Inviting to Dinner

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Emma's POV
Really Monique? I turn to Fritz and smile. He smiles back. This is a very happy moment. I don't want to leave... I get my bookbag and put it on my back. Fritz asks if he can walk me home again. I nodded, and we both walked home together. As I walk home, I notice that Fritz looks very happy. I'm happy too... I didn't want to walk in silence, so I said "How was your day?" "My day was great! I finally got my carrots to sprout." He said with happiness, as he smiled. "I heard that their really hard to grow." I said. We talked like that the whole time until we made it to Eda's house. I gave Fritz a huge hug and then walked into Eda's house. Eda was sitting in her rocking chair, reading a book. She saw me and said "Good Afternoon, Emma. How was your day?" I smiled and said "Great! Tomorrow will be Fall! I'm so excited!" Eda says "I'm going to cook dinner. Hey, can you invite Monique over for dinner?" Is she really asking this? Yes, yes, yes! I nod to Eda and run out the door. I go to Monique's door and notice that she is not home. She is probably hanging out with Raegar. I sit down by her door and wait until she arrives.

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