I Guess It's Over

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A/N: THIS IS SO NOT THE LAST CHAPTER!! Don't let the name fool you, I'm not done with you yet. Don't go getting your dustbunny knickers in a twist. Also, this chapter is kinda a tribute to my friend's dog Oakley. She trains service dogs, and she just had to give him up. He was a Golden lab I think... So... Keep rocking!

After a week of training, chatting and overall chumminess (it's a real word!) with Harry, Eggsy and I think we are ready to take on the final test, which is tomorrow. The problem is, I wasn't supposed to become a candidate. Harry had insisted on bringing two, which he wasn't supposed to, and so if we either both pass or we're both kicked out. We'll be tested separately, so we can't combine our knowledge and skills or whatever. We are all curled up in bed with our legs tangled together and my head on his chest.
"You ready?" He whispers. I nod.
"You? Oh, and what about JB?" I mutter. He nods as well.
"How's Oakley?" He asks, referring to my dog. I whistle sharply and Oakley rushes into the room, hops up on the bed a wedges himself in between us. He gets jealous. He's kinda a big dog, okay, a MASSIVE dog, but he's sweet and gentle and kinda stupid. He pushes Eggsy off of the bed. Eggsy shouts, and lands with a thump.
"OAKLEY!!" He roars, not really mad, just dazed.
"Oak, get off the bed, you know better then to kick Eg off," I coo. The giant Bernese hops off the bed and lies down on the floor next to Eggsy, placing a giant paw on Eggsy's hand and staring with big, sad eyes as if to say, "I'm sowy, Ergsy! I just wernted ter sit by mer gerl!" Eggsy pats Oakley on the back before shoving the giant paw away and climbing back up with me.
"I guess that means he's ready!" Eggsy laughs. I kiss him on the cheek.
"Damn right!" I laughs. "Now goodnight! Sleep tight!" He shoves my shoulder.
"You little poet," he chuckles. I cuddle close to him and he wraps his arms around me. I place a hand on his bare chest.
"I love you," he whispers. I fling my eyes open.
"Y-you love me?" I whisper.
"I-I'm sorry, was that too much too soon?" He stammers.
"No, it's just... I've never really been loved." My mom died when I was little and my dad was very... old-fashioned. He resented my femaleness. He was always away at bars and on business trips, and when I was at home, he would shut me in my room and not feed me. I would sneak out my window and Eggsy and I would go to McDonalds.
"Well, you are loved. I love you," Eggsy repeats. I kiss his nose.
"I love you too," I whisper.

I sit in a room with Har- I mean Galahad. Eggsy's with Arthur and Roxy with Merlin. We are all alone with the mentors and our dogs. I absentmindedly pat Oakley, running my fingers through his long hair.
"How well trained is Oakley?" Galahad inquires.
"Good," I mutter. I'll admit, I'm a little bit freaked out.
"What's your favourite trick of his?" I perk up.
"Oh, it's really fun. Oakley! Tango!" I say sharply. Oak jumps up and places a paw on my shoulder and I take his other one in my hand. We proceed to do some basic tango steps, ending with a twirl of my large Bernese. I release him and he flops down.
"How... cute," Galahad remarks. He pulls a pistol out o his belt and points it at me. I react instantly, kicking the gun out of his hand and chasing it has it skitters across the floor, diving, picking it up and turning it on my mentor.
"I wasn't going to shoot you!" He exclaims. "I was going to give it to you!"
"Why?" I question, suspicious.
"For the final test," he states. I slowly lower the gun and retake my seat.
"Okay," I mumble, relaxing.
"Good. Now, shoot the dog," he states calmly. I glance at Oakley, then my eyes dart back to Galahad.
"You heard me, shoot it." I stand and point the gun at Oakley. My hand trembles and I look away, load it and begin to squeeze the trigger. I can't do it. I drop the gun and kick Galahad in the shin has hard as I can, like a toddler who wants a cookie, and run out of the room, sobbing. I hear one, and only one gunshot go off. Eggsy comes out white-faced with JB in his arms.
"Couldn't do it either?" I mutter. He nods.
"So we both failed?" He asks. I nod. Roxy comes barrelling out.
"I PASSED!!" She squeals. She notices our glum faces. "Oh. Sorry," she mutters. Eggsy picks me up and carries me to the dorm with my legs wrapped around his waist and my arms around his neck, basically hugging him. He tries to set me down on the bed, but I don't let go.
"Erm, Adj? Could you let go?" He suggests quietly.
"No," I pout. He chuckles.
"Don't make me force you."
"Do your worst." he shakes his head with a grin, then pushes on my face so that my neck is exposed. He blows a raspberry on my throat, making me laugh and let go, flopping onto the bed.
"Can you just pack up your stuff? I want to leave," he pouts. I growl and roll off of the bed, flopping on to the ground and crawling over to my pile of things. I carefully stuff my trunk and Eggsy stuffs his, then we get up and walk out.
"I guess this means we're never going to see these guys again?" Eggsy sighs.

"I guess... it's over."

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