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Tej and Jhanvi watched the young defenseless girl as she lay motionless on the ground. Her heart had stopped beating, Omkara hadn't calmed down, locked in a cell separate and across from Gauri's , his wolf thrashed against the steel bars and let out loud whines and growls.

Jhanvi frowned, her face sad, another girl lost to the cursed bite of their species.

The king stood glancing at his wife before opening Gauri's  cell door. He stepped inside preparing to grab her lifeless body.

Suddenly, the the girls eyes flew open revealing shocking golden  eyes.

The girl jumped to her feet and swiftly dashed out of the cage without hesitation. She hissed loudly and took off. "Omkara  you must calm down and retrieve your scared mate, she could still be fighting off the venom in her body." Tej replied slowly unleashing Omkara  from his cell, immediately he took off after his mate.

"Do you think she survived the bite?..." Tej asked his wife whose eyes widen with shock, "But...that's impossible..."
The smell of blood clogged the air as Omkara sniffed out his mate. Once a dire wolf first shifts they're blood thirsty and fully out of control.

He tracked the trail of bloody paw prints in the snow and stopped when he heard loud whimpers coming from the right. There laid a dead deer, a pool of blood surrounding it along with a light grey wolf. Patches of her fur stained with blood as well as her snout. Glowing golden eyes met his, the she-wolf prepared to run. He stalked towards her with his head low as he took in her scent. He growled, she growled back and backed away from him.

He puffed out his chest and bared his fangs to show his dominance. She crouched down her ears laid back as she bared her fangs. He let out an angered roar edging her to submit once he was close enough and towering above her.

She yelped failing to stay strong against his powerful aura. Fear strikes her features as her tail was tucked between her legs. He growled triumphantly as she submitted to him. Picking her up by the scruff of her neck, he carried her back to the palace.

Her snarls and whimpers echoed in his ears, her body wiggling to try to get loose from his firm grasp.
Once in the palace, he commanded her to change back to her human self. Her wolf obeyed as she shifted back only to lay curled up and shaking on the marble floor, her skin covered in dry deer blood.

He shifted back too and had covered her with a blanket before picking her up bridal style in his arms.

"Mine." He growled clutching her close to his chest and went into his room. Filling up the tub with hot water, which helps relax tense muscles, he then kneeled in front of the tub and gently placed her inside it.

The hot water soothed her as she stopped shaking, she held her knees close to her chest and covered her body with her arms. A blush forming on her cheeks as she growled slightly at him alert kicking in.

He noticed her discomfort and smirked "You shouldn't hide your body from me, my mate."

Her eyes widen as he grabs a cloth and begins to wipe away the blood on her face. "..I can do it myself....can you wait outside till I'm finished? I don't like having someone watch me bathe." She hissed out, the stammer in her tone proved how akward it was for her.

He growled lowly before getting up and storming out, the bathroom door shutting behind him.

"Five minutes only then I'm coming in." He shouted from behind the door. She gasped quickly scrubbing herself down till her skin was smooth and her hair clean.

She then wrapped herself in a towel before stepping out. Her cheeks stained a bright pink, "Where's my clothes..?

He smirked " love we're mates now, you don't need them."

Her eyes widen with horror as her gaze trails to his hand which is holding her sleepwear.

"Give them back Omkara!" She snarls. A devious glint forms in his eyes as he holds her clothes high up in the air, "You have to come and get it."

"You egotistical jerk!!!!" She shouted in fury, she clutched her towel tightly around her with one hand, the other reaching out to grab her clothes from his hands.

She jumped numerous time, him enjoying ever second. Standing at 5 foot, it was almost impossible to reach her clothes when he was like a giant to her.

He laughed teasingly, she lowered her head and gritted her teeth. With clenched fists her body shook with anger. She had enough of his perverted ways!!!!

Growling, she stepped forward glaring up at him before slamming her leg upward. His face paled, a yelp and snarl escaping his lips as he fell to his knees in front of her. She smirked grasping her clothes from his hands then happily skipped into the bathroom "I'll take that... thank you very much." She exclaimed before slamming the bathroom door shut and locked it.

He then clutched his 'area' in pain.

Pulling on her clothes she then exited back out, huffing she grasped a pillow and prepared to leave the bedroom.
"Where are you going?" He snarled out.
She turned, "To sleep elsewhere, somewhere where you aren't."She hissed out a scowl on her face

He growled "You're my mate, you sleep with me in my bed, in my room!"

"I told you I'm not owned by anyone...besides you bit me without my consent." She huffed turning to leave. He growled, she growled back. They stared at each other for a few minutes with narrowed eyes.

"Fine. You sleep in here...I'll sleep in one of the guest bedrooms." He huffed grasping the pillow out of her hands.

She smiled, "Fine with me!" And she instantly slipped into the bed. Cuddling under the covers she watched as he walked out. "Night, Gauri ." He replied before shutting the door behind him.

She sighed closing her eyes, "Night."

A scream echoed through the halls, Omkara  stood over the crying girl. Her face contorted with fear as she twisted and turned, her nails dug into the sheets and her fangs were bared.

He growled grasping her arms firmly, "Gauri ...wake up!" His alpha voice reached her wolf as she gasped awake, her eyes wide as she ran a shaking hand through her hair. "You were having a nightmare again Gauri ." He replied.

She sighs "I'm sorry I woke you up...Omkara ?"
"Hmm?" He asked glancing at her as he made sure she was okay before turning to leave.

"Can you stay till I fall asleep?" She muttered out embarrassed.

He raised a brow, "I thought I was the egotistical jerk?" She rolled her eyes, "You still are."

He went to lay on the bed next to her but she shook her head pointing to the ground. "Not on the bed,
you're sleeping on the ground." She replied.

He growled, "This is my room you know."
"Fine, but don't you dare try anything..." She hissed before allowing him to lay next to her on the king bed.
She clenched the blanket closer around her and moved slightly closer to him as the wind howled outside, and tree branches whacked the large windows.

He smiled as she soon was laying curled up against him her cheeks heating up as she muttered, "This means nothing alright...I still hate you."

He nodded, "You love me."

She growled looking at him, "As if."

"Say whatever you want, Gauri . But I can practically feel your emotions from our bond."

She growled, "Well you can say hello to your new buddy the floor."

Sure enough he was growling and laying on the floor in a blink of an eye. She smiled laying against the pillow,tired she fell asleep instantly.

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