A Fight with Romance

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Emma's POV

When Fritz and I arrive at the Trade Depot, I try to pick out cool presents for everyone while Fritz does whatever he needs to do. I settle on cinnamon for Eda, coffee beans for Monique, and a pearl for Fritz. Then Fritz walks over to me. "Want me to walk you home?" He asks. What am I supposed to say? This has NEVER happened before. "Sure...." I say. Monique comes out of the restaurant right when we walk by. When she sees Fritz and I, she starts smiling. "Awwwwwwww!" She says. "You and Fritz are like, made for each other!" She says. Then, she bends down, puts her hands on her cheek, and starts making kissing noises. This instantly causes Fritz and I to back away from each other. "And what about you and Raegar?" I ask, desperate to make a comeback. Her face instantly reddens. "THAT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" She shouts. Monique runs away as she says that. "Jeeze." Fritz says to me. "Is she normally like that?" He asks. "No." I respond. I know she was just joking but maybe I pressed on the fact that she was being kind. "She's just in a mood." I say.

Monique's POV

I feel bad at yelling at Emma. Not a very good start. See, do you see why I'm almost never happy? I'm not very good at this whole "friends" thing. I never have been. And I've certainly never been in love. So why do I feel this way about Raegar? I don't like it when things are beyond my control. I'll apologize to Emma next time I see her.

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