Chappy one

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Town after town was terrorised , it has been razed down completely. The screams chorused throughout the midnight sky as the smoke clouded the last village , casting a shadow over the small community of people , humans precisely. Everything was so dark ....The light only was seen was the flames lapping at the wood of several houses . It's was sigh that the troop man had come .

The smell of the death lingered in the air , there were laying lifeless corpses which once were people , laid staring up at the darkened sky . Pain and shock was evident on their faces as if they were telling that this shouldn't been like this but it was too late .

While you thought that was heart wrenching, you can see the abandon children's were crying for the loved one , not knowing that they would never return .There was an awful, fearful stench that was emitted by people of the village.

It's was the fifth raid that they'd done so far but this seems to be the worst one of all . The guard has become truly merciless and impatient hostile . This was the first time that we have seen them killed many . They have become truly monster now . It's has been a true nightmare for the villagers , fearing of giving birth to girls instead of boys .

The guard searched the last row of houses , they were flocking around the last house as if they knew that their target was so they wasted no time to knock the door . A few guards stormed inside and their glowing eyes was automatically started to search for the girl . The girl ...The special girl who their crown prince specially ordered to retrieve but she was nowhere to found causing the guards to grow restless . One of the guards eyes snapped towards to old woman and her son who was cowered in the corner . Tears was filled on his eyes which anger on her sons eyes .

The son pushed the mother behind him when he saw the guards marching towards them . "Where's the girl?" the guard asked .

"It's just me and mother" the son replied .

"Don't lie!" The guard bellowed and did a quick signal with his hand , motioning the other guards to grab the woman and the son away and search the entire house . Two guards gripped the man , holding his arm tightly while the lead guard stepped forward , eyed him before he yanked his mother up and onto her feet .

"I'm asking for the one last time , where is the girl?!" the lead guard asked .

The son wrestled against the guards as his mother gasped out as the leader were gripping her by her throat . Tears swelled up as she was choking , but she spat at the guards and said "go to hell!"
He growled and wiped the spit of his cheek before flinging the old woman onto the floor , his arms was drawing back to hit her but before he could do there was a loud rustling from beneath the wooden floor boards and then a hatch lifted only to reveal a beautiful amber eyes .

The eighteen year old maiden made her way out of the hatch , her eyes were full of fear and concern as her eyes landed on her mother and brother . "Please, don't hurt them ...I...I'll come with you." she said. She sucked in her breath and walked over the guards , as her expression was showing that she was in fear but she tried to look strong for her loved ones . Her brother keeps trying to get out of the guards grip but he couldn't as they tightened their grip and narrowed his eyes on the girl . Their eyes then shifted to their leader to heed his command .

"Gauri! No! You're staying with us ! I won't let these b@stard take you!" Her beloved brother shouted , thrashing against the guards who continued to restrained him .

The sight of it , cause tears swim in her eyes but she looked away and quickly steadied her breathing . Her mother's cries were filling her ears . "Let them go , I'll come with you." She begged again . The lead guard looked at her and then nodded the other guards who was holding her mother and brother . Immediately both them was shoved on the floor .
Gauri was able to give her family one last glance before the guards dragged her by her neck and forced outside where her ear was filled with by the mourn of the families who also been torn around her .

A strained scream left her mouth when she realised what they were doing . One guard held a torch while another guard coated her house on alcohol , then without any hesitation another guard torched lighted her house on fire . She screamed , struggled against the guards as the fire roared and began to eat her house . Their eyes lacked empathy when they left her family burned inside . Tears started rolling down from her eyes as she shoved away from the guards as they were trying to tow her inside the awaiting truck .
"Ma! Bhaiya!" She cried out and raced forward , her legs were running as fast as she could towards the burning house .  Despite her hand was shaking profusely , she began tearing the untouched wood .
"No ! No ! Please save them ! Please!"  She pleaded , her shrill cries weakened as the guard gripped her away and dragged her away .

The familiar sensation boring onto her neck , made her wildly look around , tears straining her beautiful face . Before she was loaded into the enormous truck , she caught a glimpse of blue eyes who was watching from the woods that surround her small village .

"You're so gorgeous, the king will definitely pleased with you" one of the guard smirked ,giving her once over while her eyes still lingered to the familiar blue eyes but in a blink of her eyes , it was gone . It's brought her to the reality that she was shoved in the back of the truck and the doors was slammed shut in her face leaving her and other young maidens in nothing but darkness .


Gauri POV

I awoke .

