Chapter 3

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~Your Pov~

I guess I went to sleep cause I woke up the next day in the same outfit I was in last night. I guess it was cause of the ride or the fact that I was so mad I just past out. I walked out of my room and saw Zane sitting at his desk. "Oh good your up, I would like some tea and eggs for breakfast get one that would you," he said not even realizing I was bairly awake or even the time.

"what time is it?" I ask and he shrugs.

"Early but still breakfast time, here's some money if that's what you need and the basket is by the door," he said placing the bag of silver and gold on he desk. "I suggest hurrying before the market gets to busy,"

"Only if you say please, and maybe if you say it without the sass,"

"I don't have sass it's just the way I talk so would you please hurry before the market gets crazy?" He asked still with sass and still not sounding happy.

"Fine, I'll be back shortly," I said and heading down the stars getting the basket I walked out to the market square. It was probably about 7:30 and there where already people around. I went up to the egg stand and bought about 4 eggs then went to get some bread and jam as well. If anything I just wanted to make sure that he eats cause he's really fairly skinny for his age. Then I got some meat for dinner and vegetables and fruit too. But then I saw someone who looked odd.

"Potions and bottles? What do they do?" I asked the hag as she looked up at me.

"Make dreams come true, what ever you want I can have a potion for it. So what would you like?" She asked and I shrugged.

"I need herbs for dinner, do you sell any that sent magic?"

"No I do not only magic here and if you ever need something just ask the forest for Rosa, I will appear when you call and need magical guidance," she said and I gave her an odd look.

"I'm sorry but I have no powers so I won't be needing help," I said and left still looking for herbs. That lady was so odd that she gave me the chills and when I look to see if she'd still there her booth vanished but I would expect nothing less from a witch. I started waking back to Zane's house and as I entered there was lots of yelling coming from up stares, quickly I put things in the ice chest then I went to see what the matter was.

"(Y/n) go do what I told you!" Zane shouted as soon as he saw me. "And I hope you brought enough we have to feed all 9 of my jury!" He shouted and I cross my arms and raise a brow.

"Excuse me? I told you not to take that tone of voice with me. Hello everyone I'm Zane's féance, sadly I can't stay and chat, I thought I was making breakfast for just us but it sees I have to go bye more," I said turning around upset and stomped down the stares.

"One of you ladies talk with her!" He shouted as I slam the door going over to the market again. I didn't know one of the lady jury's where fallowing me and I didn't care.

"Lady (Y/n) please wait up," I finally Hurd someone say and I turn to see a blue haired lady, she was absolutely beautiful. "Allow me to introduce myself, I am Katelyn the Fire-fist, one of the jury members, Sir Zane wanted me to go with you," she said with a small bow and smiled.

"How do you work for such a man?" I ask and she shrugs.

"I grew up with older brothers and one younger, mother died when the youngest was born but I took care of them and learned to fight,"

"I'm sorry for your loss, and you are a brave woman for doin what you do, but tell Zane I will be home soon, nothings wrong and he just doesn't need to snap at me like I'm one of the help,"

"If that is all then I will go, and if you ever need a friend to talk with you may come to me," she said giving a bow bye and I did the same. I went in the market and got more eggs, and a bit more bread. Quickly I get home and there's still yelling going on upstairs. So I go and start a fire in the oven, starting to cook and I call them all down when the eggs are cooked and I made some toast. "Here you all go, now I would like for there to be no yelling as you eat," I say and Zane looks at me and frowns.

"Thank you lady (Y/n)," Katelyn said and they all nodded. As they keep quiet and ate I cleaned up of my mess and then one of the other guards looked at me then to Zane.

"Sir if you don't mind me asking but why is she not in a dress? Only guards can wear that outfit," the man said and I gave him a dirty look. "She is a lady not a man,"

"I am a lady who can get her self dressed take her own orders from no one else but herself, I am strong enough to kick your butt and quite frankly if you don't like the way I'm dressed I have but a simple question for you," I said taking his cup and putting more water into it. "If you clearly don't like the way I look then why stare at someone else's fiancé? I'm sure your wife would not like that now would she?" I said and everyone stoped what they where doing and looked up at me.

