Book 3 : the first day

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Korra and mako entered there first class , it was history with tenzin . They sat beside each other at the last back table, then all the girl glared at them . Tenzin didn't arrive yet

"Um... Mako why are they doing such faces ? " Asked Korra

"I forgot to tell you , I'm kind of a celebrity here , me and Bolin . We play pro-bending for the school , so you can say I have fan girls ! " Mako explained

"Good for you , but what's pro-bending ? " Korra asked

" It's a game were bender fight each other , but there are rouls , it's pretty easy and a lot of fun ! The team must be formed by 3 different benders ! "

"Wow , can I join ? "

" Seriously ??!! You want to join ? "

"Yeah whats the big deal ? "

"Nothing , it's just that there isn't a lot of girls in that school that like such games "

"Well I do ! And you gotta deal with it"

"Ok " mako chunkel

" tell me more about it ! "
Then tenzin entered the class

"I'll tell you more about it at lunch time " Korra nodded

" Hello students , today we have a new student , Korra present your self !!" Tenzin said

Korra stood up " um... Hello everyone , my name is Korra , I'm from the southern pole , I'm a water bender , nice to meet you all !" Then Korra sat back on her seat

"Does anybody want to ask her something before I start ? " Tenzin asked "since it's the first day , I'll play it relax mode!"

A boy raised his hand " I do " he said .

"Go ahead , but don't take long " tenzin said

"Hello Korra , my name is sokka , I'm from the south too , I just wanted to know who's your father ? "

" you're sokka's granchild. You know sokka, katara's brother right ?"

"That's right !" He looked at korra with how did you know that face

" .... My father is tonraq " Good that no one knows that I'm the avatar , looks like the white lotus did something good after all by hiding my identity from the tribe Korra thought

" Chief tonraq is your father ?? " He said with a surprised face

"Yeah " said Korra then she sat back down on the chair so did the boy
In the south korra's dad , tonraq is a very respectful chief . Everybody loved him

As the avatar , Korra saw spirits all around the school , but the others can't see them . This spirits use there invisibility to hide from the people, while tenzin was doing his lecture about his father aang Korra thought
I already know this story , I'll talk a little with those spirits, they look friendly . And that's what she did , a blue rabbit spirit came at her and starts talking , Korra know what they say even that they don't speak

"Rrrrrrrrr!!(hello)" said the blue spirit. (P.S : I'll put in parentheses what the spirits are saying )

" oh hi , what's your name ? " Korra said trying to not pay any attention at her

"Rrrrrrr!! ( boumjou)" he replied

"What a nice name ! " Korra said smiling
Mako was looking at her confused

"Um Korra , you ok ? To who are you talking to ?" Mako asked
Korra turned at him and thought
oh no I forgot that all these spirits don't show themselves in front of the others , I hope if I ask boumjou he'll do me a little favor !

"You'll see later, when we'll be alone " Korra said . Then the bell rang. The second period will begin in 5 minuets , they have now science and math with mister Varrick

Mister Varrick entered the class ,
"Morning students ! For the ones who doesn't know me yet , my name is Varrick your math and science teacher" mister Varrick said

"Good morning mister Varrick " all the class said

"Ok today we're going to do science , and you know what science means to me !!!" Varrick said

"What does it mean to him ?" Asked Korra to mako

"It means dissecting animals !" Mako said disgusted a little

"W-what , I can't do that !" Korra said to mako
If I do that , the spirit will be angry , and I can't do it I just can't , this is more than I can take, I can't deal with a dark spirits in front of anybody Korra thought

"Well you have to , if you want a note !" Mako replied , and then mister Varrick handed a plate were there was a dead frog and some utils like scissors , to each table ....... And of Course mako and Korra were together as they were sitting beside each other

" Now , attention please !! I'll show how to do it " Varrick said

" I can't do that , what am I supposed to do !!" Korra said to mako. " Boumjou help me please " she whispered
As mister Varrick kept explaining Korra was thinking of a way to get herself out of this, mako in the other hand was trying to make the work on his own

