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Hi Guys I'm back...
Some of my Tellyupdate readers demand for epilogue so I'm writing...well I'm sad that my watty readers didn't demand it...and they haven't vote on that...but still I'm writing...so let's start...!!!




Swara was sitting on Bed and was happily seeing moon from her window...she has covered herself with a thin satin sheet and why not as recently they made love to each other passionately...

***Swara's POV***

Life so unpredictable I never have ever thought in my dreams that I'll become a human being...

My life was so simple in my kingdom me Dad and some friends...but suddenly everything changed...

Sometimes I think if I ever hadn't run from my kingdom what would have my life than...probably I would have died due to that Parvati witch...

Or Dad would have make me married to some merman...and I would have leading my life sadly...I'm so lucky I got Sanskaar...as my life partner...

He is so understanding...I wish every girl get a life partner like him...I clearly remembered how he took care of me...like a baby,..never leave me alone...when I even lost myself confidence he was there to make me feel save and protected...

I remember when I turn into human from Mermaid...I was not able to walk...as I'm not having a habit to walk...that time Sanskaar...was the one who always lifts me in his arms making me feel blush and blessed seeing his love and care towards me...

Sometimes all people taunts me...that I can't walk properly...I have remembered clearly what happened on royal ball when we were going to get engaged how I stumbled and fell down in floor...

While crowd was laughing at me...but then...than Sanskaar came and lifts me...he makes me sit on stage..

When some lady not lady a girl says Sanskaar to leave this Mermaid girl and marry her...as she is more pretty and elegant... I was in tears that time...I was about to go but he held my hand...and nodes in No...

But what he said to that girl and whole crowd makes me feel more blessed and happy as well as proud...whole crowd was ashamed at there behaviour...I have remembered his those words yet...

"Who are you to insult my would be Wife...My Love...My Life
You have no rights to interfere in my matters and you better stay out of it...and what you all were saying that she can't walk properly...so what's the big deal...
You know when a newly born child started to learn walk...My Swara is like that baby...and I'm so lucky..in fact I'm more lucky than anyone else as I'm the one who is gonna make her learn how to walk...
And I don't have any problem...I have heard that a baby can never forget that Person who make her learn how to walk...and I'm glad I'm that person in my Swara's life who is gonna make her learn this...
So what's the big deal...and if she wasn't able to walk...I'll happily carry her in my arms through out my whole life always...
And what you said that you are more pretty than her...then let me tell you her heart in much more prettier and innocent then your black and greedy heart...who just want my wealth...
Princess you are most precious in my life never ever think your self as a burden on me...I have loved you when you was a Mermaid...
And now you are a human...this doesn't mean my love for you have decreased as you can't walk properly...in fact I think with each passing time my love for you has increased numerous times...

That time was the best moment of my life...whenever I see him...I always becomes more happy and feel blessed to have him in my life...

After our engagement as he said...he make me to learn how to walk...whenever I was about to fall he holds me...he fullfilled his all promises...

After becoming human I thought I lost my powers but it was not true...I still have my powers...but now they are grown...whenever I feel sad or cry it started to rain...and when I feel happy the flowers bloom so fastly as if it's a spring season..

After coming here I miss Papa so much...but still I can talk to her...even I go to meet him when we got married in same rock...Now you all must be thinking how he got to know that I'm going to meet him...

Simple telepathy...you know it's also one of my powers which I discovered when I came here..one day I was missing Papa and crying...

I wish silently to talk to him and suddenly I heard him...that time I got to know it's telepathy...and one of my powers....no one has yet know about my powers in kingdom as Sanskaar said it will be dangerous if anyone come to know...so I don't use them oftenly...

It has been one month since we are married but still Sanskaar's passion to made love with me is not less in fact each time when he loves me...my soul becomes wet in his LOVE like flowers becomes wet in rain and after rain they look new...


***POV END***

As Swara was lost in her thoughts...suddenly she felt two arms around her waist...and she knows very well who it is..

Swara(slowly) : sansk...Sanskaar.....

Sanskaar(smiles and snuggling himself in her neck from back) : yes princess

Swara(turns towards him and said lovingly seeing in his eyes) : I LOVE YOU

Sanskaar turns her towards himself and observes kneely her expressions..

Sanskaar(pulls her more towards him and said thinkingly) ; well I think today is something special as you said me I LOVE YOU...which you don't said  always...

Swara put her arms around his neck and pulls him towards her more...making him shocked at her wife bold nature...

Sanskaar(naughtily) : I think your intentions are not good dear wife...

Swara(Said in his ear huskily and touched his nose with hers) : correct my prince my intentions are not good...in face they are very bad...