Zane got up, grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room telling everyone to continue eating and he would be back. As we go into yet another room for laundry he gave me a look like I had done something wrong. "What makes you think you can speak to my guards like that?" He snaps as soon as the door closed.

"I said what needed to be said. He was staring at me and well I am your fiancé you should of been the one to speak up but I did it myself," I snapped back as he just keep getting madder. "I'm sorry if I stoped out of line but people do question me but when it's a man saying I'm nothing more than a woman. It's just as people saying your nothing but a monster,"

"I am a monster I'm use to people telling me that so don't get all worked up if someone says something about the way your dressed." He said and turned around to face me. "You have chores to do wale I have this meeting, you are not to bother and you are to put on a better outfit then what a man would wear. Do I make myself clear?" He asked looming over me. I felt weak and defenseless for the first time in my life when he said this to me. "Answer now,"

"Yes sir," I said and he gave a small kiss on my forehead.

"Sorry for shouting, we will talk later about what I expect and what you would like from me," he said leaving me in the laundry room and I looked around. There was a fireplace and a pot to have warm water, a iron skillet to smooth out the renkels, I head up to my room to change into a more "lady like" outfit so that the guards won't be upset with me. I put on a loose shirt and a skirt with a side pouch to hold things, and an apron. I walk out of my room and see them all standing around the desk getting ready to talk again.

"Pardon me," I said quickly going down the stares and into the kitchen picking up there messes and cleaning off the table. Next I head back up into Zane's room to get his dirty clothes and do the wash. Heading to the river and getting water in my two buckets. I am use to house work but this is just rude. It was only about 4 in the afternoon when everyone left and I was taking a small break getting ready to light a fire by his desk when he stopped me.

"May we talk, my lady?" He said so clam, I nodded dusting myself off and standing up. He led me to his desk and let me sit at his chair. "I'm sorry for the way I treated you today, the men in the jury are not kind to woman who intimidated them, the few women are strong and can push them around so you just need to know your place. That's all they wanted you to know but I said you are a free spirit and can do what you chose. I hope that was right,"

"Zane that was fine but what you need to know is that I can fight and defend myself," I said getting up and walking over to start the fire. "I can do things on my own, my dad was not really around, I was picked on, I had to defend myself and my mom. The lord was kind to us and so was lady Irene, they took care of us, in return I was a madden, knight and a huntress. I took care of my mother when she was close to death so him telling me something like that won't change the fact that I never needed a man in my life. A lot said I was a lost princess, but this princess saves herself,"

He walk over and gave me a hug, it was odd at first but then it felt nice. "Then don't be a princess, be my lady,"

"Zane I don't love you, not now, but maybe in time I will," I said moving away from him and then someone ran in the house.

"State your business?" Zane said and the small boy stoped.

"Sir Zane, I'm sorry To impose but a letter from another village. You are to be the High Preset at a wedding that is a week away," the young lad said.

"I'll take that," Zane said taking the letter and looking over it. The boy still wanted around, probably to get his pay, and Zane just told him to leave but I went up and paid him.

Zane stared to mumble as he read the letter and mI went over to see. "Okay so I guess that crazy lady is finally putting in her favor. You are to occupy me as my lady, we will take a few guards and you will dress appropriately," he said turning to me. "Is this okay?"

"Yes," I said and that was the end. He went to his room I got to walk around town before late and I went to the training area for new guards. I went in and saw a girl standing there and looking around. Once she saw me though she vanished in to the air, I guess it was a ghost or a witch, either way it didn't phase me. I took my sword out and started to practice. I did this till a male guard told me I had to go, so I left back to Zane's, took a short bath and then went to bed.

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