Chapter 25

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Liv Pov

"D-dad" I managed to croak out. 

"Yes princess, I'm here, daddy is here, its all gonna be alright princess" my dad said as he ran his hand through my hair, pushing back my baby hairs.

As my dad ran his hand through my hair, all the thoughts from the wreck came flying through my brain. I saw flashbacks of the wreck and my brain was going 100 miles a minute. So many questions and emotions to process in so short a period of time.

"daddy, where is shadow?" I asked panicking slightly.

"Honey, Shadow is at the vet. He is ok though, we are gonna go pick him up soon and bring him here alright?" he said

"Ok dad. I love you" I declared.

My dad looked down at me with love and admiration in his eyes "I love you to baby girl" he said as he leaned down and kissed my forehead.

Just then a doctor I didn't recognize walked in.
"How are you feeling Olivia?" The doctor questioned.

I looked up at my dad my curious gaze meeting his as he just shared a smile with me.

"Livy honey, this is a dear friend of ours, Calum called him in when you needed surgery. He is one of the best surgeons around besides me and your uncles of course." My dad said to me with a small chuckle.

"Hey! I'm not second best the man quipped back. I will have you know that I am the best if not the very best" he said whilst puffing up his chest a little and sharing a knowing smirk with my dad.

I giggled at the encounter seeing these two banter and laugh like this, I knew that they must've been very good friends.

"So how are we doing today young lady?" He asked again

"Umm I'm ok considering everything." I replied back rather shyly

"Any pain?"

I took a second to pause and asses the exact amount of pain I was in. Was I in enough pain that I wanted him to give me more meds or was I ok to just tough it out.

"Earth to Liv." My dad spoke bringing me out of my thoughts "Princess you need to be truthful with us are you in the slightest amount of pain?" My dad asked sincerely.

I looked up at him and gulped. I hung my head down and said "yes dad, I'm in a little bit of pain."

Suddenly I felt a pair of fingers slip under my chin and hold it up gently. "Princess that's nothing to be ashamed of. You were in a major accident and went through major surgery, it's ok if you need meds sweet girl."

My eyes started tearing up at what my dad had just said "I love you daddy!" I exclaimed.

"I love you more Princess."

With that being said the doctor whose name I still didn't know attached a syringe to my IV and pushed in what I was assuming was pain killers. After he disposed of the syringe he came back with a needle filled with another liquid. I started to panic slightly when I saw the needle.

I think my dad picked up on it, because he suddenly squeezed my hand and said "he isn't going to be sticking you with that Liv, it goes into your saline bag sweetie."

I let out a breath of air that I didn't know I was holding. Relieved to be hearing that I wouldn't have to suffer a needle.

"So it looks like I will be able to release this kiddo in about a weeks time since I know she will be in the care of a doctor who knows what he is doing. However I will be expecting to see her in PT so that we can work on getting her strength back up and muscles back where they should be." The doctor said to me and my dad

"Alright sounds good man. Thank you so much for stepping up to the plate when we needed you. I don't think I would've trusted anyone else with my baby girl." My dad said as he let go of my hand to go embrace his friend.

The doctor left and my dad came back to my side and picked up my hand while the other was running through my tangled hair.

"Alright angel, why don't you try and get some rest huh?"

I nodded my head and yawned in response.

- a week later-

The week had gone by extremely slow, I guess it's because I was so gosh darn bored. I literally did the same thing everyday. Eat, sleep, go to the bathroom, take a shower, watch tv, repeat. It was like a constant cycle. The only thing that broke up the monotony was the fact that my uncles were finally well enough that they could come out of their hospital rooms and visit. Oh and let me not forget the greatest surprise yet.

I think it was about 3 days into my boredom that I had an unexpected visitor by the name of shadow. I was ecstatic to see my precious baby boy! That was definitely the best part of my whole hospital stay was having my service dog and best friend back with me.

Now I'm currently waiting in my room dad helped me put my sweat pants on carefully, making sure that he was gentle since I was still pretty beat up.

Once the sweat pants were on, I was able to throw a loose t-shirt on and a jacket. Dad picked me up bridal style and sat me in my wheel chair with my trusty companion by my side.

Shadow followed along my wheel chair as dad pushed us towards the nurses desk quickly filling out paper work and discharge papers.

Once that was complete I was a free woman. Dad pushed me out front and there it was his truck was there in front waiting for us. He had brought the silver ram with him today.

Dad clicked the button on the key fob and the doors unlocked. He rolled me up to the side of the truck so he could transfer me in. Once I was securely in the passenger seat he buckled me in and then helped shadow in so he could sit in between my legs.

After making sure for the hundredth time that I was in good dad shut the door and put my chair in the back. It wasn't until the truck roared to life that shadow started using his training on me, alerting me to an oncoming panic attack.

I hadn't been in any sort of vehicle since the accident, and I didn't realize exactly how much it had affected me till now. Not just in the physical sense, but in the mental.

Shadow began whining and licking my hand trying to get me to focus and collect my breathing. I think my dad must have picked up on it because he turned toward me and picked up my other hand.

"Princess, it's alright to be scared nothing wrong with that it's only natural, but I need you to focus and breathe before you throw yourself into a full blown panic attack and pass out ok?"

I nodded my head.

"How about we focus on something nice?"

I nodded my head again.

"What type of ice cream would you like for dessert tonight?" My dad asked out of the blue.

I took a second to think about it

"Could we have Blue Bell cookie two step dad?" I said

"Yeah of course Princess anything for you! What would you like for dinner?"

"Ummm I think I would like pasta!" I said shyly

"We can do that! No problem at all."

And just like that my dad had me smiling and I wasn't panicking anymore.

"Are you ok for me to drive us home sweet pea?" My dad asked while still holding my hand.

"Yeah, I think I'm ok now. Thank you dad. I don't think I realized that I would be scared to be back in a vehicle until now..."

"It's alright Princess, it happens to the best of us. You just have to focus and go at your own pace. You will get better in time, but healing takes time, and there is no rush. I'm with you 100% of the way or until you kick me out for being a hover dad." He chuckled and kissed my forehead.

"Yeah you definitely do like to hover dad" I laughed out

"Hey in my defense you are the best thing that has happened to me and I don't want that to be taken from me, so pardon me if I'm a little over protective of my baby girl." He said with a slight chuckle in his voice and a brilliant smile on his face.

And just like that dad put the truck in gear and we were heading home!




Sorry college kicked my butt this past semester... I was drowning and didn't even realize it. So much so that I almost failed a class... that would have been a first, and not to mention all my frickin panic attacks because of stress, and then the last minute drama with "friends".

Anyway, enough ramble. I hope y'all can forgive me for taking so long to update but I should be able to punch another chapter or 2 out before I have to go back to uni. Although I no longer have a roommate at uni so I might find myself with a little more time to be able to write on here for you guys.

Hope y'all had a merry Christmas and a happy new year! Let's hope 2021 is good to us!

Love y'all.

Please don't forget to vote and comment. I love getting your feedback.

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