The Girl Who Loved Musicals

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Fingers anxiously tap, tap, tap at a bedazzled binder, the label, 'PLAY IDEAS', is peeling at the corners. Teeth nervously nibble at the dry skin on the bottom of the owner's lip, stopping when she inevitably draws blood again

"If you keep gnawing away at your lip like that, you won't have one left," The voice next to her spooks her out of her trance, a soft gasp leaving her lips as she straightens. (Y/n)'s face quickly drops as Leo pokes her cheek, her (e/c) eyes meeting his shit-eating grin. The accompanying red-eared slider happily slides into the metal chair beside her, arms resting on the backs of the chairs beside him, "You're worrying too much, senora. Your drama teacher would be insane not to use any of the spicy ideas brewing in that mind of yours."

"I wouldn't say spicy..." (E/c) eyes slide down to the binder between her fingers only for it to be snatched by three long and slender, green fingers. They follow to a smirking Leo, the mischievous glint in his eyes sparkling a little brighter as he shakes it to and fro, which he stops at the slight sound of a paper plausibly tearing, "Though, I won't get to share them if you mess them up, Leon."

He purses his lips, blowing through them and making that weird horse whining noise, as he sets it in his lap and flips through the pages (which all luckily seem intact, thank fuck). He stops occasionally to analyze a few, his exaggerated faces giving her no true hint of what he's thinking. His humming with each page doesn't help.

It's not like the pages are anything special or filled with over-the-top, never done before ideas, but they at least provide an idea of where to take whichever play they decide to pick for the semester. It's filled with mainstream big plays, with hopes that the big names will draw more of the student body to join, and plausible proposed budgets that the school's faculty would easily agree with (going off of her mother's industry metrics-). There were also margins and pages filled with mathematical equations estimating probable costs that only Donnie or a very determined and a little too excited drama student director would notice. Leo is more than positive they teamed up on it in some way.

He lingers on a few pages, which she assumes to be the more eye-catching ones or the few musicals he actually knows (courtesy of the girl next to him). She doesn't miss him quickly moving past the big number pages and extra gibberish that only those in "the business" would understand. It's a rare instance of him being completely silent as he analyzes the pages. It only heightens (Y/n)'s worries about the quality, but she distracts herself as she moves her (e/c) irises to linger on other details and aspects presented to her at this moment.

A good bit of his features are obscured by his admiral blue winter hat and matching sweater while his jacket hangs over her chair (she isn't sure when he managed to put it there). Not even the most perceptive of people would pick up on the exposed parts of his face being reptilian shades of green in his current getup. Then again, she's more than positive the turtles could very easily pass as people when they cover their shells (something she has bared witness to so often), especially in the melting pot of NYC. She does miss his crescent moons, hidden away by the felt of his hat, but it's a small price to pay to avoid lingering questions. Without the shit-eating grin, his face is mischievous enough that you would assume he's always up to something, which isn't necessarily an off assumption, but (Y/n) just knows when the wheels in his brain are turning from years of experience.

"Alright, done!" (Y/n) doesn't realize how close she is until his head turns to face her, the two mere inches apart from each other as opposed to the slightly bigger distance they had. It definitely throws her off a little, but Leo remains unphased as he continues, "Looking through this thing only proved my point further. You possess the sauce-"

"The sauce?" (Y/n) asks with a tilt of her head, somehow managing to take the binder back into her arms and holding it close to her chest, "What the hell is the sauce?"

"I have no idea! But Mikey's used it enough times for me to confidently say that you have got it, whatever it is! Mama Celeste will be so proud, (N/n)," She's now 100% sure he mistook Mike's cooking speeches as some new lingo, but she's not allowed to dwell on that for too long as she hears the voice of her drama teacher calling her to his office, "That's your cue. Go get 'em, tiger."

She stands to her feet, taking a deep breath as she turns her attention to the office. She stares for a moment, feeling the nervousness creep up her spine as the binder in her hands gains thousands of pounds. With a shaky step forward, the deep pit in her stomach reminds her of literally everything hanging on her gaudily designed book. Of course, any other time she'd be reminding herself that any of the musicals they choose is alright and that any of her ideas being turned down isn't the end of the world, but she can only focus on the fact that this is her senior year and anything going wrong feels like the end of the world to her.

