Chapter 6

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The next morning Zane woke me up to a surprise, he showed me a map of the town and where my house would be. "Your handmade should be here any minute and I just let you both will head over to the house, I have to leave for a few weeks to report to visit their Lord. I don't want you to come with me but you will stay in the new house and all of the jury members are going out on missions for me. You should be safe and if you need me to come back then I will, write and ask one of my father's messengers to send it to me."

"Thank you, Zane," I said and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. "Are you leaving today?" I asked and he nodded.

"Don't worry I'll be back soon," he said heading down the stares and before he left he turned back and looked at me with loving eyes. "I love you (Y/n)," he said and left.

I went to the window and saw his horse and every one of his knights ride off too. "I said I wasn't going to fall for a monster but to me, he's sweet and kind. I know he's going to do something bad but he's also willing to protect me so does that make it good?" I ask myself even though no one would answer me.

I get dressed and put on just something simple for the time. I knew for a very long time Zane was evil claiming it as good for lady Irene and I know he has a relic I don't know what one but it gives him powers that I can't know about. There was a knock at the door when I walked out to put out the candles from the night before.

"Coming," I said to open the door to a young girl, probably younger than me by two years, dressed in an apron and bonnet on her head. "Hi, how can I help you?" I asked and she gave a shy smile.

"My name is Sondra, I am your hand madden that master Zane had picked out for you," she said in a sheepish voice. Lu seemed really kind and sweet but I wanted to ask her a few questions as we left to my house.

"So Sondra how old are you?" I ask as people wave to me and even bow which I found odd.

"I am 16 years old," she answered and I smiled. "You are 18 yes," she asked and I nodded my head. "How old is Master Zane?"

"He's 20, and I love him none the less, also there is no reason to call him Master, just Zane will work but unless he is around I guess that's okay. Anyways why did you agree to this work?"

"I'm alone, well I have my baby sister, but she is only 5 so I had to find work and Zane said it would also offer shelter and food, which is what we needed."

"Why not bring your sister to the house to stay with you? I don't mind at all, and even if she does like small things around the house I will pay her, just so you both have extra money." I said and Sondra's eyes lit up. "Just please don't break anything," I said opening the door to my new home to find everything was already put away and the three rooms were set up.

"Lady (Y/n), thank you for being so kind," Sondra said giving me a hug. "May I get my sister from the marketplace real quick?"

"Yes, and here's some money to get us dinner for tonight," I said and she nodded running off and I could just tell she was so happy to find a place where she belonged again. I use to look for that but I found my place.

As I look around the house I see out in the back there is a training area along with new weapons and my old ones shining. There was also new armor, all white and absolutely beautiful with a note attached to it. 

'My love I hope you enjoy your new gifts. ~Zane'  i was so happy by this gift.

Not long after I started a fire in the oven and got water from the well Sondra came back with her sister and lots of food. "Sorry we are so late Lady (Y/n)," she said and I saw her sister hide behind her. "Rea this is my new boss, and she is willing to pay you too if you help," Sondra said and I smiled and waved at her. 

"It's nice to meet you, Rea," I said and she came out from hiding behind Sondra. "So the only thing I ask of you is to get flowers for the tables and candles. Think you could do that?" I asked and she nodded. "Great so for your first day ill give you two gold," I said getting two out of my bag and her eyes lit up. "And Sondra, you get ten," I said handing her money and she nearly cried. 

"This is too much," She said trying to hand it back but I folded her hand and put it to her heart. 

"I know what it is like to feel alone, to have to work every day to get just a scrap of bred and meet, and I don't want the same for both of you," I said and she smiled giving me a hug and getting ready to make dinner. "I'll be looking through some things but I think I have some old outfits I'll give you girls," I said and went to the back room that was filled with clothes and shoos. I found an old dress that was still nice to fit Sondra, and a small dress for Rea, then lay them out in there room and smile as I shut the door. 

"Ms. (Y/n)," A small voice said and I turn to see Rea. "Thank you for letting us stay with you," She said and my heart melted. 

"Oh, Rea," I said bending down to see her face. "I don't want you out on the streets alone, It's better to have a bed then sleep out there," I said and she gave me a hug.

"Thank you for giving my sister this job but I heard you are good at combat? Is this true?" She asked and I smiled gratefully she asked. Without saying a word I took her by the hand and took her to the backyard to see my new weapons and training equipment. 

"I trained my whole life, I had to protect myself and my mother," I said and her eyes lit up as the sunset. "If its okay with your sister maybe I can train both of you to fight and defined yourselves, it's a good skill to learn."  As we walk back inside and headed to the dining area, we sat and ate dinner. The girls where like sisters I never had and I let them know. 


With these next few weeks that Zane would be gone doing his evil work, I had to plan the wedding. My dress, and had to find a suite or something nice for him to wear, it was a lot of work and I was under so much stress for it only being three days in and our wedding was when he came back, whenever that was. 

"Zianna! I can't decide, both the lemon and white cakes are great but I can't decide this all on my own," I told her as Rea was by my side at the baker's trying to help me and Zianna decide. "Rea, what do you think?" 

"Lady (Y/n) I think you should go with the white with a Rasberry filling, oh or a lemon filling!" she said and was kind of hipper from the sugar. 

"Well I think that's a great idea, Rea, and just the normal frosting please," Zianna said paying the baker. "My son will be back in two weeks from today so be ready." She said and we left. 

"Zianna, I miss him so much, but do you know what he's doing?" I asked and she shrugged giving a smile as a young boy came up and gave her a flower. "My son has always tried to outshine his older brother, Garroh, Garte favored Garroth more than Zane or Vylad, and when Vylad died it was sad for all of us. Then Garroth was engaged to a young girl from brite port, Garroth ran away from home bringing a lot of pressure on Zane to find someone and be great, but my son is evil, I had neglected him without meaning it, and there's nothing I can do about it now I'm hoping you see the good in him that he might give up evil and learn control," 

All this Zianna said to me about a week ago, and I had grown sad and upset over simple little details over the wedding. I did love Zane but I don't think he feels the same way, so I would just cry most days barely coming out of my room to eat. I would run away most nights ridding through the woods trying to clear my mind, taking my weapons and trained by myself. I did this almost every night when I had a nightmare.

I was seeing villages burn down, Ok'asis guards killing men women and children. In the mist of the flames I would see Zane grinning and when I got close to him he would look down and laugh evilly and stab me, causing me to just up and leave tears through my eyes and I would just hop on my horse and leave, trying to clear my mind. 

This keeped happning till he came back home.

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