#O - One.

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One Sunday morning, Ian and I take Jeanne to the park. It was her idea, really, and she planned it pretty much as a picnic for all three of us; carrying a few lunch boxes with food and a flask with tea. Mathilde decided not to come, saying one third wheel was enough. Whatever that was supposed to mean.

"We brought sandwiches!" She informs Ian, all happiness in her voice.

"That's amazing! I love sandwiches!"

"Mom made them." Taking off her backpack and setting it on the ground, she walks to Ian. "So you must compliment her!"

"I'm pretty sure they taste awesome." I didn't remember Ian having such a cute smile.

"Mom, it's rude to stare." Jeanne says, catching me off-guard, and making my face go hot.

"I wasn't staring!"

And then she turns to him.

"She was totally staring."

"Was she, now?" He says and shoots me a shy smile that quickly spreads to my face.

Our morning goes perfect. Jeanne has a lot of fun in the swings, talking nonstop while Ian pushes her. Then they switch to the slides where he diligently helps her climb the stairs and receives her at the bottom. It's beautiful to see them play like this. How much I wished my husband had been like that too!

"Are you okay, Cynthia?" Ian asks, making it obvious that he was paying attention to me. I try a smile and wave him off.

"I'm perfectly fine."

"Mom, I'm hungry. Can we have a sandwich?" Jeanne whines, so we extend a cloth on the grass before sitting together. She makes a big show of opening those lunch boxes, finally displaying them proudly and evenly between us. "Here, Mr. McAllister. Try these first." Holding one container in front of him, she smiles a big toothy smile with a few gaps from her ever changing teeth. However, Ian hesitates. His worried look is clearly saying that our sandwiches are wrong somehow. And of course, Jeanne notices. "What? You don't like them?"

"No, no! They look... pretty good." He says, not convincing anyone. "Is that... tuna, perhaps?"

"Yes!" Jeanne's smile broadens and her eyes sparkle with expectation. "I helped make these!"

"Oh, wow! I guess I must try one then!" He says, and picks one, hesitant as he bites, anticipation getting the best out of Jeanne and me. "It's delicious!"

"I'm glad." Jeanne says, totally pleased.

"For a second I thought you didn't like tuna sandwiches."

"No, not at all. It's delicious." He smiles, taking another bite, but soon I can tell why he was hesitant. His face takes a reddish tone after a few minutes, very unlike his usual fair tone.

"Oh, God. You're allergic!"

"Oh. I was hoping it didn't show."

We have to pack our things and rush to the hospital. It wasn't anything dangerous, as he's only slightly allergic to fish, but allergies all the same. It's early in the afternoon when we leave.

"Why didn't you tell us you were allergic to tuna?"

"Well..." He looks ahead, but I can see the way he steals glances at Jeanne, who's holding my hand. "There's no way I would say no to her sandwiches, is there?"

"But that was reckless and dangerous!"

"I thought it would be okay if it was just one..." He says sheepishly, but he quickly finds his smile, which he directs right at Jeanne. "Besides, it was worth it! Your sandwiches were delicious, young lady!"

I want to be mad at him, I really do, but there's a different feeling inside me. Especially now that they're sharing such genuine smiles.

Perhaps Mathilde is right. Perhaps I should give this man one chance. Perhaps it's time for something good to happen to me. And, perhaps, Ian is that something. So I allow myself to lean onto him; and after a bit of hesitation on his part, he finally puts his arm around my shoulder. And I have to admit I feel safe with him.

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