She feels dizzy in worry, her throat going uncomfortably dry. Her breathing slows and, to any party outside her mind, she looks like a deer in headlights as she stands staring at the door. Her heart rattles in her chest-

"Heey, Mamacita! Chill out," Green fingers settle themselves on (Y/n)'s shoulder, tugging her into Leo's chest as a reassuring grin graces his features. Their cheeks touch as he stares straight towards the door, his fingers on his other hand softly gripping her chin and keeping her eyes on the door, "You know all the business insider secrets because of your mom. Don't let them go to waste. Ya've got this, (N/n). Go in there and rock it like you know how."

His words actually manage to calm her, her breathing evening back out as she slowly regains her confidence. The small feeling of nausea remains but is slightly tolerable now.

"Plus, as much as I love the laser light show idea for The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals, Hadestown will probably be a hands-down legend for this school with the right vocal lessons. But that's just me." Annnd now she knows his biases from her creative selections, "Knock 'em dead, tigresa!"

He gives her a light push through the door, leading to her stumbling and falling on her ass in front of her teacher. He doesn't pay her much mind, barely looking up from his paperwork.

"Ms. Brown. Good evening," He gives her a bit of a hand wave before finally looking up, "Ready to discuss this semester's play?"

"Yes, Mr. Sherma" She quickly stands to her feet, suddenly very self-conscious of her grotesquely decorated binder as she holds it to her chest, "Yes, I am. And, this time, I brought an idea book to explain my ideas a little better!"

He holds his hand out for it, delicately handling it as he brings it to lay on his desk. His fingers are nimbler than Leo's as they open the pages, flipping through them with careful precision. His eyes linger longer, the scene playing out similarly to earlier.

He occasionally brushes the parts of his brown hair back, his eyes, tired but curious, scanning each and every detail. She's reminded of some of her classmates joking about him looking like a Renaissance version of a particular Twitch streamer.

The only time it's obvious which ones he's interested in is when he looks over the proposed budget pages a bit longer than others. He hums and mumbles, not shy from making noises of displeasure at certain pages. She's pretty positive she hears him mumble 'cringe' at some point.

(Y/n) awkwardly sits in one of the many chairs in his office, her fingers lightly tapping against her knees while her feet make little kicks. Her brown orbs glance around the room when she feels she's been looking for too long. Various awards line the walls, some for students whose names she recognizes and others she's maybe heard in passing. She recognizes a few of her own, not fighting the small smile that comes to her lips at the acknowledgment of her work of the past few years. The walls are also decorated with pictures throughout the years of performances and practices past as well as the occasional goofy memory, some a little hard to make out with the dying light of the assorted lamps.

"This... idea binder is full of interesting ideas, Ms. Brown, but they don't tell me what you specifically want to do," Mr. Sherma sighs as he closes it. His blue eyes meet her brown ones, an intensity behind them that she can't read, "Each page has a lot of detail and potential, but none scream with desperate want, you know?"

She grows nervous, feeling herself start to sweat under his gaze. She tosses his words around in her mind, but it doesn't make it much clearer, "What do you mean by that, sir?"

"What do you want, Brown? Tell me what you desire to see. Your deepest intent, Brown," She feels herself flinch when he suddenly stands, her back pressing deep into the chair as he leans forward and sings at her. She never knows what to expect from her drama teacher, but the operatic sounds that leave his mouth aren't it, "What do you see for this production? I'm looking for someone with strong ambition, someone to sell their specific vision, someone to share with precise precision their thoughts. 'Cause I want you to want... To want!"

She's thrown off further once he begins walking around his desk. He stops once he reaches the front, comfortably leaning against the mahogany with little disregard for its old and thin nature. He crosses his arms over his chest as he stops, looking down at her, "So what do you want, Ms. Brown? What's the one concrete goal that motivates all your actions?"

(Y/n)'s lost at his sudden questions, her head naturally tilting as she stares back at his determined gaze with equal confusion. Her face scrunches up, eyebrow lifting. He doesn't elaborate, again, so she doesn't even know how to begin to unpack all of what he's pushing for.