"It's ok Korra ,I'll try to do it alone " mako smiled but he was very disgusted
Korra looked at him and felt that wasn't right to let him do everything , after all she just met him , she belly knew about him so does mako , but he wanted to help her at least the first day

"This isn't right , I can't let you do that job alone !" Korra said
But I can't risk been on thin ice with spirits !! Korra thought

"It's fine " mako said and started , Korra couldn't even watch . It was going good until Varrick saw the both of them

"I thought that was a team work ! " Varrick said looking at Korra . The class turned over to them to see what's going on

"Sorry , but I can't do that !" Korra replied

"And why's that ?? " Varrick said

" I just can't !" Korra replied

" Your going to do it , or get out of my class !" Varrick screamed angrily

"I'm really sorry sir , but I can't do it for certain reasons !" Korra said

"And what are those reason ?" Varrick asked
Korra didn't answer and thought
Well because , I'm the avatar , and if I do that the spirits will turn into dark ones , and the world will turn into chaos . Not a big deal , you know !

"I'm still waiting for you answer miss " Varrick said irritating

"I can't tell you sir , sorry " Korra said as Varrick turned red from anger

"Get out of my class !! " Varrick said and then
"Ringgggggggg " the bell rang announcing lunch time , Korra breathed out . Close she thought
Korra run out of the class , and mako was chasing her . After awhile she stopped , mako lost sight of her as all the students were now in the hallway but mako kept searching

Korra arrived at a hallways , no one was in sight . She sat her back on the wall , then boumjou and some spirits came to comfort her there was more than 10 but this Time she didn't saw them glowing

"Why ain't you glowing like before ? "Korra asked

"Rrrrrrrrr !! ( because we're not using our invisibility , anyone can see us ) " boumjou said . Then all the spirits began to fly around Korra and she started laughing there were making her happy , after all , she's been with spirits all her life , she understands them more than anyone

Mako heard someone laughing
must be Korra mako thought . Mako run and run , he saw Korra but not just her
"S-spirits ?!!!?" Mako was very surprised , his eyes were wide opened

"M-mako ?? what are you doing here ? Korra was surprised to see him , she run out of class , but she didn't expect him to search for her. The spirits hide themselves behind Korra when they saw mako

"So that's why you couldn't dissect that frog ! " Mako said seeing that all the spirits were animals .

"Y-Yeah !! And this is boumjou the one I was talking to , the first period" Korra said pointing her finger at a blue rabbit with wings
" It's ok guys , he's a friend don't be shy ! he won't tell anyone ! " Korra said , then mako was surprised they listened to her, then they came at him

"They trust you ?? " Mako said as the spirits did what Korra said

"Of course they do because I'm the -" then she realized she was going to reveal her secret

"Because you're what ? " Mako asked

"T-there friend , I've lived more than 17 years with them . You can say they are familly !" Said Korra , mako believed what she said but there was something she was hiding from him

" Now come on we still have 40 minutes , and I'm hungry aren't you ? " Asked mako , then a loud noise came from korra's stomach

"Uh...." She blushed from embarrassment

"Looks like you're starving aren't you ??" Korra nodded as they walked to the cafeteria . The spirits used there invisibility to stay with Korra . They arrived at the cafeteria , the students looked at her while entering from the door

"Over here !" Bolin screamed waving his hand . He was sitting with asami at a table , there was 2 seats for Korra and mako , and 2 bowls full of noodles for them .as Korra and mako sit Korra began talking

" Hello , asami and Bolin . " Korra said and bowed a little bit , still embarrassed , this is the first time she have friends and she wanted to see her as a great girl

"Didn't we talk about been official with us ?? we're friend !! " Asami said

"Right , sorry . Um mako why are they staring at me like that ? " Korra asked

"Remember , I have fan girls , and you know your new here ! " Mako explained

"Oh yeah right " Korra said and starts eating

"So how was your first classes ?" Asami asked Korra

"Well it was .... Good ...... Some of it !" Korra replied , and asami stared at her with a strange face

"What happened ?!" Bolin asked

"I'm sorry Bolin but I can't talk about it right now ..... Because It's disgusting " Korra replied and finished her bowl of noodles