Sanskaar(pulling her more close and says naughtily) ; hmmm but I like these intentions...

Swara slowly puts her lips on Sanskaar's and started to chew his lips like a gum...he also respond to her kiss with equal passion...

Ho.. sun saathiya maahiya
Barsa de ishqa ki syahiyaan

Both were kissing each other smoothly yet passionately...both were showing love of there life to each other...he was sucking her lower lip while she was sucking his upper lip...
While kissing he lifts her in his arms and moves towards bed...he makes her ly on bed...Soon both broke the kiss and Sanskaar rest his head on her forhead...while she caress his chest with her fingers making him groan in pleasure...


Sanskaar(says smilingly) : so this is the special occasion...

Swara(smiles) : yes it is...

Sanskaar(naughtily smirks) : so shouldn't we eat something sweet to celeberate it...

Swara(innocently) : yah right...ok get aside I'll go and get some sweet from kitchen...

Sanskaar(smirks) : no need to go in kitchen I can eat my sweet here...

Swara(confusedly) : so where is sweet...

Sanskaar(naughtily) : here infront of me...

Rang jaaun, rang rang jaaun ri, haari main

Before she could understand...he placed his rough lips on her pink glosy lips and this time it was a hard kiss...they were widely kissing each other...and during kiss he open the knot of satin sheet which she has wrapped around herself...

Tujhpe main jhar jhar jhar jaaun
Hoon piya bas teri main

During the kiss Swara suddenly feels chill air striking with her body making her shiver and she realised she is nude...she pulls Sanskaar more towards herself in order to cover herself...

Ho chhu le toh khari main
(Toh khari main khari main…)

Sanskaar's hands were shamelessly caressing her body parts smoothly with love and passion...his hand reach to her asesst and pinched it...making her moan in pleasure...

Ho.. sun saathiya maahiya
Barsa de ishqa ki syahiyaan

Taking it as an opportunity he enters his tounge inside her mouth and explore it fully...while she gives him all time to explore it...

Main ret si, boond ka zariya tu
Paa ke tujhe bheeg jaaun re

Soon both broke the kiss and rests there head on each other's forehead...
Swar being shy hugged Sanskaar while  he caressed her back sensounly making her feel pleasures and shivers...

Main ret si, boond ka zariya tu
Paa ke tujhe bheeg jaaun ri

Soon he broke the hug and sees in her eyes...both of there eyes were showing immense love for each other...both were fully drowned in each other...there bodies were feeling each other's warmth and reacting on there closness...

Sanskaar(says huskily in her ear) : I love you

His hands travel down to her body and started to massage her private parts...

Swara(moans his name slowly) : San...Sanskaar...

Tar jaaun tar tar jaaun
Dariya ye tar jaaun jee

He travel sweet kisses from her ear to her neck...to her collarbone then move towards her right shoulder...A slow moan from her mouth feeling the intense kisses on her bare skin...

Ishq ye paake main tera
Nikhar jaaun ri…

His hands were roaming on her bare waist...giving her new vibes of sensation...and making her more and more restless with each passing second...

Piya bas teri main...

His kisses were giving her new feelings of sansations...her hands moves to his bare shoulders...she was fully lost in him...and he...he was showering his all love on her...showing her his special place in his heart...in his life...

Ho.. chhu le toh khari main
toh khari main khari main…

Soon the whole room was filled with there moans...and both we're showing there passion to each other...both were happily making love to each other...celeberationg there happy married life...

Ho.. sun saathiya maahiya
Barsa de ishqa ki syahiyaan

Moon and starts were the witness of there Magical moments...creating beautiful senses by twinkling again and aging...

***Next Morning***

Both were sleeping in each other's embrace with a blessed smile...both were looking like perfect body...and why not after all when there soul is one then there bodies are also one...

Soon Sun rays peaks through Windows and fall on our heavenly couple making them stir in there sleep...Sanskaar nuzzles his face more in Swara's chest and Swara...she also wakes up due to his hubby movements...

She open his eyes and skilled seeing his naughty hubby sleeping like an innocent baby hugging her possesively...she smiles and packs his forhead making him smile in his sleep and pull Swara more closed to him...

Soon Swara frees herself and wa a. about to get up but he holds her hand and again pulls her in him and pins her to bed by rolling on her...

Sanskaar(pulls her towards himself and nuzzles in her neck) : where are you going???

Swara(smiles) : to get freshn up...we have to go down so now leave me...

Sanskaar(naughtily) : Ohh so you wanna freshen up...

Swara(smles) : yes...