The sound of laughter dragging me out from the unconscious as my eyes slowly fluttered open . Out of sheer of confusion and fears I began to glance around . For some reason I feel like my head is going to explode as I pressed a thumb against my throbbing temple , rubbing it gently trying to ease the pain . Then it hit me , I'm not at home .
This place was way too spacious and way too cold to be  home . There was no smell of my mother's fresh baked roti or no familiar sound of my mother's humming as she prepare the food .

Instead my back was pressed against a soft cushion which smelled like vanilla , then I meet the sight of while marble floor , white pillars , white ceilings ...everything was in white .  This place is not my home , this is the palace ...The kings palace.

I sat up and watched silently as I could see the girls were running here and there with face full of make up and throwing on dresses. Their hand were clutching gold and silver jewelleries as they giggled . Their smile is were turning into vicious and greedy . Their eyes were glazed by the sight of the affluent which they've never had chance to lay their eyes or hand before . Trust me , that is the same look I had .

Suddenly a guard came and told us to get dressed , be ready as some of us will be chosen by the direwolf princes . One of the girl mumbled and pushed of the wall to then sit beside me "isn't it crazy?"

Fear and shock were busted on my face as I looked at her . "The.Di..Dire...Wolf?" I gulped as my voice trembled slightly . Since young we were told by the tales of  direwolf . We were always fear of them because none them was good . They were described as a scary monster , heartless and full of evil but none has seen them in person as some said if you did it will the last sight that you'll ever see . Which seemed true as no one lived to tell us how they looked like .

Another girl approached us and nodded "yes the direwolfes but as I heard this raid was unlike the others as this the final year . The fifth and last raid apparently the guards think that the new batch of women's , I mean us are promising,  but I don't think  so . I mean just look at these girls , they must be crazy . Then the girl paused for a second then lowered her voice into a whisper "come on we have to meet with Mrunaal. She had found a way out . Oh right , I'm Ishani by the way and that's Asha" she said with smile while pointing at the girl who was sitting beside me . I nod as I hesitantly stand with my hand still gripping onto my head "I'm Gauri"

"Are you okay ?" Ishani raises a brow at me , her eyes were focused on my head .

"Yeah my eyes hurt , that's all"  i wince as I started to rub my temple again .

"That's because you hit pretty hard when you tried to  escape the truck not long ago" Asha muttered and winder with me but turned away motioned us to follow her . "Let's go before the guard comes back"

We all seemed to such in breath at the same time and hurried past the other girls into the next room where a girl stood by an open window . It's looks like she was just finish tying the sheets together. Ishani coughed a bit , announcing our presence , which caused a girl named Mrunaal to look our way "hey it's all set"

Her dark brown eyes were flared in determination as she then turned away from us and throw the rope made of sheets out of the window . She held it tightly as she tied it to the metal post (bed leg) . She then glanced at us and said "we don't have much time , let's go"

Ishani went first followed by Asha, Mrunaal and then me . I clung desperately onto the sheets , my body were tense at first before I slid down the smooth fabric . I kept my eyes closed till my bare feet hit the grass . Thankfully when I opened my eyes , Mrunaal and Asha quickly motioned me and Ishani over the woods . Then , that's when we heard it . Those loud angry roar which cause the ground to shake . The kind of roar which can echoed forever in my mind and haunt my dreams at night .
Startled , wet gasped and we didn't hesitate for a second to run through the endless woods that seems to surround the place like a group of frightened deers .

"Get off me!" Ishani shouted angrily from the side of me , her voice were slowly fading as we all stopped to look around for her in hope to save her but we came to find more horrible news , we were surrounded by huge numbers of guards who is currently growling and glaring at us . Shit! They had found in matter of seconds. That's it ! We all were cuffed and brought back to the palace . No matter how much we fight against the guards , it was no use . Their amount of strength was far beyond our capabilities.

"Let us go!"

Mrunaal continued to struggle as we were brought back to the palace to the unfamiliar room . My eyes landed on the throne and then on the King and Queen who was sitting on the gold chair in front of us.  Their eyes felt like they were piercing into my soul .

They must be the King and Queen of direwolf , the parent of the four direwolf prince's . The one who ordered the raid . All of sudden , anger and sorrow but a my heart but I refrain myself from lashing out as the king growled at us from his throne . The sound was animalistic yet powerful. I never heard such before .

"These are the girl who tried to escape?"

Each of the guards who was holding us , bowed in synced and replied .

"Yes , our king"

The kings eyes scanned us over as his wife stuck beside him , whispering something to his ears . He looked at her for a spilt moment , nodded before barking out another command causing all of us jump and stiffen . Even the guards felt the same .

"Get four of them dressed and bring into ball room with other humans girls . My sons will be there shortly , keep good eye on these four . They amuse me"

He smirked and left with his queen .

Our eyes widened .

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