding happening there and my lord was invited and wanted me to go in his place but my mother said no. So we sent a gift but nothing else. He also traveled back home through the village but I was training with the lord and his son but he stoped to talk with us.

"Hello sir I was wondering if I could talk to this lovely girl here," Zane said and my lord called me over.

"Yes sir?" I ask and he said that Sir Zane wished to talk with me. "Okay, hello Sir zane I'm (Y/n) is there something you needed?"

"Yes actually I was wondering if your the same girl who sold me some bred about five days ago?" He asked and you nodded your head yes. "Then why aren't you doing that today?"

"Excuses me? You expect me to work and not do what I like? My mother is working today and I'm training with the lord, I have a plan in like to not be someone stay at home wife." I said that day and with a bow I left. "Have a great day Sir Zane but I must get back to training,"

"Wait tell me your name again," he said before I was to far.

"(Y/n) but some call me (Nick name), if you can't find me ever," I said and went back to training.
~back to normal time~
That was the time I actually talked with him I never thought he would like me, let alone ask for my hand in marriage! But my mother already approved of this accord!

"I am done I just wanted to fight be a guard and do good!" I say throwing my sword at a tree and hitting it dead on knocking it down. "I'm stronger than what he could handle," I say seeing the sun began to set and getting it and quickly running back home. Weapon still attached to me and climbing back through my window.

My stuff was all packed up already and  I had two dresses payed out for me. My books, my papers, everything even my outfits I like, my shoes and even a family picture we got done years ago.

"Oh good your home," I hear my mother say and I quickly turn around. "Put up your weapon the lord is here for dinner to congratulate you, and his family. Get changed and wash the dirt off your face and please behave,"

"I'm gonna keep what I have on and I'll clean up but that's it. I'll do what I want,"

"Your new husband will not like this attitude you have,"

"And if he can't handle me then maybe I can come home or something like that," I say washing off my face and walking into the dining aria. "My lord," I saw and bow to him and his family. "A pleasure to see you again."

"Ah, (Nick name/N/n) congratulations on your marriage thought has not happened yet. You will invite us won't you?"

"Yes sir I will but I only talked with the man once in my life and I only hear stories of him." I say and it was true.

"And what about your training you have learned a lot but you can't be a guard anymore!" His only son cried but it it was true. "We can't be friends,"

"We can still be friends and I will definitely be able to come over for you," I said and the night cared on.

~time skip to late in the night~

"It was nice for your blessing, good night my lord and friends," My mother said closing the door and Turing to me. "If anything you could be more happy about tomorrow you are moving away like you always wanted to," she said cleaning off the table.

"I'm not happy about that actually, I did want to go away but not forever this won't be what I wanted." I said and left the room to mine. I unpacked an outfit for tomorrow and put away the stupid dress my mom had out for me. I changed into my Pjs and set a fire to keep the room warm. I blew out the other candles and went to my bed. I allayed there for a long while thinking about what may happen tomorrow but I was not happy I wanted to stay close to home and Ok'asis is far from us. But I mean I get to go and see the city, the thing is I won't fall for this monster.

~YEAH! So my plan was to get this out by New Year's Day but that was a fail cause I keeped trying to make it good and a story I would like cause if I don't like my stories then I don't really continue them. I hope you enjoy the story and let me know what you think sofar and I hope you read the top bit cause that's REALLY IMPORTANT!

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