Chapter 8

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The day came for the wedding. I got ready at my house and Zane in his, we would meet at the main church in town and his father would marry us. I felt excited and nervous. I told Zianna not to really change anything for the two days I spent sleeping. She kept her word but Zane did change a few things, nothing too big otherwise we would have a problem. 

My dress came out better than I imagined, and Zane added some gold to it and just a bit more poof to it. (Picture above! credit to the artist!) I was in love with it so much I dealt with the pain of the corset in order to ware it. My hair was in a bun with some flowers in my hair and red lips, I didn't feel like myself but I was a new woman.

The whole town is coming to witness this marriage, I knew because Zianna basically invited everyone to the wedding but the party later is for the invited guest, I was fine with that, even the lord from my village would be there! He would be giving me away since my father is somewhere and since my mother passed away I asked him to, he is basically family to me. "Wow," I heard a voice say to me and I turn around to see the lord of my village and Zanes father. "You look absolutely beautiful." Zane's father says to me and I smile. 

"I thought Zianna would be getting me?" I ask and they both look at each other. "What is it?"

"Zianna is getting Zane, I will take you and ride in an open carriage for all of the towns to see your beauty." Mr. Ro'meave told me and put out his hand. "Its nearly time," 

"Hold on," I said gathering some of my dress, and rushed over to the room where my handmaidens wherein there dresses and flowers in their hair. "Are we ready girls?" I asked them and they nodded. 

"Yes Ma'ma," they tell me and they both looked absolutely beautiful. My bridesmaid and flower girl was just Sondra and Rea. They both looked beautiful in the simple but beautiful dresses I picked out for them. Just like a light blue dress with a dark blue ribbon around there hips. "Just beautiful, and your hair too, lovely," I said and they smile. "Its time to go," I said and they nodded helping me with my dress as we leave the house. 

My lord was holding the door for me and Mr. Ro'meave was holding the carriage door for me even though it was an open top. Both Sondra and Rea road with us as all the men and Lady Katelyn and Lady Ivy where all on horses around us as we waved to the townspeople. I heard many things through the crowds of people and it felt so unreal. 

I never thought I would get married. It felt like just yesterday I was home talking with my mother about my marriage plans, then running out after she said she wouldn't arrange a marriage for me and yet this marriage to Zane is in fact arranged, I was kind of forced here agensed my will, and I swore I would hate this man for the rest of my life for forcing me away from my home and yet we are getting married. I am not the same girl, most people would think I'm under a spell for the hate I gave Zane but I'm doing what I have to, Mom would have wanted this, she wanted me to be married to a man who was rich and powerful. I wanted to fight for this man as an army woman. Maybe I am under a spell he put on me. 

"(Y/n)," Sondra called for me as we stopped and I saw the church, and the people outside and in, my nerves kicked in. "Its okay Lady (Y/n)," she said to me and held my hand. The carriage door opened for me and everything went quiet, all I could hear was my own heartbeat and the footsteps I took. Why was I scared, I was marrying a man I thought I could trust but I don't think I can. But if I run away now I will be tried and quite possibly be put to death. 

My lord put the veil over my head and as Garte and Zianna walked Zane up to the alter I got more and more scared. From what I could tell Zane was where a different outfit for our wedding, not the one I picked out for him. (Pic down below! Credit to the artist!!!) He looked very handsome even though I only saw the back but still very nice. 

Then the music started. My heart was racing as I saw everyone stand for me. Then Zane turned around and I saw his face. His hair was still covering his eye but he was not wearing a mask like I asked him to. With every step I took, I could feel something I didn't know what but it felt nice. And when I finally reached the alter I saw Garte there holding a book of Irene, then he spoke. "Who is giving away this lovely woman," He asked and my lord spoke. 

"I do, the lord of (V/n) and her mother, may she rest in peace." He said and everyone said rest in peace witch scared me a bit. My lord held my hand and gave it a kiss, then taking his seat. 

"Let us begin," Garte started. "With my boy Zane making progress in life he deserved a lady who would stay by his side and he found just that, This lovely young lady who will bring an hair to the town. I wish your two other brothers where hear to witness this amazing marriage. He said and Garte wiped away a tear for his two sons who where presumed dead. "And for Lady (Y/n) (L/n) who will now, forever be a Ro'meave, my new daughter, and a great leader for when my son is out on business. We thank all of you for being here for the wedding, and now the vows and exchanging of the rings." He said. 

