Who Had May Via Roxy?

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I awoke with a start, the nightmares from the first challenge haunting me. I was so afraid I'd lose him... I look down, he's still here, he's still handsome. I lie back down, the dream playing over and over in my head.

Eggsy pounds on the door, but it won't budge. I begin to swim towards the others, Eggsy dragging behind me, kicking weakly. Need air, God I need air. We arrive at the toilets, and I take the tune from Roxy, taking a breath and then turning to Eggsy. He-he's limp. His eyes are open and staring. He's empty, lifeless. He's dead.

I feel a single tear roll down my cheek. I ignore it, no point in wiping it away. It lands with a splash on Eggsy. He jerks upright. The weird part is, he's normally a heavy sleeper. It takes me like an hour to wake him up in the morning most days.
"DROWNING!" He screams.
"SHUT UP!" Everyone else shouts back. I take his hand gently, squeezing it.
"Eg, it's okay, it's okay I'm here your not drowning we're okay," I whisper. He pulls me into an embrace, holding me tightly. His hair is soaked with sweat and clinging to his forehead. I reach up and gently run my fingers through it, trying to calm him down.
"Shh," I whisper. I begin to softly hum one of his favourite songs, a soft little tune I used to sing him when he couldn't sleep when we were little. I kiss him softly on the cheek, and hug him. He slowly calms down, his steady stream of tears slowing, then stopping completely. He's been... Sensitive as of late. He looks down at me and gives a weak smile.
"Thanks, Adrienne. You always knew just how to make me happy," he whispers. We just sort of sit there and stare at each other, just like smiling and that crap.
"Good god! Just kiss each other already!" Roxy shouts. I bite my lip and look up at Eggsy, my best friend of... Fifteen years now. His face turns bright red, and he rolls over and looks away.
"We know you both love each other a ton, Eggsy. Just kiss her!" Roxy screams, becoming rather hysterical. I glare at her, then gently stroke Eggsy's hair. He turns back over and gives Roxy a death glare like you've never seen. His face is still insanely red. He kinda tries to smile, but almost starts crying instead. I give Roxy an even more intense death glare then Eggsy gave her and hug the living day lights out of him. He looks down at me with a look similar to that of a puppy that was just kicked.
"I-I'm sorry," he sobs.
"What? What are you sorry about?" I whisper. His expression changes to one similar to the time he got hit by a car.
"I-I like you..." he whispers, before breaking down again.
"I like you too," I whisper in return. He looks down at me and smiles, this time genuinely. He gently leans forward and his lips meet mine, softly and gently, as though he doesn't want to break me. I kiss back, also softly and gently. We break away and all the other candidates clap and whoop. A boy I don't know the name of, one of Charlie's goons, stands up with a piece of paper and two very, very full envelopes labeled "Bets/Month," and "Bets/Why."
"Okay... so who had May via Roxy?" He announces.
"Hmm... Roxy had May, and Charlie has via Roxy!" He hands the envelopes to them, and Roxy rips hers open, pulling out and counting a large wad of cash.
"Wha-?" I question.
"We made bets about when you would kiss, and whether or not someone here would influence you," Roxy explains.
"Who's idea?" Eggsy prompts.
"Mine!" Roxy giggles.
"You're dead to me..." Eggsy mutters.
"And to me as well," I add.
"But..." Roxy begins.

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