Chapter 7

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The time seem to be slower than before, as Kelly cleans the animatronics. She was waiting for the other girls to come, since it was their job. Yet she didn't even know if anyone would want to come. She couldn't help but think negatively. Her heart was heavy, with pain from betrayal. She thought her friends would agree with her, but she was wrong.

"Kelly why did you lie to Marissa?" Katie questions her, as they were all outside the room.

"Marissa is obviously their target." Kelly says. "Dylan is one of them. We can't let him have her."

"If you forgotten he saved Marissa's life." Brittany says, frowning at Kelly.

"So? He wants her! We can't trust him." Kelly argues. "Remember it was his idea to go grab something? I think he was just hoping Marissa would go with him."

"Kelly he gave us the Freddy heads to protect us. He brought them before our shift started." Bianca says.

"Maybe Kelly's right." All the girls look at Raegan. "I don't trust him, he seems to want Marissa little to much."

"That's true, but we need him. He basically controls them!" Katie states. "Marissa would do anything to protect us."

"So you're thinking of yourself more then Marissa?" Kelly snaps.

"I never said that!"

"It sure sounded like it!"

Both girls glare at each other, as the rest looked uneasy. "Katie, I will never let Marissa work the night shift again. That's final."

"We'll see about that. Marissa doesn't need us to protect her, she's a big girl who can handle herself." Katie says. "You may think you're protecting her, but you're just holding her back."

"That's not true!" Kelly snaps. "Marissa is fragile! She needs me, and you guys too!"

"Kelly you sound like a protective mother." Brittany says. "Marissa always smiles, even when she's in pain. She comes to us when she believe she truly needs us. Let her grow on her own."

"You know what- forget you guys! I will never let those things hurt Marissa! We are to keep her from it! Unless you risk your guys friendship."

Kelly finished cleaning early by herself, and sat down at a table. She knew the girls didn't want to see each other. She knew Dylan wasn't gonna help them, as long as Marissa was gone that is. She would have to wait patiently, for the girls, slightly scared from being alone.

"So Goldie, you seem a little on edge." The puppet speaks to the human boy, watching the girl from the shadows.

"Don't call me that." The golden hair boy glares at him. "That's not my name."

"Oh is it Dylan then?" He tenses up, then looks to his feet. "Thought so. You care for that girl and it has blinded you. Tonight we are going all out. I expect you to join."

With that the puppet walks off into the darkness of halls, annoyed by the animatronic male. He was thinking of a girl, rather then their main objective.

"You're a meanie, Puppy." The Puppet looked to Bella, who was smirking. "I can't wait to kill them tonight."

"I still don't understand why you do it." He glared at her. "I don't believe your a lost soul."

"I'm not." She shrugs. "I was downloaded with a personality, and absorb from what's around me." The Puppet didn't believe her, and he walked past her.

"K-Kill...." Bella grins, looking to the girls out of their field of vision. "They will be mine tonight."

"I really don't want to do this job...." Kelly says in the chair, but was ignored by everyone expect Brittany.

"Me either, but that f*cken contract states we can't quit, and you don't have to be here." She says, looking at Kelly.

"I can't leave knowing my friends are in danger."

"And you can't tell the difference when ones not in danger." Raegan mutters, earning a glare from Kelly.

"Let's just focus on surviving the night ok? I don't want to have to deal with-" Bianca began before screaming, catching everyone's attention. All the girls froze seeing Bella, standing at the edge of the door.

"You all are to easy." Bella looks up at them, grinning. Yet before anyone could react, Bianca did the unthinkable. She threw the flashlight at Bella's head, then ran down the hallway.

Bella growled looking at Bianca, chasing after her. Kelly gasps, and gets up to run after her only to be snatched by the vent. Kelly screams as Toy Bonnie begins to drag her in quickly.

"Kelly!" Brittany, Katie, and Raegan grab her arms, trying to pull her back in.

"Help! Please guys!" Kelly yells, trying to kick the animatronic off her leg.

"H-Hang on!" Brittany yells, but Kelly was slipping from their grasp.

"Kelly!" The three girls are sent flying back, as Kelly is dragged into the vent.

All three girls where panicking on the inside, unsure what to do at this point. It was like everything they knew was thrown out the window. Katie got up checking the cameras, noticing that everyone was missing in the cameras view. Where could they have been? She pondered as she failed to notice the front door open.