Sanskaar(smirks) : I have one idea...why not to get freshnup together...I mean it will save our time and water too...

Swara(nodes in No knowing his intentions) : no...I know what you wanna do in behind bath...I'll take bath alone now leave me...

Sanakaar(naughtily) : well dear wife you don't have any choice rather than accepting my demand...so stay quite and let me do what I wanna do...

Swara(nodes in No strictly) : no Sanskaar please...

Sanskaar(pouts) : how untomantic you are Swara...today is our one month Aniversery and you are behaving like this with your hubby go...(fake anger and turns towards other side relasing her)I'll not talk to you...

He leaves Swara and turns to other side...Swara feels bad for making Sanskaar upset on there one month aniversary...she sees his back and than hugs him from back...

Swara(hugging him from back and smiles) : ok my dear hubby let's take bath..as we are getting late to go down..

Sanskaar jerks her hands and stays still making Swara more sad...she thinks something and gets up...as she know how to make her hubby do what she wants...

She gets up from bed covering herself and started to walk...suddenly she shouts in pain as she was not able to walk due to last night session...

Swara(shouts) : ahhh

Listening to Swara's shout...Sanskaar turns and see Swara winching in pain and unable to walk....he immdiately run towards her and lifts her in his arms...showing his concern and anger too...

He takes her inside washroom and makes her sit on slab...after filling warmth water in bathing place...he gently makes her sit in water...he turns around and was about to go...but she pulls him making him falls in water too...

He stares at her angrily and she gives an innocent pout...making him melt...but stays still...and sits with her crossing his hands on his chest totally silent...

Now this was it for Swara she goes towards him and hug him...she started to cry...making Sanskaar concern...

Sanskaar(cups her face) : Shona...what happened... princess why are you crying???.

Swara(teary eyed and sad) : because you are not talking to me...I'm...I'm sorry please don't ignore me...I...

Sanskaar(wipe her tears and hugs her) : shhh princess I was just kidding...please don't cry...

Swara(innocently and looking cute baby) : it means you are not angry on me???

Sanskaar(smiles seeing her innocence) : no..

Swara(asks cutely) : sachi(Really)

Sanskaar(replies happily) : muchi(really)

He place a peck on her forhead and soon they both indulge in there romantic bath...


***AT Dinning Area***

Dp and Ap both were waiting for there son and daughter in law...soon they saw them coming holding each other's hand making them smile and bless them silently...

As both sat on tasble and started to have food...but Swara was making faces...seeing food...Sanskaar observes this and asks her the matter...

Sanskaar(asks her) : Swara why are you not eating...don't you like food... it's your favourite dish...

Swara(makes faces) : no...I don't wanna eat it...

Sanskaar(asks smilingly) : ok princess tell me what you wanna eat...I'll say cook to make that for you...

Swara(happy and excited) : really...

Sanskaar(smiles) : yes...now tell what you want to eat...

Swara(happily tells dishes name) : ok....then I want jalebhi rice pudding...and chicken biryani....with raita...

Sanskaar(shocked) : Swara you will eat this much...

Swara(pouts) : so what...I'm hungry...I wanna eat it...

Sanskaar(assures) : ok...don't get angry,..

He soon orders the book to make data food for Swara...as Soon as Swara sees food she starts to feel dizzy and was feeling like puking...

She immdiately gets up from chair and runs towards room making all worried...and follow her...

As they reached in room...Sanskaar goes towards washroom and knocks the door...but he didn't get any reply...on not getting reply he broke the door and was shocked seeing unconscious Swara lying on floor...

He lifts her in his arms and makes her ly on bed...soon he tell a servant to call Raj_Vedh(Doctor)

So and So also stays there worriedly...soon a lady came and checks Swara...she declares that Swara is pregnant...making all happy...

So and Dp left from there to give Swasan space so they can talk...spoon Swara open her eyes and sees a happy Sanskaar...

As soon as Swara open her eye Sanskaar hugs her making her confused but yet hug him back...

Sanskaar(happy and cups her face says all this lovingly) : Swara today you have given me the most precious gift of life...I can't thank you enough Swara...

Swara(confused) : what are you saying Sanskaar...I'm unable to understand...

Sanskaar(holds her from shoulders and said excitedly) : Swara we are going to be Parents...yes Swara you are pregnant I can't express my happiness in words...

Swara(happy and teary eyed due to this much happiness) : really Sanskaar...I'm...I'm pregnant...I...

She place her hand on her tummy and Sanskaar also place his hand on her hand...both smiles and soon Sanskaar locks her lips with his lips...and now they both start there new life with so much love...


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