"Ok then " Bolin replied

"So guys what do you want to do there's still 20 minutes !?" Mako Brock the silence between Korra asami and Bolin
Then tenzin approach Korra

" Korra we need to talk it's important " tenzin said putting his hand on korra's shoulder

"Yeah of course.... Sorry guys I need to go....see u after school....if you want " Korra said walking with tenzin out of the cafeteria . They arrived at the class then tenzin shot the door and lock it

"What is it tenzin is there anything wrong ?" Korra asked

"Well ..... The white lotus contacted me 1hour ago , they said that you were missing and they want me to help them find you -" tenzin said than Korra interrupt

"And you're going to help them ?" Korra said

"Well I..." Tenzin couldn't continue , Korra interrupt again

"Tenzin please you can't do that ! Please , I don't want to get back there ! I can't do anything there , I don't have friends , I don't have freedom , I don't know anything , everything there is a lie !! Korra was angry , confused and very sad that a tear fell when she said everything , when she yelled like that at tenzin . Tenzin looked at her a little while before he hugged her and petted her head

" I'm not going to help them . Don't worry ! I want to help you , I just wanted to tell you so you can be prepared . If they come here to search for you , you'll have to tell everyone that your the avatar . I know you're angry and you couldn't keep it in you anymore , I'm not mad because you yelled at me . Now you'll feel a little better " tenzin said

Korra looked at him and sniffed , before getting to another hug
"Thank you tenzin , you know you've always been like my second dad to me !" Korra wanted him to know how much she loved him

"And I've always considered you as my daughter " tenzin said . Then the bell ring announcing the beginning of geology class. Korra wrap her tears and headed to geology class
Time passed slowly as Korra was listening to pema's lecture about the earth . Then the bell rang , it was gym time with miss zhu li .

"Finally ! That was boring !" Korra said she looked to see mako , asleep . "Mako wake up this boring class is over !"

"Huh? .... W-what ??" Mako said

" You slept idiot !" Korra said laughing

"I'm not an idiot ! Mako looked at her with a red face. Then miss zhu li entered

"Hello everybody , I'm zhu li your gym teacher !" Miss zhu li introduced herself

" Hello " all the class said
Then we all went outside to have something she likes to call " think and act " . We formed 2 teams each one had benders and non benders . Korra , mako , Bolin , asami and sokka were together VS sara , Francois , Fred , jack and jock . To win we must go grab a flag of the other team and bring it back to our territory. It's a game of strategy and action

" Me and sokka we'll stay here , you 3 go and get that red flag " asami said
They all nodded . Then they run forward , to the other team side . The other team began to bend at them , and they began to dodge and they hide behind 3 trees ,until Korra had an idea

"Mako when I tell you to fire bend at the water you fire bend ok ?" Korra said

"Why ? " Mako question

"I have a plan to win this just do it , remember when I tell you ! " Mako nodded

Korra grabbed water from a little river that was nearby , and kick it in front of them , the other team prepared to block it

"NOW !! " Korra screamed , as mako fire bend at the water , making the water evaporate , and the vision hard

" Oh I get it , we're going to get the flag , without being noticed !" Bolin said in a low voice , Korra nodded
They began to sneak to other teams territory , no one noticed as Korra got the red flag in her hand , they sneaked out and than began running , and the other team had no idea what was happening . Korra , Bolin , mako and the others cheered as they won the game . Korra bend the evaporated water and the vision was now possible the other team was surprised as they found that there flag was taken

"Well done , the blue team win . Good strategy water bender !" Miss zhu li said

" Thanks ! " Korra replied

"Yeah good job " everyone said the one after the other

"Guys stop , you're making me blush " as Korra was blushing a little
The school day ended . And all of them went home . When Korra arrived at air temple island , everything she knew that she was on the ground , and a worm pink tongue liking her

"Naga , stop , I missed you too !" Korra said laughing
Then she got up , got to the spirit world to play with her spirit friends , after that she ate dinner and went to bed . She was exhausted of this special day
But she knew that her avatar secret identity wasn't going to last for long




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