"I don't think I have one of those?" She finally manages to wrangle up, giving her teacher another one of her nervous, closed-eye smiles.

He remains quiet for a moment, staring her down for a bit. She opens her eyes once she realizes he hasn't said anything, awkwardly maintaining eye contact as he doesn't exchange immediate words. She can feel a grimace starting to form while his face remains stony.

"Well, then, how's anyone supposed to sympathize with you, Ms. Brown?"

"Huh? I don't know..." Her mouth gapes open at that, but she quickly closes it to think of literally anything she could plausibly list. Most of her current goals involve catching criminals and living to make another day? Understanding her powers a little better and maybe her family heritage some? But those aren't necessarily things many of her peers could relate to and sympathize with, at least, not in the way she has to deal with her goals. She thinks hard about some common goals that most high schoolers have, "I want what anyone wants...?" She thinks really, really hard, "Money, a partner? Kids, someday, maybe?"

Mr. Sherma nods his head at that, turning to face his desk. (Y/n) relaxes a bit, thinking that maybe, just maybe, that would be the end of it-


"What the fuck?!"

"I want you to want, Brown! A girl so vague just can't be trusted! Something you pine for, maybe someone who keeps you lusted.  I'm just a boss, I'm not an idea guy! I hire you kids to keep our plays ripe. But if you can't pin the point that's in the skyyyyy!"

He starts to dance with ease, ignoring the resistance of his desk's legs as he does a smooth spin in the middle of the surface. His footwork is delicate, fancy, even. (Y/n) finds it hard to even focus on what's being sung at her as her eyes glide behind his movements. He stops in the center, sliding to his knees and pointing his right index finger in her direction while his left-hand rests on his chest "Then I want you to want, to want!"

"Sir?!" She can't fight the laugh in her tone as she calls out, equally amused and heavily confused at this turn of events. She literally can not pinpoint why in the known universe he is singing at her, especially this song of all things, but she can't lie and say she isn't severely entertained.

"D'you know what I want for myself? I've waited for so lo-ong to tell somebody else," His tone drops, becoming more somber as he manages to rhythmically set himself down from his desk. He grabs the picture of his wife off his desk, his head tilting as a fond look comes to his eyes, "Carol, my wife, you're my muse, my source of light. Carol, my love, I want you to choke me out at night..." He plops himself down into his chair, longingly staring at the photograph of his wife, "I want you to choke me... I want you to choke me... I want you to choke me while I jerk off... I want you to choke me while I... jerk off."

(Y/n) sits up at those words, a discomfort settling in the pits of her stomach and sinking further down. She doesn't fight down the look of shock in her eyes at the admission, nor is she able to stop the noise of confusion she makes, "Um, sir-,"

Without missing a beat, Mr. Sherma presses the call button on his office phone, the beep loudly sounding through his small office. He leans over, a dazed look in his eyes as he stares forward, "Melissa, get my wife on the phone for me."

(Y/n) quickly gathers her bags, reaching for her idea binder, "Mr. Sherma, I think I should leave-,"

"No, (Y/n), I want you to hear this," He tugs the binder closer to him, not sparing her a glance as he adds, "If you leave, you're fired."

It rings a bit before Mrs. Sherma answers, "Carol! Yes, everything's fine, I promise. I just wanted to tell you something...," He freezes, his dazed expression growing horrified as he stares forward, past the expansion of the messily decorated walls of his office into the inner turmoil of his request weighing on him, "I, uh, I forgot what it was... Maybe someday I'll remember. Goodbye..."

It remains quiet after that. (Y/n)'s gaze remains downtrodden as she contemplates and processes how she was thoroughly traumatized by the shame of her drama teacher, but also not surprised by his antics. Mr. Sherma, however, was mentally suffering with his inability to tell his wife his deepest desires...

She looks up in time for her (e/c) pools to meet with despair-ridden shades of blue, the latter widening as Mr. Sherma rises to his feet and dances around his desk.

"Ms. Brown, now you know what it is to want!"

"I want to go home!"

"It consumes a man with a passion to drive the primary plot," His verses speed up as he ignores her pleas, "So take up yoga or improv classes. Volunteer at shelters or twitch to the masses."

(Y/n) takes her gathered bags while he's distracted.