Bianca could only focus on running, her legs begged for a break yet she refused too. She could hear Bella's footsteps after her, the evil animatronics laughter echoing around her. She made a quick turn to the right, running into a room wear the music box was. Bianca panted, making a quick move by jumping over the counter hiding down under it. She held her breath, hearing Bella's footsteps enter the room quietly.

"Oh you came in here? It'll be easy to find you...." Bianca listened, slowly peaking to her left. She saw part of Bella's leg facing where the box was. She knew she had to make a attempt to make it to the door again.

Bianca heard a soft creak, yet heard a knew voice. Someone she hadn't heard yet.

"What are you doing in my room?" The deep screechy voice sent chills down Bianca's spine. She remembered the phone call, reminding them about the music box. Whatever owned that voice, must be what they haven't seen yet.

"My toy ran away. She's in here." Bianca gets on her knees, slowly crawling as she heard Bella take a few steps forward. "Does this mean I'm not allowed in here?"

"If they catch me on camera then I'll kill you." Bianca, peaks over keeping her head down slightly. She saw Bella's back to her, and a long black slick legs. She let her gaze go up, seeing the white mask of the puppet. His white pupils stayed on Bella, as Bella kept her back to Bianca.

"Oh really? That's hurtful....Puppy, I thought we had a bond." She giggled, as Bianca slowly crawls for the exit.

"We don't, I don't trust you." Bianca slowly makes it to the exit, and slowly kept crawling looking back. She saw the Puppets eyes catch hers for a quick moment. Bianca froze, as she Bella shifted slightly about to look back.

"What are you-" Bella was interrupted by the Puppet's hand snatching her neck. He threw her across the room, his glowing eyes stayed on Bianca.

"Run little pest, I only helping you cause I hate her." Bianca scrambled to her feet, running for her very life, Puppet's gaze went back to Bella.

Bella chuckled getting up from behind the counter, her black pupils on Puppet.

"That was a mistake Puppet, I will get revenge. Don't think I w-won't....that girl....she...w-will....." Puppet smirks, watching the animatronic voices crack. "Die...."

Bianca ran but stopped hearing the struggles of one of someone. She looks down the hall, keeping herself out of sight when she saw a struggling Kelly against Toy Bonnie's grip. She wanted to get her, but she didn't know how she could help. She follows them into the service parts room, praying no one else was there.

"Put me down! You can't do this! Please!" Kelly screams were increasing, as he forces her to face the empty new suit. This suit was different from the others, the parts were much shiner but almost like Bella's. Yet, it had no color expect white and purple.

"Yes we can~ Y-You don't have Marissa...She can't save you now...."

Bianca looks around before grabbing a spare Freddy's head, and approaches Toy Bonnie from behind. She brought the head up, about to smack it down.

"I don't think so." Toy Bonnie turned fast, grabbing her wrist grinning. "Now now, you think I didn't hear you before?"

Bianca froze as her light brown eyes met the emerald green ones of Toy Bonnie. She shook, her breathing faster then before. Toy Bonnie easily picks her up, forcing her towards the new costume.

"No! Bianca!" Kelly grabs his arm, trying to pull him back. Bianca screams and squirms trying to escape the animatronics grip. The world she knew, turn black as all she remembered left was the opening of the suit.

"Do you think their ok?" Brittany asks, as the cameras had gone off line. They weren't working, strange but they weren't showing anyone moving. As if they were in animatronics same places.

"Yeah, I'm sure they are ok." Katie tries to reassure the girls, yet fails with reassuring herself.

"They are tough cookies." Raegan says, trying to be positive as well.

" come no one is out? I haven't seen anyone expect Bella and Toy Bonnie-" Brittany felt a breath touch her neck, she turns fast trying to step backwards. The golden eye of Foxy where inches from hers, as his hook swung into her shirt.

"Th-There be me he-here lady." Brittany went to punch the animatronic, yet her first was grabbed. Her breathe hitched as he held it, and suddenly flashlight hit him in the head.

"Hey Foxy! Leave her alone!" Katie yells, going to grab another flashlight to throw. Foxy puts Brittany in front of her, keeping his hook to her neck.

"Now Lassy, you wouldn't want me killing the Las w-would you?" The girls stared at Foxy, then look to Brittany with a fearful look.

"Exactly, now goodbye Lassies." He began to walk backwards, and Brittany tried struggling without cutting her neck.

"Help! Guys! Help!" She reaches out to them, yet all they good due was watch her be dragged away.

"God help us....." Katie whispered, staring down the now empty hall.

One, two, three. One, two, three. One-

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