the mother-prologue

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Fading from from the dark to the light she sees a small music box as it begins to play by itself without the need of her turning the crank, the sweet melody was very calming and made her tired...only to become alarmed as a big dark hand with long fingers grab the music box before she wakes up with a startle.

The young child named six has awoken from her sleep finding herself laying in a box. Oh...Right, she had fallen asleep in this after a long period of running.
Pulling herself out of the box she takes in her surroundings, shes in the woods with nothing but the clothes on her back. Her attempts to climb out of the box only made the box tip over and her falling out slightly rolling down the small hill.
She is not having the best of days...but its better then being chased by a beast, she stands up after a moment of laying in the grass and starts to walk.

Where will she go now? She can already feel her stomach twist from lack of food, just the thought of freshly baked bread makes her mouth water....wait. She actually smells bread. Wheres that coming from?
The young child follows the smell to a house that is covered in broken windows and (f/c) (favorite color) paint thats chipping and fading away to show dark wood underneath. She climbs over knocked over boxes and a trashcan to peek through a broken window.

Inside stands a creature. Taller then the doorframe that leads to another room in the house and as thin as a twig, their face was covered by long (h/c) hair that has many split ends and dead from root to ends. six cant even see its face as its facing away from her but she can also vividly see a hand thats black, like its hands was dipped in pure black paint with long fingers and sharp nails putting down a loaf of bread beside it.

Six was no longer paying attention to the monster in the house anymore. Her stomach growls and she holds her stomach in pain, she cant go any further without something to eat or she will surely die. She will have to take the chance, she waits for the tall creature to leave before she starts to climb in.
She winced in pain trying not to make any sort of noise as she had cut herself on the broken glass, leaving a small trail of a single bloody footprint as she walked to the bread thats by the stove across the kitchen.

She begins to eat off of the loaf breaking if apart piece by piece before she hears footsteps, the monster is on its way back.
As quickly as she could she hops down from the counter and runs over to hide in a small cabinet, slowly peeking out she sees the monster walk in and she can now see its face.

The womans face looks... almost normal, except she has one eye open and the other closed with a nasty scar across her lips to her chin.
The woman walks past the cabinet where six is hidden at and now she can no longer see the monster, she hears a hum from the monster and more foot steps till she sees its feet stop in front of the cabinet.

Six now realized her mistake, over the adrenaline and being blinded by her hunger she had forgotten her foot was still bleeding. She had left a trail right to her hiding space, backing away from the cabinet door she tucks herself to the corner as good as she can before long fingers pull the door open with ease and another hand reaches in to grab her.

Six attempts to avoid the hand was of no use, she had been caught and was pulled out of the cabinet to face the monstrous woman who had six in her grasp...

((Ive been trying to post this for months and wattpad would not let me for some reason))

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