"There's gotta be something to keep my hands off you. Off youuu"

She manages to slip around him and grab her binder, holding it close to her chest.

"'Cause I want you to want!"

"I'm gonna get some... coffee? Do you want anything?" (Y/n) manages to ease to the door, her hand struggling to get a good grip on the door.

"No, I need you to want!"

"How about an iced caramel frappe? Nothing better-," The door magically opens for her just as her hand gets a good grip on the door. It drags her forward, causing her to lose her balance.

"And if you don't want..." He freezes, taking a deep breath before releasing the highest note he's hit that (Y/n) has ever known him to, "We're throughhh."

A soft donk sounds as her forehead meets a hard plastron. Scaly, strong arms wrap around her waist, holding her up. She isn't surprised to find Leo above her with his signature, though more slightly confused than usual, grin. She raises her hand as she shrugs, nudging her head towards their exit and grabbing his hand to drag him through it, "Have a good rest of your evening, Mr. Sherma!"

As the two leave, they hear her teacher call out for her, hitting one last high note as they push through the auditorium doors. It only encourages (Y/n) to pick up her pace, leading the turtle through the halls toward the exit.

Leo is rightfully confused, especially when (Y/n) doesn't elaborate on it in the slightest.

"Are we going to talk about that orrrrr?" He attempts to nudge, his hands coming up and crossing behind his head. He leans back into the hold, his eyes never leaving her form as they walk the streets of the neighborhood around the school.

He feels his breath hitch when she turns to him, undeterred by the grimace on her face when the light escaping from the sun's rays meets the color of her eyes. He hears her response, but he finds himself more focused on her mannerisms as she animatedly fumbles through explaining what went down. Her (h/c) hair bounce with every step, just as animated as her, but still relatively deflated from the exhaustion of her instructor and the heavy plush of her pink winter hat.

"This almost was not worth giving up my shift for," She finishes, bringing her fingers up to her lips to breathe on them. A pout takes place on her plump lips as she digs in her jacket pockets, slipping her gloves on, "He started singing about wanting and wants when all I want now is to make back the tips from Run of The Mill. We didn't even pick anything because of his weird song!"

Leo finds himself only able to nod as (Y/n) continues to grumble the rest of her rant. He had only really heard the last bit of what was going on, but that was due to him deciding to investigate after hearing some weird screeching and shouting. He didn't actually expect to find her being held hostage by her singing teacher, but it aligned pretty well with the few things he'd heard about Sherma from (Y/n) and April. Even now, he feels the man is something unreal entirely.

He takes the binder out from between her armpit while she's distracted, her ramblings turning into muttered gibberish that he can very much still understand. He starts flipping through the pages again, his face softening as he stops on a page of distracted doodles he hadn't noticed on his first run.

(Y/n) was no artist, by any means, but she was damn good at creating a scene of stick figures. Some showcased plausible blocked scenes and others were silly little things like a chibi version of herself squashed under a rock labeled 'Drama' in her fanciest cursive or exaggerated versions of their friend group doing severely ambiguous poses.

As he goes to flip to the next page, the hums of people on the street reach his ears, but his companion has stopped her ramblings. She's stopped altogether, staring ahead with a bewildered look.

"Carolers caught your attention, (N/n)?" He asks as he looks up from the book to her, a smirk dancing along his lips as the quip readies itself from his brain cells, "You can't judge them too harshly for being a tad bit pitchy, y'know. Not everyone can hold a note by ear."

The teasing was worth it, especially with the deadpanned expression she gave him in response. However, she shakes her head as her thumb and index finger grip his chin, pulling him down to her level. Their faces are mere inches apart and Leo can all but feel all the warmth spread through his face, "They're all perfectly dancing in sync."

He doesn't exactly process her words, his eyes going smaller as his lips form an O shape, "What?" The words do slowly jog back up with his brain processing, laughing at her statement, "I'd expect them to be dancing in sync if they're all caroling. Would be a little embarrassing if they put a whole dance together and all ended up doing their own thing-,"

"No, Leo," Her fingers turn his head forward as she speaks. Her hold is firm enough to keep him there, yet soft enough that he doesn't feel like his skin is gonna tear off as she directs him, "Look at them all in sync. Everyone..."

