A Pearl

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Emma's POV
I liked to splash the water around. The fishes are adorable! The sun was shining beautifully. Everything was peaceful, until I heard someone say "Hi!". I turned around to see Fritz smiling at me. "Hello, Fritz. How has your day been?" I ask Fritz. "Great." He said as he takes off his shoes and puts his feet in the water. "The water feels great!" He says as he splashes the water with his feet. "I know, right? The water is so cool, and the sun is so warm. It's perfect." I say as I keep splashing the water. Then I remember my present to Fritz. I got my bag and opened it up. I got the pearl and told Fritz to close his eyes and to hold his hand out. I put the pearl in his hand and shut his hand. I told him to open his eyes and his hand. He opened his hand and saw the shiny pearl. He looked shocked. It made me feel happy, yet embarrassed at the same time. He looked at me and gave me a hug. That made me feel very embarrassed. I'm probably as bright as a tomato. I returned the hug. We stopped hugging. His face was so red right now. I'm so happy. I gave all my friends gifts. Then I remember, Monique... The Argument... My emotions change from happy to sad. I think Fritz notices too... He says "What's wrong?" I have to tell him. "Remember when Monique saw us the other day? *Fritz nods* Well, I think it is my fault that she yelled. I was teasing her... I feel so bad." I say. I hug him and start to cry. "She probably hates me." I say. "No she won't, she's your friend. Friends always stick together." Fritz says as he hugs me back. "I'm so lost..." I say as I continue to cry on Fritz.

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