Zane went first getting the ring out of his pocket and lifting up my vale to show me off. "Wow," He whispered first and smiled at me, causing me to blush a bit. "(Y/n) I never thought I would find a woman as perfect as you, your young and beautiful, my rock and my light in the dark. I do truly love you, when I first passed through your village and saw you, you looked so strong and you still are, your a fighter, a strong woman who likes to do things alone but when I'm in need you are not hesitant to help me, or anyone for that matter, and for that I hope you take this ring as a sign of our love and for lady Irene to bless us with a long life to stay with each other," he finished and put on my ring and everyone was basically crying and I smiled at him. 

It was my turn and was handed the ring from Rea who quickly went back to her seat. "Zane," I started and everyone went quiet again. "where to start, well I definitely was against marriage but when my mother told me she agreed for me to marry you even though I wanted to be a knight for you I was shocked, I was upset, but I'm not anymore. I thought all guys were too scared to talk with me cause I could beat them up but you are not to talk with me. I did see you in the market that day you passed through my small town and when you talked to me I didn't want to admit it but my heart skipped a beat and I thought you would run for the hills cause I didn't look my best. When I moved here you let me still do things I loved and weren't ashamed to call me yours. I am glad that over these past months I got to know you, and I want you to stay in my life for as long as Lady Irene will have, so with this ring I take you to me mine," I say and an 'awww' went through the people. 

"If there is anyone who does not approve of this marriage speak now or forever hold it in," Garte said and both I and Zane looked to the crowd and no one spoke up. "Then by the power of Lady Irene let this marriage be bound! You two can kiss now," He told us and Zane pulled me in for a kiss and the crowd went crazy! This was mine and Zane first actual kiss.. and it wasn't bad! 

After the townspeople went and gathered around to throw seeds at us as we ran out the church it was a lot of fun, he helped me into the carriage and we road off to the courtyard of his parent's house where the party was being held. 

"I'm glad you said yes," Zane whispered in my ear and I smiled. "And one thing about being a Ro'meave is we command respect, you will be adored throughout and I am off business for about a week for us to spend as husband and wife, how does that sound?" 

"Do you think you can make it two?" I asked and he smiled at me. "Also I'm glad you do not have the mask on, it makes it so much easier to kiss you now," I said giving him another kiss as we road into the courtyard to hear cheering and some music.

"Allow me Lady Ro'meave," a man said helping me out of the carriage and still holding the door for Zane. With a bow, he left and we made our way round to our table where people came up to congratulate us and I smiled a lot. Then lady Katelyn came up to congratulate us, "Mr. and Mrs. Ro'meave its a true honor to serve both of you, she said and bowed to us but I got up and gave her a hug. 

"Lady Katelyn, after I spend time with my husband would you care to spar with me?" I asked and she smiled at me. 

"It would be an honor," she said and gave you a hug back before the next gest came up and I sat back down. 

It went like that for a long time, and then it was time for mine and Zanes first dance and I was happy. It was late in the night and well after eating and saying goodbye to guest Zane and I rode off in the carriage to his home and he carried me up the stares bride style. 

"Well, now that your a Ro'meave what do you think?" He asked me setting me down on my bed as some maidens helped me get out of my dress, he leaves the room. 

"Its quite a thrill, I always thought I would be working for you under the jury, but that fell through so I guess I'll settle on being your wife," I said walking out in my night gound and seeing he was dressed for bed too. "So whats the plan now?" I asked as he sat at his desk. 

"Well after our honeymoon I will talk with tu'la (I don't remember if this is how its spelled sorry if I'm wrong) about waging a war on a certain town. Lady Katelyn has been sent to a town I want her to keep an eye on for me and keep an eye on the lord and head guard." 

"Zane please no war," I begged him and he just looked at me. "Please you remember those nightmares I would get because you were out there trying to make allies, no I cant live through that again." 

"My love," He said and I blushed. "This must happen, I will fight and you will remain here, hopefully, carrying a child who will be a great lord after me," He said and I kind of wanted to cry at what he was telling me. 

"And if you die? If you die in this war and im without child? What will I do? It would have only been two weeks we have marred and yet you talk about war?" I said walking away from him. "You promised me that there would be no more fighting, you said we would stay safe and no harm would come to us." 

"I did say that and look it's late we should get some rest." He said getting out of his chare walking over to me and giving me a kiss on the back of my neck. "Won't you join me?" He asked and I nodded. He picked me up again bride style and carried me into his bedroom, the fire was dim and candles were lit, but only two, the only good lighting we had came from the moonlight. 


~Tada! You both are married and I know its probably a short chapter but when you write out a wedding sean you want it to be perfect! So I took my time in writing it and well yeah. Also again I don't do that smut stuff I'm not that kind of writer and please if you comment about what you think will happen I will delete it, I've had to do it before. Anyways Have a good day!

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