And just like she said, everyone on the street had been humming and dancing in sync to the same tune. No one seemed to be a pitch-off or a step out of line as they filled the streets of midtown New York.

"Holy shit...," He mutters out, eyes the size of saucers as he takes it all in, "Was there some block party announced that we don't know about or something? Flash mob, maybe?"

"For it to be this big, impossible," (Y/n) mumbles back, releasing her grip on his chin as she also continues to take in the sight of the sea of bodies.


The crowd separates down the middle, continuing to shimmy and sway in tandem. A lone girl remains, bundled up in a big puffer jacket with a green vest over the top of it. Her right hand rightly grips a clipboard and the recycle sign on the left breast of her vest is just barely visible through the crinkles of the uniform. She's suddenly belting out words, the widest grin on her face as she bounces for a few beats, fist happily pumping in the air as she perfectly centers herself between the crowd.

"Just a typical day, that's got me feeling in a beautiful way. No rhyme or reason," She starts, pointing at some random person in the crowd, "We could sing a duet, dance a style or two. Or I'll make you a bet, just a smile will doooo."

She does flawless chaines before going into a sly, Italian fouetté. The duo flinches at the precision, their eyes trailing her moves. It really does nothing to give them context, but they can't really complain when they're already so enthralled.

She ends by raising both hands towards the air, feet spread as she belts to the sky, "Sometimes I just wanna shout on top of roof and mountaintops. All the world is paved in goldddd." She lowers her hands as she holds the note out, tossing her clipboard off into the crowd somewhere. She places her now free hands on her hips as she walks along the lines of the crowd, hips bumping to the beat of the music, "Yesterday was retroactive, got myself a new perspective. I strut it up and down the road."

"If the fighting climate change gig doesn't work, she'd totally rock Broadway," Leo comments perfectly between verses as they get a little closer to the action on the streets.

The girl stops her strutting right behind them, both arms resting on one of their shoulders, "So I throw out my worries and my old skin away," She gives them both a little shove forward, nodding her head before doing a pirouette en dehors, "Doing what I want to do on this la dee dah dee daaaaaaay!"

Both teens stumble with (Y/n) catching herself by setting her feet on the pavement and Leo grabbing his arm as she's steady. The girl stops spinning as she holds out the note, the folks in the surrounding area joining in midway through. The crowd begins to form a circle around the girl, Leo, and (Y/n), joining hands as they skip around them for a bit before changing directions and skipping the other way.

"La dee dah dah, la dee dah dah, la dee dah dah day!"

"La dee dah dah day!" The crowd releases their hands in exchange for clapping on the beat, perfectly moving their hands in tandem with one another. High right, high left, low right, low left which each other word of the chorus and clapping on every word for each straight 'La dee dah dee day'

The girl gives them both a high five before running out of the crowd as the circle disperses. Everyone on the street continues to hum and step on beat.

(Y/n) and Leo turn to each other, equally dumbfounded at the event transpiring around them. They still somehow manage to remain in the middle of the chaos, even as they attempt to weave through the crowd in search of the nearest manhole cover.

"What the fuck was that?" (Y/n) finally asks, turning to the blue-clad turtle as he fixes his ruffled clothes to hide himself a little better.

Neither are really watching where they're going when Leo accidentally bumps into a homeless guy on the street. He panics, straightening the guy before he can teeter much, "I'm so sorry, sir," He quickly begins searching his pockets, "Here, let me see if I have any-,"

"Hey, man that's cool," The guy happily replies with a smile, seemingly ignoring the change that jostled out of his tin can, "'Cause I may not have a home, but that's way okay. 'Cause I prefer to roam the streets all day."

He sings in the same cadence as the girl from before. The crowd of people turns towards them, doing the heel-toe around them on the beat to the song, every other row going the same way while each row in between goes a different way.

"The world is my house, the dogs are my food," A small dog scampers past, "Oh, look— a new blouse!" He lifts a newspaper from off the street, his face lighting up as he runs past them, "And a new trash can tooooo!"

(Y/n) steps closer to Leo, his arm immediately going for her shoulders and pulling her closer until she's flush against him. Her hand immediately grips his jacket in an attempt to pull him closer. They're unable to keep their eyes off of him and both are a little too petrified to move from where they stand. The guy skips around them, raising his hands into the air and lowering them the longer he circles.

"I used to want to kill them all while high on bath salt zombie drugs and snacking on a dead man's face," He stops and stares at them for a little too long, his glare shifting around to every person dancing around them as he does a little, slow spin in place. He stops before a bright smile lights his face, "But that just feels like yesterday! This song takes all the pain away. My politics and house views changed." He does a little dancy dance to emphasize his point, "Dancing on the concrete used to hurt a lot, but now I got new feet and this jam's just way too hot!"

"La dee dah dah day!" The crowd around them all lift their hands to the sky as they sing the chorus again, waving them to the beat with a small step every other note, "La dee dah dah, la dee dah dah, la dee dah dah day! La dee dah dah day!"

(E/c) orbs spot an opening, her mind counting each beat it opens up. She steps away from Leo a bit, getting a grasp on his arm as her narrowed eyes keep a close watch on her path of escape. Her compadre starts looking through his pockets again, a grin on his face.

"I have literally no idea what's going on here, but this is so cool!" He manages to pull out a five, happily setting it in the homeless guy's tin can, "That's all I've got for right now, but I'll totally keep more cash on me in case I run into you guys again tomorrow."

"Leo, come on," She manages to pull him through the crowd just in time. It's almost comical how easily she tugs him along through the rows of dancing New Yorkians, "This is the second dance number I've been forced to sit through today-,"

They continue to weave through the crowd, the clear street beyond the dance mob seemingly beyond their fingertips. (Y/n) keeps a strong grip on Leo as she leads the way, while he remains amazed by the group's movements around them.

Just as they reach the end, the girl from before lands in front of them. She's regained her clipboard, which now rests tightly in the palm of her hand. She takes a deep breath before she sings out a call, "Do you wanna save the planet?!"

"Of course, you want to save the planet!" The crowd calls back, freezing in place to stop and look back at her.

"Do you wanna save the planet?!"

"Well, there's just one way you can do it!"

"By singing a song!" Without warning, the girl begins cartwheeling toward the center of the crowd as they sing back at her. She stops a moment to sing with them, "Singing along!" Before immediately going back to her cartwheels. The crowd goes back to singing the chorus as she does, every other row overlapping with the other

"La dee dah dah, la dee dah dah, la dee dah dah day!" With each row she cartwheels by, the ensemble turns back towards the center. They continue to repeat it a few times, changing the lyrics up just as she hits the last row, "La dee dah dah, la dee dah dah, la dee dah dah day... Away..."

The girl does a flip in the air as she reaches the center, landing on her feet perfectly with her arms raised in the air and her clipboard intact between her fingers. She lowers herself to rest on one knee, belting out one final, "La dee dah dah"

Each row of the crowd falls to their knees one after the other aligned with each word she sings. It's almost creepy how synchronized their moves are. They finish the song off in unison with a final, "Day!" Everyone holds the position for a few beats before getting up and moving along with their day like nothing just happened.

The two remain standing there after watching all of that happen, equally confused and mesmerized by the events that just transpired before them. Leo is by far more amused than (Y/n). He turns to her with a knowing grin as he takes in her face.

Her mouth is held open, has been since the girl cartwheeled and flipped back to the middle. Her eyes, while not the size of saucers, hold an intrigued gaze in them. Her grip on Leo's arm loosened in the midst of that, her hand now limply resting on his inner forearm as opposed to tugging it forward.

"You're gonna catch flies, (N/n)," Leo teases, his index finger hooking under her chin and slowly pushing it upwards. Once her mouth closes, he tilts her chin up towards him and their eyes meet. He doesn't fight back his grin like he does the warm feeling in his cheeks and she doesn't miss the way it rises as he catches sight of the soft flush in her cheeks, "You wish your classmates were that in sync."

She huffs as she walks ahead of him into the alleyway, waiting for the streets to clear before pushing the manhole cover aside. She sits against the entrance, looking at him a little annoyed, "Yeah..."

She jumps down into the sewer hole and activates her flight ability just in time to float to the bottom. Leo climbs down not too far behind her, touching the pavement a few minutes after.

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